Democrats - You're doing it again...


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
" Getting Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats"

- Bill Clinton

Dear Democrats, What ever you think of GOP lawmakers, they have 1 advantage over you: They stand together! They're policies may not be as popular, but they vote as a single unit far more often than you do. If you folks on the left wing don't start doing the same on this infrastructure bill, this administration is going down the tubes, and so will your opportunity to further your agenda. I've been watching this happen to Democratic administrations for decades. Will this time be different? Hmmm- :20:

They stand together! They're policies may not be as popular, but they vote as a single unit far more often than you do.

Mittens Romney, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Lindsey Graham were all unavailable for comment.

Dear Democrats, What ever you think of GOP lawmakers, they have 1 advantage over you: They stand together!
Very true. But, it's a lot easier to "Stand together!", when you are just the party of "no". Getting everyone to say "yes" is the hard part.
" Getting Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats"

- Bill Clinton

Dear Democrats, What ever you think of GOP lawmakers, they have 1 advantage over you: They stand together! They're policies may not be as popular, but they vote as a single unit far more often than you do. If you folks on the left wing don't start doing the same on this infrastructure bill, this administration is going down the tubes, and so will your opportunity to further your agenda. I've been watching this happen to Democratic administrations for decades. Will this time be different? Hmmm- :20:

The older you get, the more you realize that nothing ever changes. Think about it. When was the last time the U.S. did anything worthy of being proud of?
" Getting Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats"

- Bill Clinton

Dear Democrats, What ever you think of GOP lawmakers, they have 1 advantage over you: They stand together! They're policies may not be as popular, but they vote as a single unit far more often than you do. If you folks on the left wing don't start doing the same on this infrastructure bill, this administration is going down the tubes, and so will your opportunity to further your agenda. I've been watching this happen to Democratic administrations for decades. Will this time be different? Hmmm- :20:

Pass some of that shit around. Sounds like its pretty good.

The GOP couldn't agree on who pays for lunch if they stuck it to the taxpayer.
Yep. And they won the House, the Senate, and the White House. By "standing together" on the message of "no Trump".

They didn't win the senate or the house. They lost 30 seats in the house and the senate is 50-50. You stand to get your ass handed to you in 2022 and you know it from republicans saying "No, you child molester."
" Getting Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats"
I'm the first to admit that I don't really understand a lot of this stuff, so with that said:

One of the many behaviors shared by both parties appears to be an addiction for going for the whole enchilada at one time. Whatever happened to the idea of taking things step by step, demonstrating that you can govern and get positive things done, and build on that with electoral victories? In other words, the party would prove itself.

I know that "incrementalism" is a dirty word in partisan politics, for some reason, but I don't understand how this "all or nothing" stuff I keep seeing is supposed to work in a 50/50 country.
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