Democrats' Rigged Impeachment Circus....

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
400 ^ | November 6, 2019


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi insists the impeachment procedures adopted last Thursday are "the fairest possible." Don't believe it.

In truth, a provision slyly added at the last minute is all but certain to deprive President Donald Trump of the ability to defend himself. Expect a one-sided propaganda circus with Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., acting as ringmaster.

Democrats are boasting about the "impeachment inquiry protections" offered to Trump, claiming they're the same as the rules devised for President Richard Nixon and President Bill Clinton. But that's a baldfaced lie. Section F, quietly devised by Judiciary Committee Chair Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., stipulates that unless the president surrenders executive privilege -- a power even the Supreme Court has ruled is vital to his office -- he and his lawyers will be denied any ability to call or question witnesses.

House Democrats are behaving like thugs, twisting arms to get what the Constitution does not entitle them to demand.

The Judiciary Committee's Section F was triggered on Monday, when four White House officials refused to show up for Schiff's grilling because Trump and the Justice Department instructed them to stay away. It is the president's right to do that to protect executive privilege. Schiff immediately called these four officials "first-hand witnesses to serious misconduct." That's typically Schiff -- rushing to judgment without hearing any evidence. Expect more of that when the hearings go public in mid-November.

Pelosi defended the House decision to drag out their investigation of the president with formal public hearings, saying "if we don't have a system of checks and balances, we might as well all just elect a president and go home." With all due respect, Madam Speaker, impeachment was never intended to be a part of the routine checks and balances between Congress and the executive. That's what the president's veto power and Congress' override are for. Impeachment was reserved for those rare moments when a president actually may have committed "high crimes and misdemeanors."

It's tragic to see Democrats turning impeachment into a tool to discredit a president merely because he belongs to a different party or they find him objectionable. Allow it to happen once and it could happen again and again, giving the party that controls the House the power to undo presidential elections routinely.

Most presidents facing reelection would be doomed by the rigged House spectacle about to begin. But Trump sees that he can overcome the impact of these televised hearings by going directly to the public himself. He said he's tempted to hold a "fireside chat" with the American people and read the transcript of his controversial July 25 phone call with the Ukrainian president.

Trump's medium is television, and no one is better. New York Times author James Poniewozik, who is no Trump fan, argues in a recent book that Trump doesn't just appear on television; he owes his rise to television.

Compared with Trump, Schiff and his star witnesses are not very telegenic. Typical are demoted Ukrainian Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, acting Ukrainian Ambassador William Taylor and State Department careerist George Kent. These bureaucrats, reeking of self-importance, are convinced that they know more about foreign policy than the president. They're dripping with disdain for him and the people who elected him.

Meanwhile, Trump shows how to maximize television audiences. In a mere nine-minute Oval Office speech defending the needs for border security, he pulled in a whopping 43 million viewers, ratings that Trump-haters like sleazebag lawyer Michael Cohen and former FBI Director James Comey couldn't touch.

Will Trump win the ratings war against the House Democrats and their witnesses? With a Senate conviction and removal from office highly unlikely, because real evidence of wrongdoing is lacking, the only goal of House impeachment is to damage the president and make him unelectable in 2020. Democrats shouldn't count on that. They'll easily win a vote to impeach Trump, but they're likely to lose where it really counts: in the court of public opinion.


Here’s the problem, in the Clinton years Americans were against impeachment because the media supported him. Now the MSM is running lies 24/7 about impeachment and sadly ignorant people in this country believe the media. I thought for sure this would backfire on them, but we can’t discount the power of these evil people and their influence over our society. The question——what can we do about it? Answer-—I have no idea. But their propaganda IS a problem and destroying this country.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi insists the impeachment procedures adopted last Thursday are "the fairest possible."

Democrats initiated another coup attempt / 'investigation' based yet again on NO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME. Instead of a Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence report acquired by a foreign spy working for Obama's / Comey's FBI this time the Democrats used 2nd-hand account information from an admitted partisan, biased, Biden-connected, Deep State, Brennan-connected CIA agent spy planted into the WH just to produce this faux 'Whistle Blower' complaint - which was discarded by the Judicial sections of the DOJ for not being credible.

1. The 'Whistle Blower' is not legally - by definition of the law itself - a true 'Whistle Blower'.

2. The complaint filed, prior to being submitted, was crafted with help from Schiff and another anti-Trump Dem.
- Schiff had direct contact with the Whistle Blower and lied about this to Congress and the American people. This contact makes him a 'CONTACT WITNESS', which SHOULF have forced his recusal from not only being the Chairman of the Committee running this coup attempt but also his removal from the entire investigation....something Schiff and the Democrats refuse to do. His being a 'Contact Witness' also makes Schiff LEGALLY (not that Democrats pay attention to actual low) available / responsible for being a witness before Congress under oath during this investigation if the GOP decides to call for him to testify.

3. The complaint filed was regarding concerns over 'Intel Practices'. Neither the President nor the Ukraine PM are Intel Community personnel, and their DIPLOMATIC phone call has nothing to do with 'Intel Practices', so the complaint was bogus to begin with. It was filed specifically as concern over 'INTEL Community Practices' to help it be expedited - after rules were changed to facilitate this - straight to Schiff and Dems running the House INTEL Committee!

Schiff and the Democrats have continued to insist that the Whistle Blower's identity be kept HIDDEN from the public, from the President, and the GOP...because their identity fills their false narrative full of holes and exposes this latest coup attempt for what it is. Schiff has even threatened to file an Ethics Complaint against the House Staffer who 'leaked' the identity of the Whistle Blower.
-- That's both ironic and hypocritical, not to mention funny as hell: The admitted classified leaker, whose committee has been leaking - cherry-picked information about this case - more than a screen door on a submarine, Adam Schiff threatening to punish someone else for leaking information. Bwuhahahaha......

Meanwhile snowflakes continue to mindlessly parrot Schiff's and the Democrats insistence / LIE that the Whistle Blower's identity CAN not and SHOULD not be released...without ever questioning their claim, without ever bothering to look at the actual Whistle Blower law for themselves to learn they are - as usual - being lied to by the very criminal Democrats they are defending. THE ONLY PROTECTION A WHISTLE BLOWER IS AFFORDED ACCORDING TO THE LAW IS PROTECTION FROM RETALIATION IN THE WORK PLACE - THEY ARE NOT AFFORDED ANONYMITY!

...silly supped snowflakes.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi insists the impeachment procedures adopted last Thursday are "the fairest possible."

Democrats initiated another coup attempt / 'investigation' based yet again on NO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME. Instead of a Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence report acquired by a foreign spy working for Obama's / Comey's FBI this time the Democrats used 2nd-hand account information from an admitted partisan, biased, Biden-connected, Deep State, Brennan-connected CIA agent spy planted into the WH just to produce this faux 'Whistle Blower' complaint - which was discarded by the Judicial sections of the DOJ for not being credible.

1. The 'Whistle Blower' is not legally - by definition of the law itself - a true 'Whistle Blower'.

2. The complaint filed, prior to being submitted, was crafted with help from Schiff and another anti-Trump Dem.
- Schiff had direct contact with the Whistle Blower and lied about this to Congress and the American people. This contact makes him a 'CONTACT WITNESS', which SHOULF have forced his recusal from not only being the Chairman of the Committee running this coup attempt but also his removal from the entire investigation....something Schiff and the Democrats refuse to do. His being a 'Contact Witness' also makes Schiff LEGALLY (not that Democrats pay attention to actual low) available / responsible for being a witness before Congress under oath during this investigation if the GOP decides to call for him to testify.

3. The complaint filed was regarding concerns over 'Intel Practices'. Neither the President nor the Ukraine PM are Intel Community personnel, and their DIPLOMATIC phone call has nothing to do with 'Intel Practices', so the complaint was bogus to begin with. It was filed specifically as concern over 'INTEL Community Practices' to help it be expedited - after rules were changed to facilitate this - straight to Schiff and Dems running the House INTEL Committee!

Schiff and the Democrats have continued to insist that the Whistle Blower's identity be kept HIDDEN from the public, from the President, and the GOP...because their identity fills their false narrative full of holes and exposes this latest coup attempt for what it is. Schiff has even threatened to file an Ethics Complaint against the House Staffer who 'leaked' the identity of the Whistle Blower.
-- That's both ironic and hypocritical, not to mention funny as hell: The admitted classified leaker, whose committee has been leaking - cherry-picked information about this case - more than a screen door on a submarine, Adam Schiff threatening to punish someone else for leaking information. Bwuhahahaha......

Meanwhile snowflakes continue to mindlessly parrot Schiff's and the Democrats insistence / LIE that the Whistle Blower's identity CAN not and SHOULD not be released...without ever questioning their claim, without ever bothering to look at the actual Whistle Blower law for themselves to learn they are - as usual - being lied to by the very criminal Democrats they are defending. THE ONLY PROTECTION A WHISTLE BLOWER IS AFFORDED ACCORDING TO THE LAW IS PROTECTION FROM RETALIATION IN THE WORK PLACE - THEY ARE NOT AFFORDED ANONYMITY!

...silly supped snowflakes.
You can't fire him, but you can TRANSFER HIM to East Cupcake, Iowa....legally!
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi insists the impeachment procedures adopted last Thursday are "the fairest possible."
Holding closed-door, secret Impeachment hearings - kept hidden from the American people, from the accused, the accused lawyers, and the inquisition run by a proven seditious liar, admitted classified leaker, 'Contact Witness' directly involved in the case, and a politician compromised by a Russian-born arms dealer who did business with corrupt former Ukraine politicians who gave him a lot of what Pelosi considers 'the fairest possible'?

Violating Constitutional Rights, the Rule of Law, and precedence already set by declaring the accused / accused's lawyers / the GOP can ONLY call witnesses the Democrats running the coup approve of and can ONLY ask questions those running the coup have approved in advance is what Pelosi - and Schiff - consider the 'fairest possible'?

Bwuhahahaha....Democrats think the American people are as stupid as Jonathon Gruber revealed Democrats think snowflakes are...and are proving to be now. The American people see right through this laughable Impeachment circus / latest coup attempt.

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