Democrats: You're not there yet.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

Democrats: In order to defeat Donald Trump, you need 2 things: 1. To expose Trump's weaknesses, and make a case that he is unfit for office, and 2. Make a good case for why your candidate is better.'ve made some progress with item 1. No so, with item 2. Joe Biden may be pretty smart and reasonably qualified, but he, like Al Gore in 2000 is about as interesting as a sack of lawn fertilizer. You're not there yet Democrats. Joe Biden is going to have to do something to ignite the Democratic base, or Donald Trump will waltz into a 2nd term.
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Democrats: In order to defeat Donald Trump, you need 2 things: 1. To expose Trump's weaknesses, and make a case that he is unfit for office, and 2. Make a good case for why your candidate is better.'ve made some progress with item 1. No so, with item 2. Despite what Republicans say, Joe Biden is pretty smart and reasonably qualified, but he, like Al Gore in 2000 is about as interesting as a sack of lawn fertilizer. You're not there yet Democrats. Joe Biden is going to have to do something to ignite the Democratic base, or Donald Trump will waltz into a 2nd term.
Who says Biden isn't interesting???

Everybody is following Crazy Joe to see what insane stuff he comes up with next!!!!
We aren't electing a person to be interesting. Look at the condition of this country right now. We don't need interesting, we need competent. Biden is competent. If we go through this and lose thousands of lives when the number of losses could have been far lower because of this mans incompetence and we re elect him, this country deserves the death that's coming.
We aren't electing a person to be interesting. Look at the condition of this country right now. We don't need interesting, we need competent. Biden is competent. If we go through this and lose thousands of lives when the number of losses could have been far lower because of this mans incompetence and we re elect him, this country deserves the death that's coming.

Point well taken. All the people who thought Trump was entertaining and "shook things up", will now be looking for a return to normalcy.

Electing Obama's vice president will be as close as they can get.

Think the 1968 election. People didn't vote for Nixon because he was likable or exciting. They voted for him because he harkened back to a simpler time when things were less crazy. You know, the way we romanticize the 1950's to this very day as a time of calm.
The Democratic response to Trump's victory was, essentially, to lose its fucking mind.

This is how they end up with someone like Biden - he clearly doesn't belong in this situation, but the other candidates are a mess.

What a fucked up choice this is.

Wow... Vichy Mac has his theory, and he won't let pesky things like facts get in his way.

If the Democrats had TRULY lost their mind as a party, Commie Bernie would be the nominee right now. And he'd have just as good a chance of beating Trump. Maybe better because his followers are motivated.

Instead, they played it safe with Biden (as they should have) and went with the guy who wasn't exciting, wasn't particularly bold on policy, but could win and get things done.
Maybe you can impeach him again?

I keep hoping, in vain it seems, that Q isn't a James Comey LARP and the seditious fucks who spied on Trump and turned the FBI into the Stalinist democrats Secret Police end up in Gitmo or on the gallows.
The Democratic response to Trump's victory was, essentially, to lose its fucking mind.

This is how they end up with someone like Biden - he clearly doesn't belong in this situation, but the other candidates are a mess.

What a fucked up choice this is.
Biden was the best choice in 2016. He would have beaten trump had he run then. There is nothing wrong with the choice and if you can make your brain believe that trump and Biden are both the same poor choices, you really need help. We've seen what the country was like when Biden had a hand in things and we see what we have now under trump. The choice should be real easy, but when people stay confused and try assessing the same motivations to both sides, you can't see the true difference in the choice here.
Maybe you can impeach him again?

I keep hoping, in vain it seems, that Q isn't a James Comey LARP and the seditious fucks who spied on Trump and turned the FBI into the Stalinist democrats Secret Police end up in Gitmo or on the gallows.
You really need to stop talking about that sham trial ran by the republican party. Because it is going to come up in this election and its going to cost some republicans their jobs.
Democrats: In order to defeat Donald Trump, you need 2 things: 1. To expose Trump's weaknesses, and make a case that he is unfit for office, and 2. Make a good case for why your candidate is better.
Are we required to make a fact based argument for either? Because that isn't what Repubs did in 2016. They relied on grievance politics, anger, fear, bigotry, lies, populist slogans, and jingoism. All to cover up for the lack of intellectual and temperamental qualifications of a charismatic TV personality with zero experience in governance at any level.

The latter was supposed to be an asset. It turned out to be a devastating deficit.
Maybe you can impeach him again?

I keep hoping, in vain it seems, that Q isn't a James Comey LARP and the seditious fucks who spied on Trump and turned the FBI into the Stalinist democrats Secret Police end up in Gitmo or on the gallows.
You really need to stop talking about that sham trial ran by the republican party. Because it is going to come up in this election and its going to cost some republicans their jobs.
Were the Parties reversed and Bush got caught having the FBI spy on Barack "born in Kenya" Obama, there would have been thousands of public executions of Republicans.
So you're counting on all of those new Democrat voters Biden found???

No, I'm not getting worked up about him saying "Millions" when he should have said "thousands".

I'm a lot more concerned that 10 Million people have lost their jobs in the last two weeks. So should you.
Then be glad we didn't have Biden to import even more Coronavirus carriers...

The Democratic response to Trump's victory was, essentially, to lose its fucking mind.

This is how they end up with someone like Biden - he clearly doesn't belong in this situation, but the other candidates are a mess.

What a fucked up choice this is.
Biden is deteriorating at an accelerating pace. He won't be the nominee. It's Bernie or blood in the streets
They quite failed with item no. 1, tried to get Trump multiple times and instead exposed themselves.
Factually speaking, that's incorrect. Mueller's report revealed a litany of impeachable, criminal offenses. So did the impeachment inquiry. Pretending otherwise puts you in the unenviable position of denying demonstrable evidence of Don's guilt on multiple fronts. Something, as a Trump cultist, we all realize you are intimately familiar with.

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