Democrats Falsely Claims A President Challeging Election Results = Threat To Democracy - Constitution Provides Way To Do So

There is nothing in your link, written BEFORE the 2020 election, which says the Vice President can overthrow an election.

What's more, the author of that BLOG is a journalist, not a constitutional lawyer.

Kind of like you claiming to be a journalist.

It is a danger, if he insists on it even after court after court has ruled against him.
So opinions are dangerous?

No more so than Democrsts inciting political assassinations, threatening USSC Justices, calling for intimidation of and violence against Justices, and protecting leftist domestic terrorists that have perpetrated over 2 dozen terrorist attacks.
This guy is a conservative Republican.

So? Did he rule Trump's opinion was illegal and order him to 'cease and desist'??

Readers need to be reminded that in this election states violated their own election laws, which was a basis for challenge as well.
It is a danger, if he insists on it even after court after court has ruled against him.
Progs are changing the type of government we have. There are many who do not want to live under the new ones you are bringing in. Democracy talk means nothing. It just means people used to bring more agendas in that will be removed once the power grab has been completed.
Part of the way Democrats are trying to go after Trump is to try to convince you that Presidrnt Trump's challenging of the 2020 election results was / is a threat to our Democracy.
Dems were desperate for Trump to quickly concede the election before anyone could look into their cheating and rigging.

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