democrats threaten Trump and America. The war is on.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
democrats threaten Trump and America. The war is on.

20 Sep 2020 ~~ By Drjohn

Apparently the war is on.
The threats from democrats are coming, er, fast and furious. Nancy Pelosi says impeachment is at the ready. Egged on by Clinton water boy George Stephanopoulos Pelosi said she might impeach both Trump and Barr:
“You want people to get out and vote, and even there’s no guarantee that the White House and Senate Republicans won’t try to push through a Supreme Court nomination in a lame-duck session,” ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos said during an interview with the Democratic leader on “This Week.”​
“Some have mentioned the possibility if they try to push through a nominee in a lame-duck session that you and the House can move to impeach President Trump or Attorney General Barr as a way of stalling and preventing the Senate from acting on this nomination,” he said.​
Pelosi and crew have turned impeachment into a political tool. Then she hinted that there are other “arrows in the quiver.”
“We have our options,” Pelosi said, refusing to rule out the extreme measure after their last failed attempt earlier this year that distracted the federal government from the novel Wuhan coronavirus brewing into a global pandemic overseas. “We have arrows in our quiver that I’m not about to discuss right now.”​
Arrows. It sounds like a threat of physical violence.
Chuck Schumer said if Trump goes ahead with his Constitutional obligation “nothing is off the table.”
So did Blumenthal

You will remember that Schumer not long ago threatened Gorsuch and Kavanaugh:
“I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price,” the New York Democrat said Wednesday at a rally for abortion rights. “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”​
Reza Aslan, formerly of CNN, tweeted a couple of beauties

Burn the “entire f**king thing down”? “Dead bodies”? Sounds like war to me.
Nothing is off the table, said democrats. Nothing. Ricin included.
A package containing the deadly poison ricin addressed to President Trump was allegedly intercepted by law enforcement earlier this week, according to news reports Saturday.​
The substance was reportedly confirmed by two separate tests. If inhaled or ingested, it can cause organ failure and eventual death. The FBI and the Secret Service are investigating the matter, CNN reported.​
No mention thus far on whether all Trump supporters might expect the same.
The war is on.

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have a huge vote fraud, ballot harvesting, ballot counting, and election certification FRAUD campaign all ready to go, backed up by hundreds of crooked lawyers all ready in each to file suits with crooked lesgislating Leftist paid judges.
It seems the Dems are far more concerned with stealing the election than anything else.
Delaying the results as long as possible leads to a Pelosi appointment as president January 20th at least until the election results are finalized.
Soros and his acolytes have been dumping billions of dollars into trying to seize control again of USA government. And it is all being coordinated with his Arson, Loot, Murder and Mayhem anarchist storm troopers in the streets (with promotional “news coverage” by the complicit biased Fifth Columnist media goons).
Who in their right mind, but PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists would attempt an impeachment of a President who is either term limited or was defeated in the effort of re-election? Oh, sorry, Democrats would.
Think about that for a minute. The Democrat led house would move to impeach President Trump because he constitutionally nominated a replacement to a vacant USSC seat.
When President Trump wins re-election, one would not put it past the deranged moron democrats to try to do just that, or assassinate him. Even more reason to take back the house to end this decades charade by democrats.
The New York Post also reported that Barr signed off on designating New York City, Portland, and Seattle as “anarchist jurisdictions.”
democrats threaten Trump and America. The war is on.

20 Sep 2020 ~~ By Drjohn

Apparently the war is on.
The threats from democrats are coming, er, fast and furious. Nancy Pelosi says impeachment is at the ready. Egged on by Clinton water boy George Stephanopoulos Pelosi said she might impeach both Trump and Barr:
“You want people to get out and vote, and even there’s no guarantee that the White House and Senate Republicans won’t try to push through a Supreme Court nomination in a lame-duck session,” ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos said during an interview with the Democratic leader on “This Week.”​
“Some have mentioned the possibility if they try to push through a nominee in a lame-duck session that you and the House can move to impeach President Trump or Attorney General Barr as a way of stalling and preventing the Senate from acting on this nomination,” he said.​
Pelosi and crew have turned impeachment into a political tool. Then she hinted that there are other “arrows in the quiver.”
“We have our options,” Pelosi said, refusing to rule out the extreme measure after their last failed attempt earlier this year that distracted the federal government from the novel Wuhan coronavirus brewing into a global pandemic overseas. “We have arrows in our quiver that I’m not about to discuss right now.”​
Arrows. It sounds like a threat of physical violence.
Chuck Schumer said if Trump goes ahead with his Constitutional obligation “nothing is off the table.”
So did Blumenthal

You will remember that Schumer not long ago threatened Gorsuch and Kavanaugh:
“I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price,” the New York Democrat said Wednesday at a rally for abortion rights. “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”​
Reza Aslan, formerly of CNN, tweeted a couple of beauties

Burn the “entire f**king thing down”? “Dead bodies”? Sounds like war to me.
Nothing is off the table, said democrats. Nothing. Ricin included.
A package containing the deadly poison ricin addressed to President Trump was allegedly intercepted by law enforcement earlier this week, according to news reports Saturday.​
The substance was reportedly confirmed by two separate tests. If inhaled or ingested, it can cause organ failure and eventual death. The FBI and the Secret Service are investigating the matter, CNN reported.​
No mention thus far on whether all Trump supporters might expect the same.
The war is on.

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have a huge vote fraud, ballot harvesting, ballot counting, and election certification FRAUD campaign all ready to go, backed up by hundreds of crooked lawyers all ready in each to file suits with crooked lesgislating Leftist paid judges.
It seems the Dems are far more concerned with stealing the election than anything else.
Delaying the results as long as possible leads to a Pelosi appointment as president January 20th at least until the election results are finalized.
Soros and his acolytes have been dumping billions of dollars into trying to seize control again of USA government. And it is all being coordinated with his Arson, Loot, Murder and Mayhem anarchist storm troopers in the streets (with promotional “news coverage” by the complicit biased Fifth Columnist media goons).
Who in their right mind, but PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists would attempt an impeachment of a President who is either term limited or was defeated in the effort of re-election? Oh, sorry, Democrats would.
Think about that for a minute. The Democrat led house would move to impeach President Trump because he constitutionally nominated a replacement to a vacant USSC seat.
When President Trump wins re-election, one would not put it past the deranged moron democrats to try to do just that, or assassinate him. Even more reason to take back the house to end this decades charade by democrats.
The New York Post also reported that Barr signed off on designating New York City, Portland, and Seattle as “anarchist jurisdictions.”

It's the left's priority. They want ubiquitous government, but they fantasize about burning down civilization
Last edited:
democrats threaten Trump and America. The war is on.

20 Sep 2020 ~~ By Drjohn

Apparently the war is on.
The threats from democrats are coming, er, fast and furious. Nancy Pelosi says impeachment is at the ready. Egged on by Clinton water boy George Stephanopoulos Pelosi said she might impeach both Trump and Barr:
“You want people to get out and vote, and even there’s no guarantee that the White House and Senate Republicans won’t try to push through a Supreme Court nomination in a lame-duck session,” ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos said during an interview with the Democratic leader on “This Week.”​
“Some have mentioned the possibility if they try to push through a nominee in a lame-duck session that you and the House can move to impeach President Trump or Attorney General Barr as a way of stalling and preventing the Senate from acting on this nomination,” he said.​
Pelosi and crew have turned impeachment into a political tool. Then she hinted that there are other “arrows in the quiver.”
“We have our options,” Pelosi said, refusing to rule out the extreme measure after their last failed attempt earlier this year that distracted the federal government from the novel Wuhan coronavirus brewing into a global pandemic overseas. “We have arrows in our quiver that I’m not about to discuss right now.”​
Arrows. It sounds like a threat of physical violence.
Chuck Schumer said if Trump goes ahead with his Constitutional obligation “nothing is off the table.”
So did Blumenthal

You will remember that Schumer not long ago threatened Gorsuch and Kavanaugh:
“I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price,” the New York Democrat said Wednesday at a rally for abortion rights. “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”​
Reza Aslan, formerly of CNN, tweeted a couple of beauties

Burn the “entire f**king thing down”? “Dead bodies”? Sounds like war to me.
Nothing is off the table, said democrats. Nothing. Ricin included.
A package containing the deadly poison ricin addressed to President Trump was allegedly intercepted by law enforcement earlier this week, according to news reports Saturday.​
The substance was reportedly confirmed by two separate tests. If inhaled or ingested, it can cause organ failure and eventual death. The FBI and the Secret Service are investigating the matter, CNN reported.​
No mention thus far on whether all Trump supporters might expect the same.
The war is on.

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have a huge vote fraud, ballot harvesting, ballot counting, and election certification FRAUD campaign all ready to go, backed up by hundreds of crooked lawyers all ready in each to file suits with crooked lesgislating Leftist paid judges.
It seems the Dems are far more concerned with stealing the election than anything else.
Delaying the results as long as possible leads to a Pelosi appointment as president January 20th at least until the election results are finalized.
Soros and his acolytes have been dumping billions of dollars into trying to seize control again of USA government. And it is all being coordinated with his Arson, Loot, Murder and Mayhem anarchist storm troopers in the streets (with promotional “news coverage” by the complicit biased Fifth Columnist media goons).
Who in their right mind, but PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists would attempt an impeachment of a President who is either term limited or was defeated in the effort of re-election? Oh, sorry, Democrats would.
Think about that for a minute. The Democrat led house would move to impeach President Trump because he constitutionally nominated a replacement to a vacant USSC seat.
When President Trump wins re-election, one would not put it past the deranged moron democrats to try to do just that, or assassinate him. Even more reason to take back the house to end this decades charade by democrats.
The New York Post also reported that Barr signed off on designating New York City, Portland, and Seattle as “anarchist jurisdictions.”

At this late hour I personally no longer care about democratic or republican party threats; they are not us and we are not them. We are THE AMERICAN PEOPLE and they are the neo-feudal tyrants. If these talking head, hedonistic, baby murdering fucks want to quake it up, then I say, "Come and get your love."
democrats threaten Trump and America. The war is on.

20 Sep 2020 ~~ By Drjohn

Apparently the war is on.
The threats from democrats are coming, er, fast and furious. Nancy Pelosi says impeachment is at the ready. Egged on by Clinton water boy George Stephanopoulos Pelosi said she might impeach both Trump and Barr:
“You want people to get out and vote, and even there’s no guarantee that the White House and Senate Republicans won’t try to push through a Supreme Court nomination in a lame-duck session,” ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos said during an interview with the Democratic leader on “This Week.”​
“Some have mentioned the possibility if they try to push through a nominee in a lame-duck session that you and the House can move to impeach President Trump or Attorney General Barr as a way of stalling and preventing the Senate from acting on this nomination,” he said.​
Pelosi and crew have turned impeachment into a political tool. Then she hinted that there are other “arrows in the quiver.”
“We have our options,” Pelosi said, refusing to rule out the extreme measure after their last failed attempt earlier this year that distracted the federal government from the novel Wuhan coronavirus brewing into a global pandemic overseas. “We have arrows in our quiver that I’m not about to discuss right now.”​
Arrows. It sounds like a threat of physical violence.
Chuck Schumer said if Trump goes ahead with his Constitutional obligation “nothing is off the table.”
So did Blumenthal

You will remember that Schumer not long ago threatened Gorsuch and Kavanaugh:
“I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price,” the New York Democrat said Wednesday at a rally for abortion rights. “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”​
Reza Aslan, formerly of CNN, tweeted a couple of beauties

Burn the “entire f**king thing down”? “Dead bodies”? Sounds like war to me.
Nothing is off the table, said democrats. Nothing. Ricin included.
A package containing the deadly poison ricin addressed to President Trump was allegedly intercepted by law enforcement earlier this week, according to news reports Saturday.​
The substance was reportedly confirmed by two separate tests. If inhaled or ingested, it can cause organ failure and eventual death. The FBI and the Secret Service are investigating the matter, CNN reported.​
No mention thus far on whether all Trump supporters might expect the same.
The war is on.

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have a huge vote fraud, ballot harvesting, ballot counting, and election certification FRAUD campaign all ready to go, backed up by hundreds of crooked lawyers all ready in each to file suits with crooked lesgislating Leftist paid judges.
It seems the Dems are far more concerned with stealing the election than anything else.
Delaying the results as long as possible leads to a Pelosi appointment as president January 20th at least until the election results are finalized.
Soros and his acolytes have been dumping billions of dollars into trying to seize control again of USA government. And it is all being coordinated with his Arson, Loot, Murder and Mayhem anarchist storm troopers in the streets (with promotional “news coverage” by the complicit biased Fifth Columnist media goons).
Who in their right mind, but PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists would attempt an impeachment of a President who is either term limited or was defeated in the effort of re-election? Oh, sorry, Democrats would.
Think about that for a minute. The Democrat led house would move to impeach President Trump because he constitutionally nominated a replacement to a vacant USSC seat.
When President Trump wins re-election, one would not put it past the deranged moron democrats to try to do just that, or assassinate him. Even more reason to take back the house to end this decades charade by democrats.
The New York Post also reported that Barr signed off on designating New York City, Portland, and Seattle as “anarchist jurisdictions.”

It's the left's priority. They want ubiquitous government, but they live to burn down civilization

The Left—democrats included—are a suicide cult. Thrilling . . .

The funny thing is...they are going down no matter what, the writing is on the wall

God's hand is all over this, believe that
democrats threaten Trump and America. The war is on.

20 Sep 2020 ~~ By Drjohn

Apparently the war is on.
The threats from democrats are coming, er, fast and furious. Nancy Pelosi says impeachment is at the ready. Egged on by Clinton water boy George Stephanopoulos Pelosi said she might impeach both Trump and Barr:
“You want people to get out and vote, and even there’s no guarantee that the White House and Senate Republicans won’t try to push through a Supreme Court nomination in a lame-duck session,” ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos said during an interview with the Democratic leader on “This Week.”​
“Some have mentioned the possibility if they try to push through a nominee in a lame-duck session that you and the House can move to impeach President Trump or Attorney General Barr as a way of stalling and preventing the Senate from acting on this nomination,” he said.​
Pelosi and crew have turned impeachment into a political tool. Then she hinted that there are other “arrows in the quiver.”
“We have our options,” Pelosi said, refusing to rule out the extreme measure after their last failed attempt earlier this year that distracted the federal government from the novel Wuhan coronavirus brewing into a global pandemic overseas. “We have arrows in our quiver that I’m not about to discuss right now.”​
Arrows. It sounds like a threat of physical violence.
Chuck Schumer said if Trump goes ahead with his Constitutional obligation “nothing is off the table.”
So did Blumenthal

You will remember that Schumer not long ago threatened Gorsuch and Kavanaugh:
“I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price,” the New York Democrat said Wednesday at a rally for abortion rights. “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”​
Reza Aslan, formerly of CNN, tweeted a couple of beauties

Burn the “entire f**king thing down”? “Dead bodies”? Sounds like war to me.
Nothing is off the table, said democrats. Nothing. Ricin included.
A package containing the deadly poison ricin addressed to President Trump was allegedly intercepted by law enforcement earlier this week, according to news reports Saturday.​
The substance was reportedly confirmed by two separate tests. If inhaled or ingested, it can cause organ failure and eventual death. The FBI and the Secret Service are investigating the matter, CNN reported.​
No mention thus far on whether all Trump supporters might expect the same.
The war is on.

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have a huge vote fraud, ballot harvesting, ballot counting, and election certification FRAUD campaign all ready to go, backed up by hundreds of crooked lawyers all ready in each to file suits with crooked lesgislating Leftist paid judges.
It seems the Dems are far more concerned with stealing the election than anything else.
Delaying the results as long as possible leads to a Pelosi appointment as president January 20th at least until the election results are finalized.
Soros and his acolytes have been dumping billions of dollars into trying to seize control again of USA government. And it is all being coordinated with his Arson, Loot, Murder and Mayhem anarchist storm troopers in the streets (with promotional “news coverage” by the complicit biased Fifth Columnist media goons).
Who in their right mind, but PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists would attempt an impeachment of a President who is either term limited or was defeated in the effort of re-election? Oh, sorry, Democrats would.
Think about that for a minute. The Democrat led house would move to impeach President Trump because he constitutionally nominated a replacement to a vacant USSC seat.
When President Trump wins re-election, one would not put it past the deranged moron democrats to try to do just that, or assassinate him. Even more reason to take back the house to end this decades charade by democrats.
The New York Post also reported that Barr signed off on designating New York City, Portland, and Seattle as “anarchist jurisdictions.”

It's the left's priority. They want ubiquitous government, but they fantasize about burning down civilization
I had to look that one up ! I thought it was 100% synonymous with antiestablishmentarianism
  • Funny
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Dims are the new Taliban and Stalins of our time
We may have to go to war as they’re killing us and America everyday
Dims are the new Taliban and Stalins of our time
We may have to go to war as they’re killing us and America everyday
Change the channel you are out of your tiny brainwash little mind. Rupert Murdoch is officially the worst thing to ever happen to Americans. Or whatever part of the crap mountain you listen to....

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