Democrats Vote to Kill New York City


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
In the past three weeks Democrats have taken two actions that are the kiss of death for New York City.

"According to the mayor’s office, beginning in 2013 the combined tax increases in the Medicare portion on earned and unearned income will take over $5 billion a year from the pocketbooks of New Yorkers. The plan’s 40 percent tax on so-called “Cadillac” plans would force taxpayers to cough up an additional $1.5 billion starting in 2020."

The Greenroom Forum Archive The Truth About ObamaCare Is Finally Reaching New York

And now the Democrats have guaranteed that the night view of of New York City will start to look more like North Korea where the only lights are in Pyongyang. Indian Point Energy Center, which generate fully 1/3 of the megawatts consumed by NY was denied a permit to operate past 2013. Unless you plan to abandon 1/3 of your house, apartment or office I don't see what the plan is to keep the lights on once Indian Point goes dark.

A sneak attack on your electric bill -

New York will once again be the Librual Mecaa aka Calcutta Shithole it was when Mayor Dinkins and the Dems ran the place.

NYC will not survive their love of the state.
What happened to Obama promise to build more nuclear plants? Doesn't he realize that closing Indian Point will literally kill NYC as a thriving economic center?
They have been trying to kill Indian point for years.

I see the fucking morons here all the time with their "Close Indian Point" bumper stickers

Morons. They won't be able to turn on the AC in the summer or the heat in the winter.

Total fucking morons.
They have been trying to kill Indian point for years.

I see the fucking morons here all the time with their "Close Indian Point" bumper stickers

Morons. They won't be able to turn on the AC in the summer or the heat in the winter.

Total fucking morons.
The City already gets brownouts every summer, and ConEd, the power supplier was allowed a 13% rate raise.


And now they want to follow the kennedy pet project, close Indian point and fuck over what's left of the city.
Well the city council rolled over on their term limits law and allowed Bloomberg to be Mayor For Life. So it sure looks like a norking in their future.
liberals are idiot vomit bags. yall dont understand liberals. they hate anything thats good for people.
In the past three weeks Democrats have taken two actions that are the kiss of death for New York City.

"According to the mayor’s office, beginning in 2013 the combined tax increases in the Medicare portion on earned and unearned income will take over $5 billion a year from the pocketbooks of New Yorkers. The plan’s 40 percent tax on so-called “Cadillac” plans would force taxpayers to cough up an additional $1.5 billion starting in 2020."

The Greenroom Forum Archive The Truth About ObamaCare Is Finally Reaching New York

And now the Democrats have guaranteed that the night view of of New York City will start to look more like North Korea where the only lights are in Pyongyang. Indian Point Energy Center, which generate fully 1/3 of the megawatts consumed by NY was denied a permit to operate past 2013. Unless you plan to abandon 1/3 of your house, apartment or office I don't see what the plan is to keep the lights on once Indian Point goes dark.

A sneak attack on your electric bill -

New York will once again be the Librual Mecaa aka Calcutta Shithole it was when Mayor Dinkins and the Dems ran the place.

NYC will not survive their love of the state.

Fear monger much?

The EMPIRE STATE will survive.

The wealthy living there will be just fine.

The rest of you New Yorkers are on your own.
In the past three weeks Democrats have taken two actions that are the kiss of death for New York City.

"According to the mayor’s office, beginning in 2013 the combined tax increases in the Medicare portion on earned and unearned income will take over $5 billion a year from the pocketbooks of New Yorkers. The plan’s 40 percent tax on so-called “Cadillac” plans would force taxpayers to cough up an additional $1.5 billion starting in 2020."

The Greenroom Forum Archive The Truth About ObamaCare Is Finally Reaching New York

And now the Democrats have guaranteed that the night view of of New York City will start to look more like North Korea where the only lights are in Pyongyang. Indian Point Energy Center, which generate fully 1/3 of the megawatts consumed by NY was denied a permit to operate past 2013. Unless you plan to abandon 1/3 of your house, apartment or office I don't see what the plan is to keep the lights on once Indian Point goes dark.

A sneak attack on your electric bill -

New York will once again be the Librual Mecaa aka Calcutta Shithole it was when Mayor Dinkins and the Dems ran the place.

NYC will not survive their love of the state.

Fear monger much?


You have a fine future as part of the New York Democrat Congressional contingent because they have no answers either
Martian invaders will be so disapointed that the folks of NY beat them to it.

Oh well, there is always Tokyo.

The EMPIRE STATE will survive.

The wealthy living there will be just fine.

The rest of you New Yorkers are on your own.

The wealthy living there will move to NJ.
Millionaires Go Missing -

Right, taxes are so much lower in NJ.

Lav davka New Jersey. It could be CT. It could be PA. It will be anywhere where they can save a few thousand dollars a year in taxes.
NJ at least has a governor who is serious about reigning in big government and spending.
Too Little Too Late

The Emperor Bloomberg is forced to go slumming in Washington DC and remind the Dems in Congress including the NY Delegation who sold the city out, that Wall Street pays for police, firemen and teachers in NY City.

Three strikes NYCity is out.

Mrs Crusader just agreed, we're selling the house next spring. Adios!

WASHINGTON - An increasingly frustrated Mayor Bloomberg yesterday took his pro-Wall Street message directly to Congress, warning lawmakers not to slaughter the city's cash cow.

"That's one of the reasons I'm down here. I'm very concerned about it," Bloomberg said during a Capitol Hill visit.

Read more: Bloomy warns Congress against crippling Wall Street -
This is amazing, Emperor Bloomberg has to go to Washington and plead with the Dems not to kill the biggest revenue generator in the city and state and Dems are going


It's probably just as well because once Gov Cuomo turns off Indian Point, most of the city, especially anyone without a back up generator will be in the dark anyway.
It's probably just as well because once Gov Cuomo turns off Indian Point, most of the city, especially anyone without a back up generator will be in the dark anyway.

Most of NYC is in the dark anyway. That's why they continue to elect losers like Rangel.

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