Democrats Prepared To Move Forward Alone While Moving Ahead With 'Two-Track' Infrastructure Plan


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
Looks like the infrastructure and jobs bill will be split in two.

If that's the only way to get it done then I support however it can get done.

Part will be done in reconciliation and the other part with hopefully republican support. If the republicans don't support even that part, it all will be put together for a reconciliation bill.

McConnell and the republicans aren't going to get their way. The 2017 tax cuts are going to be repealed. Whether the republicans like it or not.

This is great news OP.

About time the Democrats got off there asses and begin to beat back the powers of darkness.

Listen to yourself.

"Powers of darkness"

(Stifles a laugh)

Both parties can be equated as such. They do equal amounts of damage to our country, one way or another. They should stop using nobility and righteousness as a cover for their destructive behavior.
Looks like the infrastructure and jobs bill will be split in two.

If that's the only way to get it done then I support however it can get done.

Part will be done in reconciliation and the other part with hopefully republican support. If the republicans don't support even that part, it all will be put together for a reconciliation bill.

McConnell and the republicans aren't going to get their way. The 2017 tax cuts are going to be repealed. Whether the republicans like it or not.

I see a big fat waste of money in our future.
Looks like the infrastructure and jobs bill will be split in two.

If that's the only way to get it done then I support however it can get done.

Part will be done in reconciliation and the other part with hopefully republican support. If the republicans don't support even that part, it all will be put together for a reconciliation bill.

McConnell and the republicans aren't going to get their way. The 2017 tax cuts are going to be repealed. Whether the republicans like it or not.

There shouldn’t be anything partisan about addressing the infrastructure crisis – that Republicans have made it needlessly partisan, along with their unwarranted opposition to the proposed measure and desire to address the crisis on the cheap, is further proof that Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance.
Looks like the infrastructure and jobs bill will be split in two.

If that's the only way to get it done then I support however it can get done.

Part will be done in reconciliation and the other part with hopefully republican support. If the republicans don't support even that part, it all will be put together for a reconciliation bill.

McConnell and the republicans aren't going to get their way. The 2017 tax cuts are going to be repealed. Whether the republicans like it or not.

There shouldn’t be anything partisan about addressing the infrastructure crisis – that Republicans have made it needlessly partisan, along with their unwarranted opposition to the proposed measure and desire to address the crisis on the cheap, is further proof that Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance.
Yeah, there should be nothing partisan about wasting all our money.
So in an economy already suffering from the worst inflation in more than a genius left wingers want to pour Trillions more stimulus into "infrastructure"? Why would any rationale person do that? Anyone that's taken Macro Economics 101 knows that's a recipe for even more inflation!

This economy is poised to come roaring back once Covid restrictions are lifted. It will do exactly that UNLESS you have people running the economy that are so ignorant of basic economic principles that they screw it all up! People like Joe Biden!
Looks like the infrastructure and jobs bill will be split in two.

If that's the only way to get it done then I support however it can get done.

Part will be done in reconciliation and the other part with hopefully republican support. If the republicans don't support even that part, it all will be put together for a reconciliation bill.

McConnell and the republicans aren't going to get their way. The 2017 tax cuts are going to be repealed. Whether the republicans like it or not.

There shouldn’t be anything partisan about addressing the infrastructure crisis – that Republicans have made it needlessly partisan, along with their unwarranted opposition to the proposed measure and desire to address the crisis on the cheap, is further proof that Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance.
If there really IS an "infrastructure crisis" as you claim, Clayton...kindly explain why so little of the infrastructure bill that the Democrats have introduced has to do with actual infrastructure?
Everything the stuttering fuck touches turns to shit..... and then dies.

Looks like the infrastructure and jobs bill will be split in two.

If that's the only way to get it done then I support however it can get done.

Part will be done in reconciliation and the other part with hopefully republican support. If the republicans don't support even that part, it all will be put together for a reconciliation bill.

McConnell and the republicans aren't going to get their way. The 2017 tax cuts are going to be repealed. Whether the republicans like it or not.

There shouldn’t be anything partisan about addressing the infrastructure crisis – that Republicans have made it needlessly partisan, along with their unwarranted opposition to the proposed measure and desire to address the crisis on the cheap, is further proof that Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance.
Yeah, there should be nothing partisan about wasting all our money.
Looks like the infrastructure and jobs bill will be split in two.

If that's the only way to get it done then I support however it can get done.

Part will be done in reconciliation and the other part with hopefully republican support. If the republicans don't support even that part, it all will be put together for a reconciliation bill.

McConnell and the republicans aren't going to get their way. The 2017 tax cuts are going to be repealed. Whether the republicans like it or not.

There shouldn’t be anything partisan about addressing the infrastructure crisis – that Republicans have made it needlessly partisan, along with their unwarranted opposition to the proposed measure and desire to address the crisis on the cheap, is further proof that Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance.
Yeah, there should be nothing partisan about wasting all our money.
Trump's cult didn't have any issues when the orange, idiot withheld $500 Billion of the $2.3 Trillion bill passed in March of last year, to be secretly doled out by Mnuchin, at his discretion, recipients to be revealed 6 months later.
This is great news OP.

About time the Democrats got off there asses and begin to beat back the powers of darkness.

Good Luck. Folding infrastructure into a climate change bill will likely cost them the other Joe's vote.
Yup and only 5% of that bill is for actual infrastructure repair. The rest is pure d pork. Climate Change is the biggest hoax on the planet. Find a way to control the Sun, moon and the revolutions of earth and you might be able to control the climate. Hell Gore already laughed his way to the bank with proceeds from his CC gig.

Anyone who believes in climate change is dumber than a box of rocks.
This is great news OP.

About time the Democrats got off there asses and begin to beat back the powers of darkness.


The republicans ram their agenda through when they have control whether we like it or want it or not.

Unlike republican bills, this will do nothing but benefit our nation.

Our infrastructure is falling apart. The result of 40 years of conservative economics of very low taxes on the rich and big business.

It's about time some adults started doing what's right for our nation.
This is great news OP.

About time the Democrats got off there asses and begin to beat back the powers of darkness.


The republicans ram their agenda through when they have control whether we like it or want it or not.

Unlike republican bills, this will do nothing but benefit our nation.

Our infrastructure is falling apart. The result of 40 years of conservative economics of very low taxes on the rich and big business.

It's about time some adults started doing what's right for our nation.
Then why does the bulk of the "infrastructure" bill not have anything to do with fixing our crumbling infrastructure? That bill has more pork in it than a Hormel meat packing plant!
Looks like the infrastructure and jobs bill will be split in two.

If that's the only way to get it done then I support however it can get done.

Part will be done in reconciliation and the other part with hopefully republican support. If the republicans don't support even that part, it all will be put together for a reconciliation bill.

McConnell and the republicans aren't going to get their way. The 2017 tax cuts are going to be repealed. Whether the republicans like it or not.

You're going to need 50 votes either way, what makes you think they can wrangle Sinema, Kelley and Manchin? I don't think any of the 3 are in the mood to commit political suicide.

ever check what is in their stock portfolio? That would explain why they are so hard core on Green crap.

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