Derek Chauvin Expected To Take Plea Deal In Federal Case


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Derek Chauvin is reportedly close to reaching a plea deal with federal prosecutors on civil rights charges over the death of George Floyd. Chauvin, 45, was sentenced by a Minnesota state court on Friday to 22 and a half years in prison for Floyd's murder. He was convicted of the May 25, 2020 killing on April 20. He was indicted on May 7 by a grand jury on separate federal charges that he violated Floyd's civil rights by use of excessive force during arrest. The network reported that, as part of the plea, Chauvin could get a 20- to 25-year sentence, which he would serve at the same time as the state sentence, and that he would serve his time in federal not state prison."

I suppose this is a bit of a win for this brave hero; because I hear doing federal prison time is much nicer than doing state prison time. However, Biden should have never brought federal charges against this great man in the first place -- that was nothing but Biden showing his hatred for law enforcement...because all this cop did; was do his job.

This whole thing was nothing more than Biden -- a senile old white racist -- being under the total control of savage vengeful ungrateful blacks -- you know, for a white supremacist former KKK leader like Biden; he is showing himself to be the weakest most anti-white white supremacist in modern history. I mean for Christ-sake; if you are going to be a white supremacist -- at least toss them a bone -- do something policy wise that shows them you are on their the world of white supremacy, you can't just ride on your accomplishments of 30 years ago -- you need some more recent greatest hits..
“The constitutional prohibition against ‘double jeopardy’ was designed to protect an individual from being subjected to the hazards of trial and possible conviction more than once for an alleged offense. . . . The underlying idea, one that is deeply ingrained in at least the Anglo-American system of jurisprudence, is that the State with all its resources and power should not be allowed to make repeated attempts to convict an individual for an alleged offense, thereby subjecting him to embarrassment, expense and ordeal and compelling him to live in a continuing state of anxiety and insecurity, as well as enhancing the possibility that even though innocent he may be found guilty.”39 A second “vitally important interest[ ]” embodied in the Double Jeopardy Clause “is the preservation of ‘the finality of judgments.’ ”40

But then, there is nothing even remotely "American" about the democrats or the injustice system that now dominates.
Reality has sunk in for this degenerate piece of trash.

I hope he gets the same treatment he maliciously meted out.
Derek Chauvin is the innocent victim whom was sacrificed on the alter of Democrat anti-white political correctness in order to appease racist BLM and their leftist liberal minions. ... :cuckoo:
yeah, derek chauvin is just misunderstood.

he actually helped floyd getting rid of all his problems in life..

by killing him.
Reality has sunk in for this degenerate piece of trash.

I hope he gets the same treatment he maliciously meted out.
He would LOVE it if his punishment was just someone kneeling on his neck for 8 minutes. Anyone who isnt OD'ing on drugs can handle that with ease.
yeah, derek chauvin is just misunderstood.

he actually helped floyd getting rid of all his problems in life..

by killing him.

We can all agree that Joseph Stalin is the moral and philosophical basis of the democrat party.

"Death is the great liberator from problems - no man, no problem."

Chauvin is a democrat after all - so it would make sense.

Tell me though, as a good Nazi, do you oppose double jeopardy prohibitions? Do you support trials for enemies of the Reich, or is a bullet in the head as soon as they are grabbed the proper way - the Stalin way - to deal with enemies?
yeah, derek chauvin is just misunderstood.

he actually helped floyd getting rid of all his problems in life..

by killing him.

We can all agree that Joseph Stalin is the moral and philosophical basis of the democrat party.

"Death is the great liberator from problems - no man, no problem."

Chauvin is a democrat after all - so it would make sense.

Tell me though, as a good Nazi, do you oppose double jeopardy prohibitions? Do you support trials for enemies of the Reich, or is a bullet in the head as soon as they are grabbed the proper way - the Stalin way - to deal with enemies?
sober up, melty mcmeltdown.
I think most normal people expect this gentleman to get 2 weekends in jail and few days picking up trash on the highway. Let's hope justice prevails.

This is America, land of the multi-tier injustice system. There is no justice here. Chauvin is the wrong color. The Reich will Epstein him.
It really isn't fair how poorly whites have been treated in this Anglo-American system of justice...

Many people are not aware of this history of our American legal system....they will find how unfairly it has oppressed whites to the benefit of a handful of powerful darkies and Jews -- who controlled everything...

Why won't our education system teach about this history??

sober up, melty mcmeltdown.

Did you answer the question, Nazi?

Do you support double jeopardy protection under the law?
why do you raving scumbag think you are entitled to anything?

i support you getting medical help pronto, so you can finally come to grip with reality and stop spewing your retarded hate-filled dreck non-stop.

why do you raving scumbag think you are entitled to anything?

i support you getting medical help pronto, so you can finally come to grip with reality and stop spewing your retarded hate-filled dreck non-stop.


Look, you're a Nazi scumbag with an IQ in the low double digits. You live for your party and are incapable of independent thought - we get it.

Still, the subject is the imposition of a second trial for the same charge against a man already convicted in state court.

The 5th Amendment of the Constitution of the Old Republic holds "nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; "

You're a Nazi democrat, you violently hate the Constitution and everything it stands for - still how does the Reich justify trying Chauvin a second time for an offense he was already convicted of?

Look, you're dumb as all fuck, anyone here knows it - you can't think or learn - you're merely a foil to make a point.
why do you raving scumbag think you are entitled to anything?

i support you getting medical help pronto, so you can finally come to grip with reality and stop spewing your retarded hate-filled dreck non-stop.


Look, you're a Nazi scumbag with an IQ in the low double digits. You live for your party and are incapable of independent thought - we get it.

Still, the subject is the imposition of a second trial for the same charge against a man already convicted in state court.

The 5th Amendment of the Constitution of the Old Republic holds "nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; "

You're a Nazi democrat, you violently hate the Constitution and everything it stands for - still how does the Reich justify trying Chauvin a second time for an offense he was already convicted of?

Look, you're dumb as all fuck, anyone here knows it - you can't think or learn - you're merely a foil to make a point.
i hope you have medical insurance, ravetard.

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