DERSHOWITZ on the Statues & Antifa


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
Never a white supremacist by any means:

Alan Dershowitz warned that many of those tearing down Confederate and other statues are trying to take America down with them. "Antifa is a radical anti-American, anti-free market, communist, socialist, hard, hard left censorial organization that tries to stop speakers on campuses," the Harvard law professor emeritus told "Fox & Friends" on Tuesday. The violent anti-Trump group participated in riots responding to the violent white nationalist rally that left one dead in Charlottesville, Virginia earlier this month. The riots left statues from Confederate generals to Christopher Columbus to Abraham Lincoln defaced and in some cases torn down. Dershowitz noted that some statues put up during the ...
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I love free speech. I love i can talk shit about the govt and not get sentenced to death in the town square.
Blows my mind how people want to take that away from us.
I guess it shouldnt blow my mind. People have supported tyranny all through the ages.
I love free speech. I love i can talk shit about the govt and not get sentenced to death in the town square.
Blows my mind how people want to take that away from us.
We have become so narcissistic that we're terrified of being proven wrong, and therefore are willing to compromise our most important freedom to "beat" the "other" guy.
Never a white supremacist by any means:

Alan Dershowitz warned that many of those tearing down Confederate and other statues are trying to take America down with them. "Antifa is a radical anti-American, anti-free market, communist, socialist, hard, hard left censorial organization that tries to stop speakers on campuses," the Harvard law professor emeritus told "Fox & Friends" on Tuesday. The violent anti-Trump group participated in riots responding to the violent white nationalist rally that left one dead in Charlottesville, Virginia earlier this month. The riots left statues from Confederate generals to Christopher Columbus to Abraham Lincoln defaced and in some cases torn down. Dershowitz noted that some statues put up during the ...
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Alan's lost his mind.
Never a white supremacist by any means:

Alan Dershowitz warned that many of those tearing down Confederate and other statues are trying to take America down with them. "Antifa is a radical anti-American, anti-free market, communist, socialist, hard, hard left censorial organization that tries to stop speakers on campuses," the Harvard law professor emeritus told "Fox & Friends" on Tuesday. The violent anti-Trump group participated in riots responding to the violent white nationalist rally that left one dead in Charlottesville, Virginia earlier this month. The riots left statues from Confederate generals to Christopher Columbus to Abraham Lincoln defaced and in some cases torn down. Dershowitz noted that some statues put up during the ...
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Alan's lost his mind.

Should we remove Washington, Jefferson, Madison, every President who owned slaves from historical works?
Should we remove Washington, Jefferson, Madison, every President who owned slaves from historical works?
They will be next if we tolerate this attack on historical works of art by these insatiably vengeful Blacks and their pandering White Liberal puppies.

What these theoretical slave descendants should focus their anger on is locating the descendants of the Blacks in Africa who sold their forebears into slavery. They, the sellers, are the real villains, not the buyers. Because slavery, which originated in Africa and continues there to this day, was not thought of so negatively in the past as it is today. It was a socially acceptable practice then -- like mortgage banking is today.

It is likely that the vast majority of those Blacks who want to tear the statues down would happily have become slave owners in the Old South if the opportunity arose.

So knock it off with the statues. They are a legitimate part of this Nation's history. Leave them alone.
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Hey Antifa is going to cross some line and the nut sack kick response one of these days is going to have peoples eyeballs popping out of their heads. After that, it will be game on........I like the chances of my side!!:bye1::rock::rock:

And this statue stuff is ghey.......soon an MLK statue is gonna get pulled down by some k00k and 70 million people are gonna say, "LOL.....antifa provoked this......offuckingcourse this was going to happen!!":up:
There are no sides; there are issues, beliefs, positions and disagreement. I can condemn the KKK, NeoNazis, and Antifa actions without contradiction. I oppose authoritarian groups(.)
Never a white supremacist by any means:

Alan Dershowitz warned that many of those tearing down Confederate and other statues are trying to take America down with them. "Antifa is a radical anti-American, anti-free market, communist, socialist, hard, hard left censorial organization that tries to stop speakers on campuses," the Harvard law professor emeritus told "Fox & Friends" on Tuesday. The violent anti-Trump group participated in riots responding to the violent white nationalist rally that left one dead in Charlottesville, Virginia earlier this month. The riots left statues from Confederate generals to Christopher Columbus to Abraham Lincoln defaced and in some cases torn down. Dershowitz noted that some statues put up during the ...
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Alan's lost his mind.

Should we remove Washington, Jefferson, Madison, every President who owned slaves from historical works?
Never a white supremacist by any means:

Alan Dershowitz warned that many of those tearing down Confederate and other statues are trying to take America down with them. "Antifa is a radical anti-American, anti-free market, communist, socialist, hard, hard left censorial organization that tries to stop speakers on campuses," the Harvard law professor emeritus told "Fox & Friends" on Tuesday. The violent anti-Trump group participated in riots responding to the violent white nationalist rally that left one dead in Charlottesville, Virginia earlier this month. The riots left statues from Confederate generals to Christopher Columbus to Abraham Lincoln defaced and in some cases torn down. Dershowitz noted that some statues put up during the ...
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Alan's lost his mind.

Should we remove Washington, Jefferson, Madison, every President who owned slaves from historical works?

amazing how reality escapes them, isn't it?
It is likely that the vast majority of those Blacks who want to tear the statues down would happily have become slave owners in the Old South if the opportunity arose.

It's a proven fact they did at the first opportunity to do so. A majority would do so today if it were legal.
Dershowitz is an example of a genuine Liberal, as opposed to drooling neurotic deviants, like Jillian for instance.
Never a white supremacist by any means:

Alan Dershowitz warned that many of those tearing down Confederate and other statues are trying to take America down with them.

"Antifa is a radical anti-American, anti-free market, communist, socialist, hard, hard left censorial organization that tries to stop speakers on campuses," the Harvard law professor emeritus told "Fox & Friends" on Tuesday.

The violent anti-Trump group participated in riots responding to the violent white nationalist rally that left one dead in Charlottesville, Virginia earlier this month. The riots left statues from Confederate generals to Christopher Columbus to Abraham Lincoln defaced and in some cases torn down.

Dershowitz noted that some statues put up during the ...
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Alan's lost his mind.

Dershowitz has lost it.

Until he says something you agree with... Right?

It seems odd to me that, because you don't agree with what he said, you would say that one of the sharpest legal minds in just about any generation has "lost his mind".

I don't agree with Dershowitz as a rule, but he has, in my opinion, hit the nail on the head at times. I think this is one of those times.

What did you find so objectionable in his opinion? Perhaps I'll change my mind...
Never a white supremacist by any means:

Alan Dershowitz warned that many of those tearing down Confederate and other statues are trying to take America down with them.

"Antifa is a radical anti-American, anti-free market, communist, socialist, hard, hard left censorial organization that tries to stop speakers on campuses," the Harvard law professor emeritus told "Fox & Friends" on Tuesday.

The violent anti-Trump group participated in riots responding to the violent white nationalist rally that left one dead in Charlottesville, Virginia earlier this month. The riots left statues from Confederate generals to Christopher Columbus to Abraham Lincoln defaced and in some cases torn down.

Dershowitz noted that some statues put up during the ...
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Alan's lost his mind.

Dershowitz has lost it.

Until he says something you agree with... Right?

It seems odd to me that, because you don't agree with what he said, you would say that one of the sharpest legal minds in just about any generation has "lost his mind".

I don't agree with Dershowitz as a rule, but he has, in my opinion, hit the nail on the head at times. I think this is one of those times.

What did you find so objectionable in his opinion? Perhaps I'll change my mind...

no. I disagree with Dershowitz a lot.

however lately he's said absurd things that have made it look like he was bought by Donald trump.

so yes, he's lost his mind. and using him to somehow forgive white supremacy is a typical thing anti-semites do when they want to make it seem like their anti-semitism isn't too bad. and no I am not saying you're one. I'm speaking generally.
Never a white supremacist by any means:

Alan Dershowitz warned that many of those tearing down Confederate and other statues are trying to take America down with them.

"Antifa is a radical anti-American, anti-free market, communist, socialist, hard, hard left censorial organization that tries to stop speakers on campuses," the Harvard law professor emeritus told "Fox & Friends" on Tuesday.

The violent anti-Trump group participated in riots responding to the violent white nationalist rally that left one dead in Charlottesville, Virginia earlier this month. The riots left statues from Confederate generals to Christopher Columbus to Abraham Lincoln defaced and in some cases torn down.

Dershowitz noted that some statues put up during the ...
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Alan's lost his mind.

Dershowitz has lost it.

Until he says something you agree with... Right?

It seems odd to me that, because you don't agree with what he said, you would say that one of the sharpest legal minds in just about any generation has "lost his mind".

I don't agree with Dershowitz as a rule, but he has, in my opinion, hit the nail on the head at times. I think this is one of those times.

What did you find so objectionable in his opinion? Perhaps I'll change my mind...

no. I disagree with Dershowitz a lot.

however lately he's said absurd things that have made it look like he was bought by Donald trump.

so yes, he's lost his mind. and using him to somehow forgive white supremacy is a typical thing anti-semites do when they want to make it seem like their anti-semitism isn't too bad. and no I am not saying you're one. I'm speaking generally.

That you would call me a white supremacist or anti-semite never crossed my mind, we know each other better than that so no worries.

To be fair, I haven't heard anything from Dershowitz for a while, probably because I haven't been paying attention. I did not read his statement as a defense or forgiveness of white supremacy or antisemitism but rather a defense of the First Amendment and history itself. But that's me.

I wonder if his statement would have been better received had he left out the reference to Charlottesville? I don't see that it was necessary...

BTW, how have you been?
Never a white supremacist by any means:

Alan Dershowitz warned that many of those tearing down Confederate and other statues are trying to take America down with them.

"Antifa is a radical anti-American, anti-free market, communist, socialist, hard, hard left censorial organization that tries to stop speakers on campuses," the Harvard law professor emeritus told "Fox & Friends" on Tuesday.

The violent anti-Trump group participated in riots responding to the violent white nationalist rally that left one dead in Charlottesville, Virginia earlier this month. The riots left statues from Confederate generals to Christopher Columbus to Abraham Lincoln defaced and in some cases torn down.

Dershowitz noted that some statues put up during the ...
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Alan's lost his mind.

Dershowitz has lost it.

Until he says something you agree with... Right?

It seems odd to me that, because you don't agree with what he said, you would say that one of the sharpest legal minds in just about any generation has "lost his mind".

I don't agree with Dershowitz as a rule, but he has, in my opinion, hit the nail on the head at times. I think this is one of those times.

What did you find so objectionable in his opinion? Perhaps I'll change my mind...

no. I disagree with Dershowitz a lot.

however lately he's said absurd things that have made it look like he was bought by Donald trump.

so yes, he's lost his mind. and using him to somehow forgive white supremacy is a typical thing anti-semites do when they want to make it seem like their anti-semitism isn't too bad. and no I am not saying you're one. I'm speaking generally.

Thank you for explaining. I am so blown away by the latest poll, I hope Dershowitz may alter his view.

Survey: 9 percent call neo-Nazi views acceptable

Beyond scary, terrifying.

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