Democrats Trying to Outlaw Right To Work Laws


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California

22 states have them and the Dems want to pass a Federal law to ban them. This would mean, if it passes, every worker in America would be forced to join a union in every shop which has one. Ya. the good ole dems don't like freedom of choice at all. I was in a union for 6 years, but I quit because the union kept giving my dues money to Bill Clinton, who I was vehemently opposed to. I wrote the union President about it and I never even got an answer.,

22 states have them and the Dems want to pass a Federal law to ban them. This would mean, if it passes, every worker in America would be forced to join a union in every shop which has one. Ya. the good ole dems don't like freedom of choice at all. I was in a union for 6 years, but I quit because the union kept giving my dues money to Bill Clinton, who I was vehemently opposed to. I wrote the union President about it and I never even got an answer.,

Biden has got the Third Reich playbook out again. Mandatory unionization was a feature of Hitler's Germany.
Half of the reason our industrial base ended up in China is that republicans really desperately wanted to break the political power of Labor. Was it worth it?
Please elaborate
Are you too young to remember the 90s-00s Ypu must be if you have to ask that question. Republicans turned backflips of joy every time a union shop closed up and went offshore. They preached the virtues of the lousy unstable service based economy we ended up with. The very conservative US chamber of commerce even held seminars to guide companies through offshoring jobs. Now that wages have been flat for decades and real benefits are becoming a thing of the past I ask again, was breaking the unions worth it?
The Democrat filth hates Liberty.
I just hate Republican filth. I've got more liberty in my little finger.

You can hate Republicans all you want Moon Bat. That mindless Moon Bat hate is going to eat you up kid.

However, it is against Liberty to have non right to work laws. Nobody should be forced to join a fucking greedy corrupt union just to be able to work.

The filthy unions are the cash cow of the despicable Democrat Party and that is the reason the butt pirates will take Liberty away from Americans in order to get them more money.

22 states have them and the Dems want to pass a Federal law to ban them. This would mean, if it passes, every worker in America would be forced to join a union in every shop which has one. Ya. the good ole dems don't like freedom of choice at all. I was in a union for 6 years, but I quit because the union kept giving my dues money to Bill Clinton, who I was vehemently opposed to. I wrote the union President about it and I never even got an answer.,

Must have gotten stripped from the stimulus without much fanfare. Guess that is what you get by posting YouTube from early in the month. Those guys you are posting always tell you up front that their videos are getting deleted by you tube, and this is probably part of the reason why. Just did an internet search for pending legislation in the Senate. Nada. If I missed something, please give us a Senate bill number, but looks like misleading rabble rousing for now.
The Democrat filth hates Liberty.
I just hate Republican filth. I've got more liberty in my little finger.

You can hate Republicans all you want Moon Bat. That mindless Moon Bat hate is going to eat you up kid.

However, it is against Liberty to have non right to work laws. Nobody should be forced to join a fucking greedy corrupt union just to be able to work.

The filthy unions are the cash cow of the despicable Democrat Party and that is the reason the butt pirates will take Liberty away from Americans in order to get them more money.
Unions were supported by democrats while management was supported by republicans. Somehow big business having unopposed political power is better? Maybe if you are a billionaire. Didn't work out so well for the rest of us. Just how far back towards the mill system of the 1880s do we have to go before we need unions again?
However, it is against Liberty to have non right to work laws.
There has never been such a law. Please link me to one, moon bat identifier.

Unions are bad and they are good. From the end of WWII, the big one, the unionized, happy American workforce, making a living wage, took us from the depression to the good life.
Working class wealth and economic mobility tracked very closely with union membership. No coincidence.
If I'm not mistaken, the House democrats passed the PRO Act, which among other things overturns the Right to Work laws in the 27 states that have such laws. Since it has nothing to do with revenue or spending or the debt, it cannot be passed via reconciliation (a simple majority). IOW, not a chance in hell of getting through the Senate. Which the democrats know full well, so this is nothing more than a ploy to get union support and campaign donations.

Biden did overturn Trump EOs regarding federal unions which were the subject of several lawsuits and labor practice challenges, that mandated a more constrained use of official time, required agencies to renegotiate collective bargaining agreements under strict parameters and made it easier to fire federal employees. Under Biden's executive order, agencies will no longer be required to pursue such stringent negotiations with federal unions. But Biden's EOs have nothing to do with RTW laws, he doesn't have that authority.

22 states have them and the Dems want to pass a Federal law to ban them. This would mean, if it passes, every worker in America would be forced to join a union in every shop which has one. Ya. the good ole dems don't like freedom of choice at all. I was in a union for 6 years, but I quit because the
opposed to. I wrote the union President about it and I never even got an answer.,

However, it is against Liberty to have non right to work laws.
There has never been such a law. Please link me to one, moon bat identifier.

Unions are bad and they are good. From the end of WWII, the big one, the unionized, happy American workforce, making a living wage, took us from the depression to the good life.
Working class wealth and economic mobility tracked very closely with union membership. No coincidence.

I don't think that's what right to work means?


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