Democrat's Next Attempt To Get Trump...Commenting On Excessive Sentence Against Roger Stone


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Yup....not only are they going to try to make investigating crimes by Democrats illegal.....but commenting on abuses by prosecutors is now illegal....if your name is Donald J. Trump.
I can see it coming......not even a week after their last attempt to impeach Trump failed.....they're trying to invent another one.

In Twitter rampage, Trump attacks federal judge set to sentence Roger Stone

They tried to impeach him over a friggen phone those SOBs will try to impeach Trump over a Tweet.

Hey Donald! How about just shutting the fuck up....

Maybe you won't get impeached....again..

LOL...wouldn't that be a hoot. The first president to get impeached twice!! Couldn't happen to a nicer fuckwit...
Here we go again...I wonder if they have it in them to do it all again....the first one failed and has guaranteed a Trump win....
I can see it coming......not even a week after their last attempt to impeach Trump failed.....they're trying to invent another one.

In Twitter rampage, Trump attacks federal judge set to sentence Roger Stone

They tried to impeach him over a friggen phone those SOBs will try to impeach Trump over a Tweet.

Hey Donald! How about just shutting the fuck up....

Maybe you won't get impeached....again..

LOL...wouldn't that be a hoot. The first president to get impeached twice!! Couldn't happen to a nicer fuckwit...
He won't shut bugs you libs too much...he can't resist....
Yup....not only are they going to try to make investigating crimes by Democrats illegal.....but commenting on abuses by prosecutors is now illegal....if your name is Donald J. Trump.

Naw, it's more like the Orange Buffoon just spouts off shit without even thinking. Then again he is a Deplorable loser...what would you expect?
I can see it coming......not even a week after their last attempt to impeach Trump failed.....they're trying to invent another one.

In Twitter rampage, Trump attacks federal judge set to sentence Roger Stone

They tried to impeach him over a friggen phone those SOBs will try to impeach Trump over a Tweet.

Hey Donald! How about just shutting the fuck up....

Maybe you won't get impeached....again..

LOL...wouldn't that be a hoot. The first president to get impeached twice!! Couldn't happen to a nicer fuckwit...
If anyone deserved a serious's Congressional Democraps.
Yup....not only are they going to try to make investigating crimes by Democrats illegal.....but commenting on abuses by prosecutors is now illegal....if your name is Donald J. Trump.

Naw, it's more like the Orange Buffoon just spouts off shit without even thinking. Then again he is a Deplorable loser...what would you expect?
Trump specializes in turning you libs into screaming morons.
I can see it coming......not even a week after their last attempt to impeach Trump failed.....they're trying to invent another one.

In Twitter rampage, Trump attacks federal judge set to sentence Roger Stone

They tried to impeach him over a friggen phone those SOBs will try to impeach Trump over a Tweet.

A second impeachment on this or any other grounds would be beyond the pale of asinine, sure. However, a second impeachment could also knock another contender or two out of the democrat candidate pool and cement our President's reelection. I say, if the democrats want to impeach him ten more times before this year's election then let them. By then they might not even have a single presidential candidate left to run against DT or a party left at all. Donald Trump has chummed the waters so well these past few years that all the political bottom feeders have risen to the surface in plain view to feed on fake news and charges against him. Time to toss a stick of dynamite into the water and be done with the process.
He won't shut bugs you libs too much...he can't resist....

Nah. He was a Big Mouthed Twat long before he got into politics....
And now he is the leader of the free world...and damn good at it....

Er no. He is the leader of America. America's decline started some time ago. He's just making it happen faster. The 21st century is the Asian Century. America will end up an isolationist backwater in about 40-50 years. Not that you wingnuts will mind. You guys long for the days of the wild west. Well, it might be coming to fruition!
Yeah, Trump acts like a friggin unhinged lunatic and the Trumpist go crazy. Trump’s comments are a disgrace to the office. But hey where the reputation of the presidency is not worth a bottle of warm spit under Trump, anything now goes, no matter how low and base.
He won't shut bugs you libs too much...he can't resist....

Nah. He was a Big Mouthed Twat long before he got into politics....
And now he is the leader of the free world...and damn good at it....

Er no. He is the leader of America. America's decline started some time ago. He's just making it happen faster. The 21st century is the Asian Century. America will end up an isolationist backwater in about 40-50 years. Not that you wingnuts will mind. You guys long for the days of the wild west. Well, it might be coming to fruition!
And in my entire life America has led the world in every category possible...
He won't shut bugs you libs too much...he can't resist....

Nah. He was a Big Mouthed Twat long before he got into politics....
And now he is the leader of the free world...and damn good at it....

Er no. He is the leader of America. America's decline started some time ago. He's just making it happen faster. The 21st century is the Asian Century. America will end up an isolationist backwater in about 40-50 years. Not that you wingnuts will mind. You guys long for the days of the wild west. Well, it might be coming to fruition!
He won't shut bugs you libs too much...he can't resist....

Nah. He was a Big Mouthed Twat long before he got into politics....
And now he is the leader of the free world...and damn good at it....

Er no. He is the leader of America. America's decline started some time ago. He's just making it happen faster. The 21st century is the Asian Century. America will end up an isolationist backwater in about 40-50 years. Not that you wingnuts will mind. You guys long for the days of the wild west. Well, it might be coming to fruition!
And in my entire life America has led the world in every category possible...
Hehe he

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