DeSantis Publicly Takes President To The Woodshed: 'Until You Secure The Border & Stop Importing COVID-19 I Don't Want To Hear Anything From You!'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
WATCH: DeSantis speaks out after his epic takedown of Biden’s border and COVID policies goes viral

WATCH: DeSantis speaks out after his epic takedown of Biden’s border and COVID policies goes viral

- 'Every COVID variant on this planet' is coming through his open border

- 'Biden lectures Americans on COVID restrictions while letting largely unvetted migrants disperse across the country'

- 'Biden is off base demanding Americans follow his edicts while he allows illegal immigrants to flood in from any country they want via Mexico.'

- "This is a guy that ran for president saying he would shut down the virus. He was not going to shut down America or the economy. He would shut down the virus. Yet what is he doing? He is bringing in people from over 100 different countries across the southern border"

- "He is lecturing people about imposing COVID restrictions and lockdowns and not only doing nothing to stop the border surge but actually facilitating it on the on the other hand, he just loses all credibility when it comes to COVID."


WATCH: DeSantis speaks out after his epic takedown of Biden’s border and COVID policies goes viral

WATCH: DeSantis speaks out after his epic takedown of Biden’s border and COVID policies goes viral

- 'Every COVID variant on this planet' is coming through his open border

- 'Biden lectures Americans on COVID restrictions while letting largely unvetted migrants disperse across the country'

- 'Biden is off base demanding Americans follow his edicts while he allows illegal immigrants to flood in from any country they want via Mexico.'

- "This is a guy that ran for president saying he would shut down the virus. He was not going to shut down America or the economy. He would shut down the virus. Yet what is he doing? He is bringing in people from over 100 different countries across the southern border"

- "He is lecturing people about imposing COVID restrictions and lockdowns and not only doing nothing to stop the border surge but actually facilitating it on the on the other hand, he just loses all credibility when it comes to COVID."


I warned you DeSantis day was coming. Shame. To watch a political career flame out before it even gets started. Ronny can deflect all he wants. His ass is grass...and deep down, he knows it. The truth comes out no matter how hard to try to suppress or deflect. And I suspect the infection rate and number of people dying is much higher since I'm pretty sure DeSantis (along with several other red state governors) is fudging the state's COVID numbers. Trump is probably smiling. One more about to be swept out of the way. :)

'I don't want to hear blip about COVID from you' until you do your job and secure border'

"Biden has been widely criticized on social media over reports that illegal immigrants who are carrying the coronavirus are being released into border communities, in some cases without notifying local law enforcement.

The Biden administration has been pressed on the issue multiple times and has sidestepped the question as to why it is pushing Americans to be vaccinated while allowing unvaccinated and sick migrants into the United States."

"Gov. DeSantis takes a massive wrecking ball to Biden's absurd criticism on his handling of COVID"

"Why don’t you do your job? Why don't you get this border secure? And until you do that, I don’t wanna hear a blip about COVID from you, thank you."
- Gov DeSantis


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'I don't want to hear blip about COVID from you' until you do your job and secure border'

"Biden has been widely criticized on social media over reports that illegal immigrants who are carrying the coronavirus are being released into border communities, in some cases without notifying local law enforcement.

The Biden administration has been pressed on the issue multiple times and has sidestepped the question as to why it is pushing Americans to be vaccinated while allowing unvaccinated and sick migrants into the United States."

"Gov. DeSantis takes a massive wrecking ball to Biden's absurd criticism on his handling of COVID"

"Why don’t you do your job? Why don't you get this border secure? And until you do that, I don’t wanna hear a blip about COVID from you, thank you."
- Gov DeSantis

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No evidence whatsoever that immigrants are bringing COVID into Florida. Just another DeSantis deflection.
But don't worry, it's all catching up to him. Biden won't be the one to say boo to him. I believe his own party will
eventually force him out. This'll be fun.
"Coronavirus cases among migrants have been surging at the southern border, and in one sector the number of infected migrants recently skyrocketed almost 900%."

"Why don’t you do your job? Why don't you get this border secure? And until you do that, I don’t wanna hear a blip about COVID from you, thank you."
- Gov DeSantis
Biden-Harris have a problem. The Southern Border was overrun with immigrants once they came into office. There was no vetting of these immigrants to see that they were vaccinated or COVID free. If so, what were the numbers? It took the CDC to site a health crisis so that Biden Harris could finally shut the border down accept for minors who they say could be the victims of sex traffickers and gangs which is something they mocked Trump and Trump supporters for during the elections.
No evidence whatsoever that immigrants are bringing COVID into Florida.

Nothing more than partisan nonsense.

We know illegal aliens, by and large, aren't being tested for the virus, and there's no mechanism in place to vaccinate them.

Joe Biden can eat my shit if he thinks he can insist that I get vaccinated while he's allowing illegals to pour into our country without so much as a nasal swab...

Just another DeSantis deflection.
But don't worry, it's all catching up to him. Biden won't be the one to say boo to him. I believe his own party will
eventually force him out. This'll be fun.

DeSantis is going to own the Republican party...
"Coronavirus cases among migrants have been surging at the southern border, and in one sector the number of infected migrants recently skyrocketed almost 900%."

"Why don’t you do your job? Why don't you get this border secure? And until you do that, I don’t wanna hear a blip about COVID from you, thank you."
- Gov DeSantis
No evidence whatsoever that illegals are bringing COVID into Florida. Stop deflecting. Ronny's on the ropes.
Nothing more than partisan nonsense.

We know illegal aliens, by and large, aren't being tested for the virus, and there's no mechanism in place to vaccinate them.

Joe Biden can eat my shit if he thinks he can insist that I get vaccinated while he's allowing illegals to pour into our country without so much as a nasal swab...
Again, no evidence whatsoever illegals are bringing COVID into Florida. Honestly, your allegiance to the alt-right is downright embarrassing.
No evidence whatsoever that illegals are bringing COVID into Florida. Stop deflecting. Ronny's on the ropes.
Of course there's no evidence, but have you asked yourself why?

Because the Biden administration isn't testing anyone. I'd bet my last nickel that, if we started testing the illegal scumbags pouring into our country, you'd see a lot more cases among the vermin than you see now (which is virtually none)...
No evidence whatsoever that illegals are bringing COVID into Florida. Stop deflecting. Ronny's on the ropes.
DeSantis has nothing to lose. Many Prog media/entertainers/politicians/elites want Non Progs killed. We feel the same way. And you have not seen anyone do it to you. Yours has been documented without propaganda. If you are that superior to the Non Progs, separate yourselves from states and areas within to form a new nation.
Of course there's no evidence, but have you asked yourself why?

Because the Biden administration isn't testing anyone. I'd bet my last nickel that, if we started testing the illegal scumbags pouring into our country, you'd see a lot more cases among the vermin than you see now (which is virtually none)...
Hmm, let's see. A state with a lot of people. A lot of older people already vaccinated. The virus has nowhere to go except to move downward in age to the unvaccinated, or to the younger people that haven't been or can't get vaccinated. Introduce a new variant that spreads rapidly and is more infectious. A governor that is hell bent on becoming Trump 2.0, defiant, not caring about his constituents, ignoring the spreading pandemic, and resorting to schoolyard taunts and finally deflection to excuse not only his incompetence, but his complete lack of compassion. He only cares about running for President in 2024...Got some news for you DeSantis supporters, he's on his last legs. :)
The WH Chief Of Mis-Information Responded:

"Twenty percent of the cases we're seeing are in Florida. There are steps and precautions that can be taken, including encouraging people to get vaccinated, encouraging people to wear masks, including allowing schools to mandate masks and allowing kids to wear masks, which is not the current state of play in Florida."
- Psaki

1st Psaki 'Misinformation' Release
"Psaki appears to have partially misrepresented Florida policy – DeSantis made mask-wearing optional for Florida students but did not prohibit students from wearing masks."

"So, you know, at a certain point, leaders are going to have to choose whether they're going to follow public health guidelines or whether they're going to follow politics, And we certainly encourage all governors to follow the public health guidelines."
- Psaki

Gov DeSantis exposes Psaki's 'Disinformation campaign' intending to protect Biden from the onslaught of DeSantis' factual BEAT-DOWN of Biden over his FAILED, American Citizen-endangering Open Border-driven Failed immigration Policy:

"DeSantis' office fired back at Psaki, pointing out that the state allows parents to decide whether their children will wear masks or not, and highlighting that the governor held over 50 vaccine-specific events urging Floridians to get the shots. "
- "By dismissively ignoring Governor DeSantis’ efforts to protect vulnerable Floridians, Psaki is the one playing politics with the pandemic"

"The White House should be more concerned about the flip-flopping of the CDC, which is inadvertently promoting vaccine hesitancy with their confusing, contradictory public communications. Stating that vaccinated people should wear masks and socially distance is implying that the vaccines do not change anything, which is the wrong message for our federal government to be promoting."


I warned you DeSantis day was coming. Shame. To watch a political career flame out before it even gets started. Ronny can deflect all he wants. His ass is grass...and deep down, he knows it. The truth comes out no matter how hard to try to suppress or deflect. And I suspect the infection rate and number of people dying is much higher since I'm pretty sure DeSantis (along with several other red state governors) is fudging the state's COVID numbers. Trump is probably smiling. One more about to be swept out of the way. :)
i warned you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground...
the only denying, deflecting, and twisting to suit is from retards like you, and the scum demonRATS ruining AMERICA...pathetic, you are
The WH Chief Of Mis-Information Responded:

"Twenty percent of the cases we're seeing are in Florida. There are steps and precautions that can be taken, including encouraging people to get vaccinated, encouraging people to wear masks, including allowing schools to mandate masks and allowing kids to wear masks, which is not the current state of play in Florida."
- Psaki

1st Psaki 'Misinformation' Release
"Psaki appears to have partially misrepresented Florida policy – DeSantis made mask-wearing optional for Florida students but did not prohibit students from wearing masks."

"So, you know, at a certain point, leaders are going to have to choose whether they're going to follow public health guidelines or whether they're going to follow politics, And we certainly encourage all governors to follow the public health guidelines."
- Psaki

Gov DeSantis exposes Psaki's 'Disinformation campaign' intending to protect Biden from the onslaught of DeSantis' factual BEAT-DOWN of Biden over his FAILED, American Citizen-endangering Open Border-driven Failed immigration Policy:

"DeSantis' office fired back at Psaki, pointing out that the state allows parents to decide whether their children will wear masks or not, and highlighting that the governor held over 50 vaccine-specific events urging Floridians to get the shots. "
- "By dismissively ignoring Governor DeSantis’ efforts to protect vulnerable Floridians, Psaki is the one playing politics with the pandemic"

"The White House should be more concerned about the flip-flopping of the CDC, which is inadvertently promoting vaccine hesitancy with their confusing, contradictory public communications. Stating that vaccinated people should wear masks and socially distance is implying that the vaccines do not change anything, which is the wrong message for our federal government to be promoting."

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You can post as many mic drop pics as you'd like. There is NO evidence illegals are bringing COVID into Florida. Ronny's just desperately looking for a fight to deflect. Like his mentor.
Don't worry, like his mentor, Ronny's time is coming..soon. :)
No evidence whatsoever that immigrants are bringing COVID into Florida. Just another DeSantis deflection.
But don't worry, it's all catching up to him. Biden won't be the one to say boo to him. I believe his own party will
eventually force him out. This'll be fun.
of course there is no evidence in a delusional, denying mind....
for all others, GOD bless desantis for telling the corrupt pedophile, xiden, to go fuck ITself
WATCH: DeSantis speaks out after his epic takedown of Biden’s border and COVID policies goes viral

WATCH: DeSantis speaks out after his epic takedown of Biden’s border and COVID policies goes viral

- 'Every COVID variant on this planet' is coming through his open border

- 'Biden lectures Americans on COVID restrictions while letting largely unvetted migrants disperse across the country'

- 'Biden is off base demanding Americans follow his edicts while he allows illegal immigrants to flood in from any country they want via Mexico.'

- "This is a guy that ran for president saying he would shut down the virus. He was not going to shut down America or the economy. He would shut down the virus. Yet what is he doing? He is bringing in people from over 100 different countries across the southern border"

- "He is lecturing people about imposing COVID restrictions and lockdowns and not only doing nothing to stop the border surge but actually facilitating it on the on the other hand, he just loses all credibility when it comes to COVID."



Spits the governor with the highest number of new cases and the highest number of new deaths.

And his fans fall for his attempt to shift attention off of him and onto a Democrat.
There is massive evidence illegals are bringing the chinese flu into AMERICA, texas, florida, and all other border states..... the scum demonRATS are desperately looking for a fight to least 30% of illegals have not received the death jab...

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