Democrats led by Adam Schiff have meltdown over the Flynn pardon.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Adam Schiff is the perfect representative of what the Democratic party has become.

Democrats, led by Rep. Adam Schiff (CA), erupted in anger Wednesday afternoon after President Trump pardoned his former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (U.S. Army Ret.), bringing to an end Flynn’s nearly four year long ordeal of being targeted and prosecuted by the Obama-led Deep State for a crime he did not commit.

Check out Schiff's obnoxious tweet @ 2:45

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Adam Schiff is the perfect representative of what the Democratic party has become.

Democrats, led by Rep. Adam Schiff (CA), erupted in anger Wednesday afternoon after President Trump pardoned his former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (U.S. Army Ret.), bringing to an end Flynn’s nearly four year long ordeal of being targeted and prosecuted by the Obama-led Deep State for a crime he did not commit.

It is Schiff that needs a pardon.
There should be a lesson here however most will fail to see the irony. The end does not justify the means. Little feeble minded Mr Shifty thinks otherwise. Too bad politicians can not be held accountable for the lies that roll out of their mouth.
Adam Schiff is the perfect representative of what the Democratic party has become.

Democrats, led by Rep. Adam Schiff (CA), erupted in anger Wednesday afternoon after President Trump pardoned his former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (U.S. Army Ret.), bringing to an end Flynn’s nearly four year long ordeal of being targeted and prosecuted by the Obama-led Deep State for a crime he did not commit.

It is Schiff that needs a pardon.

Schiff needs an axe handle upside the head.
What sick digusting pieces of trash? What do they care if Flynn does not go to prison. He is already bankrupt.

How is Schiff’s life affected and how does it hurt any American that Flynn was pardoned? Specifically, how is any American endangered or compromised because of this pardon?

Fuck Dems.
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There should be a lesson here however most will fail to see the irony. The end does not justify the means. Little feeble minded Mr Shifty thinks otherwise. Too bad politicians can not be held accountable for the lies that roll out of their mouth.
If they keep it where they can rig the elections the people cannot get rid of them by vote.
Jerry Nadler should sit on Shift's face
There should be a lesson here however most will fail to see the irony. The end does not justify the means. Little feeble minded Mr Shifty thinks otherwise. Too bad politicians can not be held accountable for the lies that roll out of their mouth.
If they keep it where they can rig the elections the people cannot get rid of them by vote.
That's the goal.
Flynn lied..twice. He even admitted it when he took his plea. Corrupt people shouldn't get pardons. Period.
The guy is a scumbag. He deserves to spend the rest of his life labeled as one.
Flynn lied..twice. He even admitted it when he took his plea. Corrupt people shouldn't get pardons. Period.
The guy is a scumbag. He deserves to spend the rest of his life labeled as one.
Obama lied about Obamacare..."You can keep your doctor and your premiums will not increase, blah blah blah". Why isn't he in jail? The guy who wrote the bill admitted it was a lie.
Adam Schiff is the perfect representative of what the Democratic party has become.

Democrats, led by Rep. Adam Schiff (CA), erupted in anger Wednesday afternoon after President Trump pardoned his former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (U.S. Army Ret.), bringing to an end Flynn’s nearly four year long ordeal of being targeted and prosecuted by the Obama-led Deep State for a crime he did not commit.

Check out Schiff's obnoxious tweet @ 2:45

TWICE Flynn lied under oath to the court.

Twice he committed Perjury! A Felony!

No one is above the law, except Trump and those who are loyal to him, apparently. At least in the mind of dishonest people who support Trump and his aberrant behavior in the last four years in office, and in all of his business dealings for decades.
Flynn lied..twice. He even admitted it when he took his plea. Corrupt people shouldn't get pardons. Period.
The guy is a scumbag. He deserves to spend the rest of his life labeled as one.
Corrupt law enforcement peeps who create bogus charges for political reasons to go after an individual should not get a free pass. General Flynn being a Democrat didn't stand with the new party line bullshit being foisted on many of the United States citizens against their will; so y'all made him a target.
Flynn lied..twice. He even admitted it when he took his plea. Corrupt people shouldn't get pardons. Period.
The guy is a scumbag. He deserves to spend the rest of his life labeled as one.
Obama lied about Obamacare..."You can keep your doctor and your premiums will not increase, blah blah blah". Why isn't he in jail? The guy who wrote the bill admitted it was a lie.

95% of people kept their doctor with the ACA. Don't know what reality you lived in. As far as premium increases..if you believed that, then you'd have bought this cool bridge in lower Manhattan that I have. :)
So I'm going to hold a political promise made by a politician in the same regard as subverting national security and then lying about it...twice. You really need to double check your priorities.
Flynn lied..twice. He even admitted it when he took his plea. Corrupt people shouldn't get pardons. Period.
The guy is a scumbag. He deserves to spend the rest of his life labeled as one.
Obama lied about Obamacare..."You can keep your doctor and your premiums will not increase, blah blah blah". Why isn't he in jail? The guy who wrote the bill admitted it was a lie.

95% of people kept their doctor with the ACA. Don't know what reality you lived in. As far as premium increases..if you believed that, then you'd have bought this cool bridge in lower Manhattan that I have. :)
So I'm going to hold a political promise made by a politician in the same regard as subverting national security and then lying about it...twice. You really need to double check your priorities.
Typical double standard. At least you admit Obumbo lied.
General Flynn real guilt from everything I have seen would have been in trusting his initial attorney's recommendations to attempt to end the prosecution against him and threats to his family.

1. Special Counsel Threatened Flynn’s Son to Extract a Guilty Plea

When President Trump announced he was pardoning Flynn, the media took refuge in Flynn’s prior guilty plea to continue branding Flynn a criminal.

Yes, Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his conversation with the Russian ambassador. When Judge Emmet Sullivan took over the case after Flynn pleaded guilty, Flynn stood by that plea when Sullivan questioned him.

But pleading guilty to a crime you didn’t commit isn’t a crime, and the evidence the special counsel’s office buried has established that is exactly what Flynn did: He pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI in violation of Section 1001 while innocent of the charge.

Lying to the FBI constitutes a crime under Section 1001 only if the person making the statement knows the statement is false and the false statement concerns a material fact. Although in pleading guilty Flynn stated he knew his Jan. 24, 2019, statements to FBI Agents Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka about his conversation with the Russian ambassador were false, in moving to withdraw his guilty plea, Flynn maintained his innocence and professed that he “did not lie to them” and “believed I was honest with them to the best of my recollection at the time.”

An uninformed public is likely to discount such a recantation, especially when the press continues to push the “Flynn twice pleaded guilty” narrative and ignores the since-revealed details explaining why Flynn would plead guilty to a crime he did not commit.

As Flynn tells it, the week before he pleaded guilty, his attorneys at the time, Robert Kelner and Stephen Anthony, told Flynn that if he did not plead guilty his son, Michael G. Flynn, “could or would face indictment.” Also, on Nov. 30, 2017—the day before he pleaded guilty—Flynn’s former lawyers assured him that if he “accepted the plea, [his] son Michael would be left in peace.”

Flynn lied..twice. He even admitted it when he took his plea. Corrupt people shouldn't get pardons. Period.
The guy is a scumbag. He deserves to spend the rest of his life labeled as one.
Obama lied about Obamacare..."You can keep your doctor and your premiums will not increase, blah blah blah". Why isn't he in jail? The guy who wrote the bill admitted it was a lie.

95% of people kept their doctor with the ACA. Don't know what reality you lived in. As far as premium increases..if you believed that, then you'd have bought this cool bridge in lower Manhattan that I have. :)
So I'm going to hold a political promise made by a politician in the same regard as subverting national security and then lying about it...twice. You really need to double check your priorities.
Typical double standard. At least you admit Obumbo lied.

Again, most people kept their doctors. A lot of people saw their premiums go down. Do you really think that a political promise is the same as lying under oath about a national security issue?
That would be like me wanting to send Trump to jail for "Build That Wall" or "Drain The Swamp". Cutesy campaign statements. Neither of which he got done (sorry replacing fence doesn't count),
I just laughed at them and the willing supporters who thought he'd actually deliver on them. At least Obama delivered on the substance of what he promised.
Adam Schiff is the perfect representative of what the Democratic party has become.

Democrats, led by Rep. Adam Schiff (CA), erupted in anger Wednesday afternoon after President Trump pardoned his former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (U.S. Army Ret.), bringing to an end Flynn’s nearly four year long ordeal of being targeted and prosecuted by the Obama-led Deep State for a crime he did not commit.

Check out Schiff's obnoxious tweet @ 2:45

TWICE Flynn lied under oath to the court.

Twice he committed Perjury! A Felony!

No one is above the law, except Trump and those who are loyal to him, apparently. At least in the mind of dishonest people who support Trump and his aberrant behavior in the last four years in office, and in all of his business dealings for decades.

It was admitted by the FBI that they used the perjury trap and then threatened to prosecute Flynn's son falsely. He pleaded guilty under duress and that was proven....

Michael Flynn's prosecution was a travesty of justice (
Something seems rotten in Flynn's case — and maybe others, too | TheHill
Gregg Jarrett: Targeting Michael Flynn — here's how the FBI entrapped and prosecuted an innocent man | Fox News
Flynn lied..twice. He even admitted it when he took his plea. Corrupt people shouldn't get pardons. Period.
The guy is a scumbag. He deserves to spend the rest of his life labeled as one.
Obama lied about Obamacare..."You can keep your doctor and your premiums will not increase, blah blah blah". Why isn't he in jail? The guy who wrote the bill admitted it was a lie.

95% of people kept their doctor with the ACA. Don't know what reality you lived in. As far as premium increases..if you believed that, then you'd have bought this cool bridge in lower Manhattan that I have. :)
So I'm going to hold a political promise made by a politician in the same regard as subverting national security and then lying about it...twice. You really need to double check your priorities.
Typical double standard. At least you admit Obumbo lied.

Again, most people kept their doctors. A lot of people saw their premiums go down. Do you really think that a political promise is the same as lying under oath about a national security issue?
That would be like me wanting to send Trump to jail for "Build That Wall" or "Drain The Swamp". Cutesy campaign statements. Neither of which he got done (sorry replacing fence doesn't count),
I just laughed at them and the willing supporters who thought he'd actually deliver on them. At least Obama delivered on the substance of what he promised.
Bullshit. Democrats lost the House and Senate in 2010. They were punished for lying.

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