Dems/etc incite/want/enable violence--for years--, not Mr Trump


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
Dems/blacks have been inciting violence/stealing/etc for YEARS!
we are not stupid........ in this link, the jackass idiot says it's RIGHT/ok/etc to loot--steal-vandalize
--again--total hypocrisy and idiocy from the left/''left''
here they SUPPORT the looters/rioters/criminals:

the Dems/blacks love criminals and hate law and order
‘Kill All Republicans’: Amazon Sells 204 Items Promoting Violence, Hate | Newsbusters
there is a difference between, individual day to day violence (say robbing a bank, gang wars) and institutionalized, State sanctioned mass violence. One doesn't justify the other, but you should be able to draw a distinction between the two as well
there is a difference between, individual day to day violence (say robbing a bank, gang wars) and institutionalized, State sanctioned mass violence. One doesn't justify the other, but you should be able to draw a distinction between the two as well
...actually, BLM/black day to day violence/crime is at a much greater rate and problem
....state sanctioned?? the black politicians/etc are the ones ''sanctioning'' black day day violence AND these unjustifiable riots
Dems/blacks have been inciting violence/stealing/etc for YEARS!
we are not stupid........ in this link, the jackass idiot says it's RIGHT/ok/etc to loot--steal-vandalize
--again--total hypocrisy and idiocy from the left/''left''
here they SUPPORT the looters/rioters/criminals:

the Dems/blacks love criminals and hate law and order
Gee he sounds like a terrorist. I've heard him speak, he's just a thug. If BLM gave a damn about the average black person they wouldn't have encouraged that "burning down" to have gone on in black neighborhoods all summer long. If BLM gave a damn about black kids they sure as hell wouldn't denounce the nuclear family. They are amilitant, violent anarchist organization which if ever give anarchy would immediately devolve to might make right!

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