Democrats should immediately confront the minimum wage rate.


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
Democrats regained the congressional House. Now they should immediately confront the federal minimum wage rate issue.

I’m among those that advocate a minimum wage rate gradually increased to higher purchasing power and thereafter monitored and (when necessary to retain its targeted purchasing power), it should be updated prior to New Year’s date of the following year. In my opinion, annual increases of 12% until the rate achieves 125% of its February 1968 purchasing power is reasonable.

It would be possible, but politically problematic for the Republican majority U.S. Senate not to pass an alternative bill responding to the Democratic House’s bill. Usually, there are differences between bills that may, (or may not) be reconciled by negotiators from each chamber. A bill sent to the president for his consideration must be passed by both houses with exactly the same drafted language. That usually requires both chambers to again vote and pass a draft of the bill that’s a mutually agreed upon update.

Possible House’s negotiating positions:

The Senate will be displeased by the concept of pegging the rate’s purchasing power.
The House’s alternative position could be, lose the purchasing power provision but give us 15% annual increase for 10 years.

The Senate may then find the purchasing power concept less objectionable but they're then displeased with the 12%.
The House’s alternative position could be, 8% increase every Labor Day until the rate achieves 125% of its February 1968 purchasing power, but the rate’s additionally annually updates reflecting changes in the CPI-U will begin prior to the New Year’s day following the enactment day of the Bill.

I hope the Democratic negotiators would be polite and respectful beyond civility, but FIRM! they should not acquiesce or attempt to placate to the opposition. Democrats should be fully prepared to leave the negotiating table and permit the differences to be resolved by the 2020 general elections.

Respectfully, Supposn
Democrats regained the congressional House. Now they should immediately confront the federal minimum wage rate issue.

I’m among those that advocate a minimum wage rate gradually increased to higher purchasing power and thereafter monitored and (when necessary to retain its targeted purchasing power), it should be updated prior to New Year’s date of the following year. In my opinion, annual increases of 12% until the rate achieves 125% of its February 1968 purchasing power is reasonable.

It would be possible, but politically problematic for the Republican majority U.S. Senate not to pass an alternative bill responding to the Democratic House’s bill. Usually, there are differences between bills that may, (or may not) be reconciled by negotiators from each chamber. A bill sent to the president for his consideration must be passed by both houses with exactly the same drafted language. That usually requires both chambers to again vote and pass a draft of the bill that’s a mutually agreed upon update.

Possible House’s negotiating positions:

The Senate will be displeased by the concept of pegging the rate’s purchasing power.
The House’s alternative position could be, lose the purchasing power provision but give us 15% annual increase for 10 years.

The Senate may then find the purchasing power concept less objectionable but they're then displeased with the 12%.
The House’s alternative position could be, 8% increase every Labor Day until the rate achieves 125% of its February 1968 purchasing power, but the rate’s additionally annually updates reflecting changes in the CPI-U will begin prior to the New Year’s day following the enactment day of the Bill.

I hope the Democratic negotiators would be polite and respectful beyond civility, but FIRM! they should not acquiesce or attempt to placate to the opposition. Democrats should be fully prepared to leave the negotiating table and permit the differences to be resolved by the 2020 general elections.

Respectfully, Supposn

Great, more paper for Mitch's recycle bin. That's about as far as it would get.

Democrats regained the congressional House. Now they should immediately confront the federal minimum wage rate issue.

I’m among those that advocate a minimum wage rate gradually increased to higher purchasing power and thereafter monitored and (when necessary to retain its targeted purchasing power), it should be updated prior to New Year’s date of the following year. In my opinion, annual increases of 12% until the rate achieves 125% of its February 1968 purchasing power is reasonable.

It would be possible, but politically problematic for the Republican majority U.S. Senate not to pass an alternative bill responding to the Democratic House’s bill. Usually, there are differences between bills that may, (or may not) be reconciled by negotiators from each chamber. A bill sent to the president for his consideration must be passed by both houses with exactly the same drafted language. That usually requires both chambers to again vote and pass a draft of the bill that’s a mutually agreed upon update.

Possible House’s negotiating positions:

The Senate will be displeased by the concept of pegging the rate’s purchasing power.
The House’s alternative position could be, lose the purchasing power provision but give us 15% annual increase for 10 years.

The Senate may then find the purchasing power concept less objectionable but they're then displeased with the 12%.
The House’s alternative position could be, 8% increase every Labor Day until the rate achieves 125% of its February 1968 purchasing power, but the rate’s additionally annually updates reflecting changes in the CPI-U will begin prior to the New Year’s day following the enactment day of the Bill.

I hope the Democratic negotiators would be polite and respectful beyond civility, but FIRM! they should not acquiesce or attempt to placate to the opposition. Democrats should be fully prepared to leave the negotiating table and permit the differences to be resolved by the 2020 general elections.

Respectfully, Supposn

You realize that will never happen with high rates of immigration right? Besides, in 68 we were the only game in town. ILMAO @ 12% per year. Folks must really have it bad doing jobs we did as teenagers

Let's see, in 1984 I saved 12K to buy a house while living on my own. That was on $6 an hour. The house was 65K, but interest rates were 12ish. The rate today is 4-5ish, and the house is worth 170K. At the rate I was paying that 170K house would be worth approx. 80K today. Poor fellows, you can't buy a house today? Stop having kids and blowing your money on useless shit. Employers owe you a wage, and if the job doesn't pay enough then do something about it. A minimum wage is an entitlement. And incidentally, the wealth gap is primarily the work of progressive liberals.
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Apparently many of the Democrats' base still haven't gotten the message that they don't give a flying shit about this country or its workers; they work for Goldman Sachs and the 'globalist' labor racketeers. They've have never once made any serious efforts for American labor since the 1950's, and they despise blue collar workers no end, and tossed them out of the Party; they invented the 'super delegate rule' just for that reason, so time for you clueless parrots to grow up; they hate populism, and say so all the time. they had majorities several times since the 1970's, and never did squat when they had them, except bail out Wall Street and helping the U.S. Chamber of Commerce flood the country with criminal illegal aliens bankrupting the social safety net and letting foreign gangsters take over the ghettos and barrios. They prefer lunching with billionaires on their yachts.

Most of the 'left' and the hood rats are far more interested in shoveling boatloads of cash at drug cartels and smugglers, gangs of killers and scum, not 'reforms', so drop the bongs, sober up, learn to wear your pants up where they're supposed to be instead of copying fashions from prison faggots, because the Democrats aren't Santa Claus and the Party is far more concerned with stuffing its own pockets and could care less about yours.
Apparently many of the Democrats' base still haven't gotten the message that they don't give a flying shit about this country or its workers; they work for Goldman Sachs and the 'globalist' labor racketeers. They've have never once made any serious efforts for American labor since the 1950's, and they despise blue collar workers no end, and tossed them out of the Party; they invented the 'super delegate rule' just for that reason, so time for you clueless parrots to grow up; they hate populism, and say so all the time. they had majorities several times since the 1970's, and never did squat when they had them, except bail out Wall Street and helping the U.S. Chamber of Commerce flood the country with criminal illegal aliens bankrupting the social safety net and letting foreign gangsters take over the ghettos and barrios. They prefer lunching with billionaires on their yachts.

Most of the 'left' and the hood rats are far more interested in shoveling boatloads of cash at drug cartels and smugglers, gangs of killers and scum, not 'reforms', so drop the bongs, sober up, learn to wear your pants up where they're supposed to be instead of copying fashions from prison faggots, because the Democrats aren't Santa Claus and the Party is far more concerned with stuffing its own pockets and could care less about yours.

Post of the year, IMO, and the year is almost up.
Democrats regained the congressional House. Now they should immediately confront the federal minimum wage rate issue. ...
Great, more paper for Mitch's recycle bin. That's about as far as it would get.
OKTexas, no; it goes as far as to be an issue of great advantage to Democrats in 2020.
Respectfully, Supposn
Of course they should, way too many Americans have jobs for the democrat party to be successful.
The commie states Missouri and Arkansas just approved minimum wage increases. Shitholes are full of shiftless takers and a drag on the rest of the United States am I right?
Democrats regained the congressional House. Now they should immediately confront the federal minimum wage rate issue.

I’m among those that advocate a minimum wage rate gradually increased to higher purchasing power and thereafter monitored and (when necessary to retain its targeted purchasing power), it should be updated prior to New Year’s date of the following year. In my opinion, annual increases of 12% until the rate achieves 125% of its February 1968 purchasing power is reasonable.

It would be possible, but politically problematic for the Republican majority U.S. Senate not to pass an alternative bill responding to the Democratic House’s bill. Usually, there are differences between bills that may, (or may not) be reconciled by negotiators from each chamber. A bill sent to the president for his consideration must be passed by both houses with exactly the same drafted language. That usually requires both chambers to again vote and pass a draft of the bill that’s a mutually agreed upon update.

Possible House’s negotiating positions:

The Senate will be displeased by the concept of pegging the rate’s purchasing power.
The House’s alternative position could be, lose the purchasing power provision but give us 15% annual increase for 10 years.

The Senate may then find the purchasing power concept less objectionable but they're then displeased with the 12%.
The House’s alternative position could be, 8% increase every Labor Day until the rate achieves 125% of its February 1968 purchasing power, but the rate’s additionally annually updates reflecting changes in the CPI-U will begin prior to the New Year’s day following the enactment day of the Bill.

I hope the Democratic negotiators would be polite and respectful beyond civility, but FIRM! they should not acquiesce or attempt to placate to the opposition. Democrats should be fully prepared to leave the negotiating table and permit the differences to be resolved by the 2020 general elections.

Respectfully, Supposn
Democrats should all immediately self immolate. The minimum wage is for kids and retirees and people just starting out. If I can make 20 dollars an hour as a door greeter at walmart, what incentive to I have to be more? lol liberals all blow.
Democrats regained the congressional House. Now they should immediately confront the federal minimum wage rate issue.

I’m among those that advocate a minimum wage rate gradually increased to higher purchasing power and thereafter monitored and (when necessary to retain its targeted purchasing power), it should be updated prior to New Year’s date of the following year. In my opinion, annual increases of 12% until the rate achieves 125% of its February 1968 purchasing power is reasonable.

It would be possible, but politically problematic for the Republican majority U.S. Senate not to pass an alternative bill responding to the Democratic House’s bill. Usually, there are differences between bills that may, (or may not) be reconciled by negotiators from each chamber. A bill sent to the president for his consideration must be passed by both houses with exactly the same drafted language. That usually requires both chambers to again vote and pass a draft of the bill that’s a mutually agreed upon update.

Possible House’s negotiating positions:

The Senate will be displeased by the concept of pegging the rate’s purchasing power.
The House’s alternative position could be, lose the purchasing power provision but give us 15% annual increase for 10 years.

The Senate may then find the purchasing power concept less objectionable but they're then displeased with the 12%.
The House’s alternative position could be, 8% increase every Labor Day until the rate achieves 125% of its February 1968 purchasing power, but the rate’s additionally annually updates reflecting changes in the CPI-U will begin prior to the New Year’s day following the enactment day of the Bill.

I hope the Democratic negotiators would be polite and respectful beyond civility, but FIRM! they should not acquiesce or attempt to placate to the opposition. Democrats should be fully prepared to leave the negotiating table and permit the differences to be resolved by the 2020 general elections.

Respectfully, Supposn

If minimum wage laws are passed, they should be done on a city level, not a national one.

I am against an artificial minimum wage, but even those that are for it should understand that the variances in the cost of living across the country make a national law stupid.
Democrats regained the congressional House. Now they should immediately confront the federal minimum wage rate issue.

After all the talk about Donald's illegal activity it's important to immediately turn to what really matters.
Democrats regained the congressional House. Now they should immediately confront the federal minimum wage rate issue.

I’m among those that advocate a minimum wage rate gradually increased to higher purchasing power and thereafter monitored and (when necessary to retain its targeted purchasing power), it should be updated prior to New Year’s date of the following year. In my opinion, annual increases of 12% until the rate achieves 125% of its February 1968 purchasing power is reasonable.

It would be possible, but politically problematic for the Republican majority U.S. Senate not to pass an alternative bill responding to the Democratic House’s bill. Usually, there are differences between bills that may, (or may not) be reconciled by negotiators from each chamber. A bill sent to the president for his consideration must be passed by both houses with exactly the same drafted language. That usually requires both chambers to again vote and pass a draft of the bill that’s a mutually agreed upon update.

Possible House’s negotiating positions:

The Senate will be displeased by the concept of pegging the rate’s purchasing power.
The House’s alternative position could be, lose the purchasing power provision but give us 15% annual increase for 10 years.

The Senate may then find the purchasing power concept less objectionable but they're then displeased with the 12%.
The House’s alternative position could be, 8% increase every Labor Day until the rate achieves 125% of its February 1968 purchasing power, but the rate’s additionally annually updates reflecting changes in the CPI-U will begin prior to the New Year’s day following the enactment day of the Bill.

I hope the Democratic negotiators would be polite and respectful beyond civility, but FIRM! they should not acquiesce or attempt to placate to the opposition. Democrats should be fully prepared to leave the negotiating table and permit the differences to be resolved by the 2020 general elections.

Respectfully, Supposn

The Minimum Wage is a good issue for the D's to demagogue, as there is ZERO chance that it will pass the Senate.

The House of Reps should be working together with their President to pass legislation that is both passable by the Senate and signable by the President and will advance the American agenda. But they won't, the D's are currently 100% opposed to President Trump's idea to make America great again, and will do what they can to return the country to malaise.

As far as the issue of the Federal Minimum wage, its pretty much dead. Many states already have higher limits if the people there wanted it. Further, in states like Pennsylvania which don't have a higher minimum wage, very few places actually pay at the minimum wage. The Trump economy is booming, and here even traditional minimum wage places like retail stores and fast food are offering wages far above the statutory minimum.
The minimum wage is for kids and retirees and people just starting out.


Deadbeat losers who won't improve themselves have already priced themselves out of the low end labor market due to the flood of illegals the Dims have imported to bolster their voting base.

In my state, the minimum wage is 7.25. If pajama boi works 8 hours a day at 7.25, he'll get 58 bucks before tax and gas money. I can go to the Lowe's or Home Depot parking lot ANY MORNING of the year and hire illegals between the ages of 17 and 40 who will work their ass off 12 hours a day for 35 bucks. That's for unskilled labor. I can hire a skilled carpenter or painter for what pajama boi makes a day at minimum wage.

So tell me again why I should pay some whiny little bitch more than he's worth?

The low end labor market is flooded. There is more supply than demand so the price is low. Basic economics. Want to raise the price of low end labor? Lower the supply. Build the wall.

Got to love crazy. Democrats want more uneducated immigration to help keep wages low. Then talk about raising the minimum wage by law.
Where do they think that money to pay the higher minimum wage will come from? Do they actually believe that companies will take it out of their pockets? No they will raise prices. When prices go up the amount you make goes to pay the higher prices. It means you actually made the same amount because it now buys the same things as before. All that has been accomplished is inflation.

Yet somehow this seems to make sense to some.
Got to love crazy. Democrats want more uneducated immigration to help keep wages low. Then talk about raising the minimum wage by law.
Where do they think that money to pay the higher minimum wage will come from? Do they actually believe that companies will take it out of their pockets? No they will raise prices. When prices go up the amount you make goes to pay the higher prices. It means you actually made the same amount because it now buys the same things as before. All that has been accomplished is inflation.

Yet somehow this seems to make sense to some.
The GOP has no shortage of illegals either, and?
The minimum wage is for kids and retirees and people just starting out.


Deadbeat losers who won't improve themselves have already priced themselves out of the low end labor market due to the flood of illegals the Dims have imported to bolster their voting base.

In my state, the minimum wage is 7.25. If pajama boi works 8 hours a day at 7.25, he'll get 58 bucks before tax and gas money. I can go to the Lowe's or Home Depot parking lot ANY MORNING of the year and hire illegals between the ages of 17 and 40 who will work their ass off 12 hours a day for 35 bucks. That's for unskilled labor. I can hire a skilled carpenter or painter for what pajama boi makes a day at minimum wage.

So tell me again why I should pay some whiny little bitch more than he's worth?

The low end labor market is flooded. There is more supply than demand so the price is low. Basic economics. Want to raise the price of low end labor? Lower the supply. Build the wall.

The wall will not allay the rich wanting to be richer..

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