Democrats now want to ban all semi-auto rifles....and shotguns? But...shotguns were supposed to be the O.K. guns...right? Hunters?

Why do you think your opinion is meaningful, or relevant?
From a historical perspective I bring graduate level education and research focusing on the Constitution and the period prior to, and shortly after, the Revolutionary War.

From a hunting perspective I come from a long line of Americans that actually did subsist on hunting, beginning with Henry Weidner, look him up. I hunt quail with a .410 double barrel and was taught by my grandfather who I never saw return from a hunt without more birds than shots fired. Figure out how that happens.

In the 1970's, when the NRA actually functioned, I was a captain of a rifle squad sponsored by the NRA and part of my duties was teaching gun safety to high school students. In 1975 I was eliminated in the regionals for the three position 50 meter rifle event for the 1976 Olympics.
From a historical perspective I bring graduate level education and research focusing on the Constitution and the period prior to, and shortly after, the Revolutionary War.

From a hunting perspective I come from a long line of Americans that actually did subsist on hunting, beginning with Henry Weidner, look him up. I hunt quail with a .410 double barrel and was taught by my grandfather who I never saw return from a hunt without more birds than shots fired. Figure out how that happens.

In the 1970's, when the NRA actually functioned, I was a captain of a rifle squad sponsored by the NRA and part of my duties was teaching gun safety to high school students. In 1975 I was eliminated in the regionals for the three position 50 meter rifle event for the 1976 Olympics.
Do you have any EBRs in your herd ?
From a historical perspective I bring graduate level education and research focusing on the Constitution and the period prior to, and shortly after, the Revolutionary War.....
Not that I've seen, Scotsman - but feel free to continue with your fallacious appeal to your own claims of authority
And so, my challenge remains unanswered.
I am sure this will not change..
Real hunters hunt for "sport". Not much sport in rapidly firing three shots from a 12 gauge semi-auto at one bird. Not to mention picking all that shot out of them when prepping them to cook.
To me hunting is fulfills an ancient purpose that humans should not completely divorce themselves from. That's really all it is. "Sport" hunting is a modern thing developed by modern people who don't really need to do it.
I said:

I see it as the attitude that causes American men to want an AR-15.

In reference to that, I'm stuck on answering your question an metrics but I'm suggesting that too many American men want a weapon that is an attempt to imitate a weapon of war.

And I said:

Eliminate that and better than half the problem is solved.

I'm suggesting that the gun violence isn't immediately eliminated by the reduction of the number of guns, by is indirectly eliminated by a change in 'culture' and 'attitudes' toward owning those sort of weapons.

And I'm pretty well convinced that the guy at the range with his AR-15 who is blazing away at human silouette targets, could be seen as a potential danger.

Have I answered your question on 'what metrics'? I'm really not quite sure on what you were asking?

Perhaps we can go on to discussing the reason why the Columbine shooters were motivated? Michael Moore made several suggestions in his movie. Some related directly to the 2nd. amendment
If you believe ANYTHING that moron Moore says, you are as big an idiot as he is.
Just another example of not being able to ever trust the Liberals when they say they don't want to take away your firearms, just enact reasonable gun control.

Lying sonofabitches that are never reasonable.
You're out of your mind if you believe that eliminating AR-15s and the like will solve better than half of our gun violence problem.
The vast majority of gun violence is committed by career criminals using handguns. If you want to stop gun violence, simply jail every criminal who uses a gun in a crime for a minimum of ten years with no parole possible, twenty to life if he injures someone in the commission of his crime and the death penalty if he kills someone in the commission of his crime. Do that and gun violence will almost disappear in the United States.
The vast majority of gun violence is committed by career criminals using handguns. If you want to stop gun violence, simply jail every criminal who uses a gun in a crime for a minimum of ten years with no parole possible, twenty to life if he injures someone in the commission of his crime and the death penalty if he kills someone in the commission of his crime. Do that and gun violence will almost disappear in the United States.

Yep....and that strategy has the added benefit of leaving normal gun owners alone.........which is why the anti-gun fanatics will never do it.....they don't care about criminals since they can't control them...they do know if they pass a law, most people will obey it...
Yep....and that strategy has the added benefit of leaving normal gun owners alone.........which is why the anti-gun fanatics will never do it.....they don't care about criminals since they can't control them...they do know if they pass a law, most people will obey it...
Unless it’s a law legalizing Pedo / NAMBLA activities ?

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