Dems Move To Censure President Over Charlottesville


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Completely FAILING To Hurt The President In Any Other Of Their Scams, Schemes, And False Accusations - Failing to Impeach Trump Yet - Hate-Driven Democrats Push to Censure Trump For Suggesting BOTH Sides To Blame For Charlottesville Violence...

Democrats move to formally censure Trump over Charlottesville

"House Democrats are introducing a formal resolution to denounce President Donald Trump for saying that “both sides” are to blame for a violent encounter between white supremacists and neo-Nazis and the activists who showed up to protest them."


White Supremacists with a legal permit to protest showed up in Charlottesville, NC, after having coordinated the event with local police and government officials for 2 months.

leftist agitators intent on illegally / physically confronting the white supremacists showed up without a permit and without coordination, carrying balloons filled with their urine, ink, and paint AND with containers of chemicals with which they attacked the white supremacists.

Violence ensued, 1 person was killed, and many were injured.



NEVER in this county's history has the Democratic party / Left been so corrupt, so criminal, so SEDITIOUS in its goal to undermine and overthrow a President of the United States They have become so openly treasonous that they no longer even try to hide it.


Again, so much for the Fake News narrative that Leftist snowflakes share no blame for the violence in Charlottesville....

This is 'The Left' earning 'no share of blame' for the violence in Charlottesville, Va......Throwing balloons filled with urine...

When throwing their triggered pissy-fit over Trump accurately declaring 'both sides' were to blame in part, the Liberal Fake News Propaganda-Pushers and snowflakes make sure they don't mention any of THIS:

"TheDCNF witnessed leftist groups mace white supremacists as a way to start infiltrating Emancipation Park, where the rally was held. The radical left also began throwing a variety of items at the white supremacists, such as balloons filled with urine, paint, or pieces of concrete, as well as soda cans filled with concrete, food, and full water bottles. When they were out of items to throw, the radical left would search the streets for anything they could find to throw.

The left also brought out a “battering ram” made out of plywood and reinforced with a metal step ladder. Radical leftist protesters charged the white supremacists with their hand-made weapon. Enforcers managed to stop the device before it reached the actual shield line, but a new group of protesters tried to push the ram further."

Brutal Examples Of Violence That Occurred By Both Sides In Charlottesville [VIDEO]


“A president of the United States cannot support neo-Nazis. It’s just beyond the pale,” said Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., a member of the House Judiciary Committee. “I hope Republicans who have expressed outrage with what he said put their money where their mouth is.”
Democrats move to formally censure Trump over Charlottesville

I totally agree with D-Nadler, the 'D' obviously standing for 'DUMBASS', as the President NEVER expressed for support for neo-Nazis:

"Racism is evil -- and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans," Trump said in response to the attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend."

D-Nadler is a F*ING race-pimping, butt-hurt, Trump-Hating LIAR!

If anything, The House Ethics Committee should vote to Censure his and any other politicians' asses who openly, SEDITIOUSLY spew these lies in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the President.

Let the assholes censure him. Let's get everything out in the open and see how they defend the fact that it was THEIR side who initiated the violence (as usual).
Someone inform the idiot Dem's they lost the House, Senate, and White House and have no power to do anything.
Unless traitorous, spineless appeasers like Lindsey Graham and McCain jumped on board.

Here's another NON-Violent Liberal protestor using a makeshift flamethrower made from an aerosol can and a lighter to NOT attack the supremacists....

Completely FAILING To Hurt The President In Any Other Of Their Scams, Schemes, And False Accusations - Failing to Impeach Trump Yet - Hate-Driven Democrats Push to Censure Trump For Suggesting BOTH Sides To Blame For Charlottesville Violence...

Democrats move to formally censure Trump over Charlottesville

The only thing worse than a democratic party that lunges desperately for any vestige of root they can grab hold of in every effort to take this man down is that some of the establishment RINOs in the GOP actually FEED THE FLAMES of their arguments by agreeing with them! That does not prove anything other than the fact that there is a common fear of Trump unseating their base of power and control in government to continue to corrupt and bilk the taxpayers in their quest for wealth.

While they all talk about what this or that person should or not say, only the democrats are well-enough disciplined to know that you never bite the hand that feeds you! You don't go after your own. If they think Trump is their enemy, wait until next year when these RINOs are replaced by democrats again.
Someone inform the idiot Dem's they lost the House, Senate, and White House and have no power to do anything.

All your political class clowns are corporatists, Goldman Sachs permanently occupies the white house, "either" way.
Completely FAILING To Hurt The President In Any Other Of Their Scams, Schemes, And False Accusations - Failing to Impeach Trump Yet - Hate-Driven Democrats Push to Censure Trump For Suggesting BOTH Sides To Blame For Charlottesville Violence...

Democrats move to formally censure Trump over Charlottesville

The only thing worse than a democratic party that lunges desperately for any vestige of root they can grab hold of in every effort to take this man down is that some of the establishment RINOs in the GOP actually FEED THE FLAMES of their arguments by agreeing with them! That does not prove anything other than the fact that there is a common fear of Trump unseating their base of power and control in government to continue to corrupt and bilk the taxpayers in their quest for wealth.

While they all talk about what this or that person should or not say, only the democrats are well-enough disciplined to know that you never bite the hand that feeds you! You don't go after your own. If they think Trump is their enemy, wait until next year when these RINOs are replaced by democrats again.
RINOs are worse than liberals. At least we know where the liberal is coming from and what to expect from them. RINOs are pure scum and we need to get their asses out of office.

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