Democrats have some very bad people representing their party

Calypso Jones

Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2020

Eew York Democrats have gifted the state with paragons of virtue like Eliot Spitzer, Anthony Weiner, former Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who was forced to resign after multiple women accused him of choking and assaulting them, Comptroller Scott Stringer, whose recent mayoral campaign tanked after accusations of sexual harassment, and a legion of other cretins.

There’s a reason that Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein felt so comfortable in New York.

Cuomo’s behavior, like Weinstein’s, was an open secret in Albany. The same Democrats and media talking heads who turned Cuomo into a plaster saint for political gain are acting like iconoclasts, not because they grew a conscience, but once again for political gain.

James isn’t bringing actual criminal charges against Cuomo. That would take her away from her focus on destroying the NRA and President Trump. The investigation, like the orchestrated calls for Cuomo to resign, something he has no intention of doing, are a thinly disguised primary campaign. The Democrats want Cuomo’s job, they aren’t about to hold him accountable.

An actual criminal trial would be too dangerous and would threaten too many party interests.

Democrats want to primary Cuomo. They don’t want to lock him up. And if he survives the primary challenges, they’ll go back to being ‘Cuomosexuals’ all over again.

And Attorney General James will go back to praising Cuomo as a feminist.

Cuomo was as good at fake moral outrage as James and his Democrat opponents.

"As a New Yorker, I am a Muslim. I am a Jew. I am Black. I am gay. I am a woman seeking to control her body," Cuomo had virtue signaled when attacking President Trump.

According to Attorney General James’ report, a lot of women wanted Cuomo to get his hands off their bodies. A series of accusers, from a leftist politician trying to undermine Cuomo, various staff, and even two state troopers and a woman he met on a rope line, have complained of inappropriate touching from the man the media went ‘Cuomosexual’ for during the pandemic.""

Eew York Democrats have gifted the state with paragons of virtue like Eliot Spitzer, Anthony Weiner, former Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who was forced to resign after multiple women accused him of choking and assaulting them, Comptroller Scott Stringer, whose recent mayoral campaign tanked after accusations of sexual harassment, and a legion of other cretins.

There’s a reason that Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein felt so comfortable in New York.

Cuomo’s behavior, like Weinstein’s, was an open secret in Albany. The same Democrats and media talking heads who turned Cuomo into a plaster saint for political gain are acting like iconoclasts, not because they grew a conscience, but once again for political gain.

James isn’t bringing actual criminal charges against Cuomo. That would take her away from her focus on destroying the NRA and President Trump. The investigation, like the orchestrated calls for Cuomo to resign, something he has no intention of doing, are a thinly disguised primary campaign. The Democrats want Cuomo’s job, they aren’t about to hold him accountable.

An actual criminal trial would be too dangerous and would threaten too many party interests.

Democrats want to primary Cuomo. They don’t want to lock him up. And if he survives the primary challenges, they’ll go back to being ‘Cuomosexuals’ all over again.

And Attorney General James will go back to praising Cuomo as a feminist.

Cuomo was as good at fake moral outrage as James and his Democrat opponents.

"As a New Yorker, I am a Muslim. I am a Jew. I am Black. I am gay. I am a woman seeking to control her body," Cuomo had virtue signaled when attacking President Trump.

According to Attorney General James’ report, a lot of women wanted Cuomo to get his hands off their bodies. A series of accusers, from a leftist politician trying to undermine Cuomo, various staff, and even two state troopers and a woman he met on a rope line, have complained of inappropriate touching from the man the media went ‘Cuomosexual’ for during the pandemic.""
Yup, both parties have pretty disgusting representatives. We need to elect better people and Wingnuts are not the way to go

Eew York Democrats have gifted the state with paragons of virtue like Eliot Spitzer, Anthony Weiner, former Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who was forced to resign after multiple women accused him of choking and assaulting them, Comptroller Scott Stringer, whose recent mayoral campaign tanked after accusations of sexual harassment, and a legion of other cretins.

There’s a reason that Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein felt so comfortable in New York.

Cuomo’s behavior, like Weinstein’s, was an open secret in Albany. The same Democrats and media talking heads who turned Cuomo into a plaster saint for political gain are acting like iconoclasts, not because they grew a conscience, but once again for political gain.

James isn’t bringing actual criminal charges against Cuomo. That would take her away from her focus on destroying the NRA and President Trump. The investigation, like the orchestrated calls for Cuomo to resign, something he has no intention of doing, are a thinly disguised primary campaign. The Democrats want Cuomo’s job, they aren’t about to hold him accountable.

An actual criminal trial would be too dangerous and would threaten too many party interests.

Democrats want to primary Cuomo. They don’t want to lock him up. And if he survives the primary challenges, they’ll go back to being ‘Cuomosexuals’ all over again.

And Attorney General James will go back to praising Cuomo as a feminist.

Cuomo was as good at fake moral outrage as James and his Democrat opponents.

"As a New Yorker, I am a Muslim. I am a Jew. I am Black. I am gay. I am a woman seeking to control her body," Cuomo had virtue signaled when attacking President Trump.

According to Attorney General James’ report, a lot of women wanted Cuomo to get his hands off their bodies. A series of accusers, from a leftist politician trying to undermine Cuomo, various staff, and even two state troopers and a woman he met on a rope line, have complained of inappropriate touching from the man the media went ‘Cuomosexual’ for during the pandemic.""
Well that's 1.

Where are the rest of the "very bad people"?
You mean no good people like Donald Trump and Jared kushner and Steve Bannon?
no, that's not what was meant....the scum denying, demonRAT....pedophiles beijing xiden, and billy c...people that are supposed to represent AMERICA--not fuck everything that moves, and then deny it...
REad the article. you have Hunter biden, son of the resident. You have Joe and his Ukraine adventure. Ted Lieu...Schiff, friends of Ed Buck. There are plenty in the article and then from the not too distant past. Ted KEnnedy Leaving Mary Jo Kopechne to die in the car. Jack kennedy was a horn dog but he can't hold a candle to what's in office on the dem side now.

then you have your women democrats. Fauxcahontas, Kamala, Hilliary, Pelousy.... thieves, opportunists, murderers, supporters of murderers. Tyrants intent on preserving their power at the expense of the country they swore an oath to protect and serve.

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