Democratic Voters Won’t Be Happy With This Harsh Truth


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Democratic Voters Won’t Be Happy With This Harsh Truth

John Bolton says Democrats committed ‘impeachment malpractice’ and now faces a bipartisan rebuke for telling the truth.

It’s not surprising Bolton is exposing Nancy Pelosi’s and her fellow, long-serving Democrats’ intentional screw-ups in their lackluster attempt at impeaching the impeached (but not convicted) president trump.

The long-serving Democrats benefit immensely being the minority party, especially with a Republican as president. For this reason long-serving Democrats are joining with congressional Republicans in b!tching out John Bolton for spilling the beans.

Bolton was not called to testify, but not due to legal threats from his attorney, but because he had too much firsthand knowledge of many impeachable offenses committed by the crooked and corrupt trump. The minor charges the Democrats did bring against the impeached president trump made acquitting him an easy task for Moscow Mitch.

That acquittal guaranteed the long-serving Democrats (Pelosi included) would retain their ability to plead “helplessness” in fighting GOP policies that favor the billionaire class and Big Business. This method of feigning opposition as they sell out their constituents, all the while collaborating with congressional Republicans, has been a very successful reelection strategy for many members of the Democratic establishment.

Yes, Democratic voters will adamantly disagree with the above assessment, but, read on and see what the long-serving Democrats have planned for the next few years, and the screwing they’ll give their constituents.

Polls consistently prove that, from workers’ rights to universal healthcare, a progressive policy agenda is supported by a majority of American voters. But even with so much voter support, the Democrats refuse to make any effort in this direction,

Unfortunately, the long-serving Democrats rely on their constituents to blindly accept their pleas of helplessness in fighting GOP policies, which screw working people and give trillions-of-dollars in tax cuts and cash handouts to Big Business and the billionaire class. However, these so-called “helpless” Democrats regularly do everything they can to assist congressional Republicans in reinforcing obstacles to long-term progressive change.

This screwing over their constituents by the long-serving Democrats can best be seen in their enthusiastic support for Republicans’ legislative response to the coronavirus crisis. Democrats’ entire 2018 electoral campaign told America that the opposition party needed to win back Congress in order to block the impeached president trump’s regressive agenda. And yet, when the Republicans proposed a bill to let the impeached president trump’s appointees dole out government cash to their corporate allies with no strings attached, this same opposition party was unable to muster a single recorded vote against the package. Not one.

The impeached president trump’s appointees and the Federal Reserve can now hand out $4 trillion to the impeached president trump’s cronies and other politically connected corporations as they lay waste to our economy and steamroll progressive reforms necessary for the survival of all life on our planet. Private equity firms and fossil fuel companies get new tax breaks as they buy elections to move government towards locking in permanent climate change.

These bailouts were part of a larger legislative package that included good things like expanded unemployment benefits. So, it could be argued that Democrats simply had to swallow a bitter pill and vote yes. Except, they subsequently proposed their own standalone legislation that would further strengthen the corporate opponents of progressive reform.

The Democrats crafted the language in this legislation so as to disguise their altering of the so-called paycheck protection program (PPP). Originally created to help employees of mom-and-pop enterprises throughout the country, House Democrats’ new stimulus legislation would open up the small business loan program to, what are called “small nonprofits”. This is where language of the legislation provided these forgivable loans to industry trade associations. Such lobby groups represent the planet’s biggest corporations – and their political action committees have delivered more than $191m of campaign cash to lawmakers in the last two decades.

The Democrats really want to deliver on Status Quo Joe’s promises to the billionaire class that, “Nothing would fundamentally change,” is he is elected, and, “No one’s standard of living will change.” In this, an election year, Democrats want Washington power-players to fully understand that money meant for workers at neighborhood restaurants, local shops and other mom-and-pop concerns can be easily raided by the front groups representing giant drug companies, health insurers and Wall Street firms. If the legislation passes, it would not merely be an epic tale of greed – the new funding stream for corporate lobbying groups would bolster the very forces that assure federal policy dis-empowers workers, maximizes private profit and generally protects the ruling class.

Here are a few more harsh facts to increase the Democratic voters’ disappointment. As 43 million Americans face the prospect of losing private health insurance, Democrats chose to ignore a huge opportunity. When the impeached president trump implied he wanted the government to pay healthcare providers directly for treating uninsured COVID-19 patients, did the Democrats call his bluff? No way. Rather than passing existing legislation to expand a Medicare program that provides actual medical care, House Democrats passed a bill to support lightly regulated private insurance marketplaces and to subsidize existing private insurance plans through a Rube Goldberg machine known as Cobra – and they passed this giveaway just after receiving an infusion of campaign cash collected by insurance lobbyists.

The Democrats chose to protect the poor quality service provided by corporate insurance, routing yet more public money through their private bureaucracy in hopes that medical care eventually trickles down to Americans who desperately need it. Such a system is totally inadequate during a pandemic and the Democrats, just like the congressional Republicans, know this. There is no actual guarantee of healthcare, only the guarantee of insurance coverage. Coverage, which is so often denied or restricted when a medical claim is actually filed. Moreover, corporate health insurance has far higher administrative costs than single-payer programs like Medicare. When the Democrats “negotiated” with the, then minority, congressional Republicans, the minority party steamrolled the “helpless” Democrats, forcing them to agree to a provision in the Affordable Care Act, which permits insurers to siphon up to 20% of customers’ premiums into corporate profits rather than actual medical care.

Additionally, Democrats’ Cobra plan is not merely a financial bailout for insurers – it is also a political bailout when the industry needs it most. At a time when popular support for Medicare for All is surging – when even a Republican president feels the need to make rhetorical (if empty) gestures toward the concept of government-funded healthcare – the Cobra plan would use public money to firm up the private health insurance industry’s dominance over the healthcare system, Again, the Democrats acting like Republicans, protecting the fat cats’ profits while screwing their constituents.

Status Quo Joe
is the candidate with the most conservative and corporate-friendly record running for the Democratic 2020 nomination. His nearly fifty years in D,C. have proven he is, occasionally, willing to support a policy of minuscule benefit to average Americans, but only when that policy is of massive benefit to Big Business and the billionaire class.

If the Democrats don’t get a great deal of new blood into congress by kicking these “helpless”, long-serving Democrats (Pelosi included) to the curb, the only reason for Democratic voters to go to the polls will be to help Status Quo Joe and the Democratic establishment maintain the...status quo.

Conservatives have a long history of catering to the whims of Big Business and the billionaire class. They will work for slave wages under hazardous conditions and then thank their benefactors for their overwhelming generosity, all the while blaming the impoverished for all that ails society. Democratic voters must elect representatives, senators, and most importantly, a president determined to end this, or very soon this Democracy will become a plutocracy, or worse, a fascist dictatorship.

We know, except for a select few, the current crop of Democrats and all of the congressional Republicans have us on a course to end our Democracy. Anyone who cannot, or will not see this is a bigger part of the problem than the politicians.

Bolton says Dems committed 'impeachment malpractice' and faces a bipartisan rebuke -

Bolton is the one who said he would testify before the Senate but the Senate refused to hear him out.

The house impeached him.

It is up to the Senate to determine what to do with him

In his book he says - Trump told his national security adviser in August that he wanted to continue freezing $391 million in security assistance to Ukraine until officials there helped with investigations into Democrats including the Bidens,

clearly something that the senate should have heard from his mouth but no they voted to not have witness testimony thus removing a smoking gun in the halls of the Senate and with a clear conscience they say - You must acquit if the glove doesn't fit.

Yet if Bolton testified he would have first hand knowledge that Trump lied and attempted to get a foreign country to investigate his political rival in the upcoming election.

But the repubs voted no witnesses., when they had every right to call witnesses.
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John Bolton stood by and let a criminal and lawless President commit impeachable crimes, and said nothing, did nothing.

When Democrats tried to holding hearings leading up to the impeachment, John Bolton not only refused to testify, he went to court to get a Judge to uphold his decision, all while knowing that if he testified, and he told the truth, it would save the American people from a criminal and corrupt President.

John Bolton is in no position to admonish the Democrats for what they tried to do and failed, when he actively opposed them at every turn, and refused to speak when given the opportunity. Trump and Bolton are both scum.
John Bolton stood by and let a criminal and lawless President commit impeachable crimes, and said nothing, did nothing.

When Democrats tried to holding hearings leading up to the impeachment, John Bolton not only refused to testify, he went to court to get a Judge to uphold his decision, all while knowing that if he testified, and he told the truth, it would save the American people from a criminal and corrupt President.

John Bolton is in no position to admonish the Democrats for what they tried to do and failed, when he actively opposed them at every turn, and refused to speak when given the opportunity. Trump and Bolton are both scum.
Bolton is a war monger and a neo con. Why Trump put him in his cabinet I do not know. There was probably a push to go to war again. And maybe you must realize that is a possibility with a lot of the swampers.
John Bolton stood by and let a criminal and lawless President commit impeachable crimes, and said nothing, did nothing.

When Democrats tried to holding hearings leading up to the impeachment, John Bolton not only refused to testify, he went to court to get a Judge to uphold his decision, all while knowing that if he testified, and he told the truth, it would save the American people from a criminal and corrupt President.

John Bolton is in no position to admonish the Democrats for what they tried to do and failed, when he actively opposed them at every turn, and refused to speak when given the opportunity. Trump and Bolton are both scum.

John Bolton stood by and let a criminal and lawless President commit impeachable crimes, and said nothing, did nothing.

When Democrats tried to holding hearings leading up to the impeachment, John Bolton not only refused to testify, he went to court to get a Judge to uphold his decision, all while knowing that if he testified, and he told the truth, it would save the American people from a criminal and corrupt President.

John Bolton is in no position to admonish the Democrats for what they tried to do and failed, when he actively opposed them at every turn, and refused to speak when given the opportunity. Trump and Bolton are both scum.
Bolton is a war monger and a neo con. Why Trump put him in his cabinet I do not know. There was probably a push to go to war again. And maybe you must realize that is a possibility with a lot of the swampers.

Trump hired Bolton because he looked good on FOX. That's how Trump makes cabinet decisions.

Notice how every time one of his staffers came to him with something heinous Trump had done, Bolton told them to talk to the lawyers. Why didn't Bolton ever talked to the lawyers?

One has to wonder at this point, why anyone goes to work for Trump. Everyone who tries, ends up quitting/getting fired, publically humiliated and trashed, attacked by the right wing echo chamber, and their career is over.

I have no objection to seeing the backside of most of these people for the last time. But the people he has working for him now are just the dregs.

He took an oath to defend the Constitution, not the President.
Very simple to understand the cabinet problem.
If your ego is bigger than Trump's you won't do well.
Or, if you are a globalist, you won't do well.
Or, if you are part of the "deep state or swamp" you won't do well.
Or, if you always do what government bureaucrats do, you won't do well.
Or if you're a general who thinks you know better than Trump, you won't do well.

Look at Pompeo, Navarro, Lightheizer, Mnuchin, Barr, Carson, Chao, DeVos, all top notch picks and working well with Trump.

The big egos or bad picks are gone:
Sessions, Cohn, Omorosa, Bannon, Spicer, McMaster, Mattis, Kelly, Bolton, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Tillerson
Very simple to understand the cabinet problem.
If your ego is bigger than Trump's you won't do well.
Or, if you are a globalist, you won't do well.
Or, if you are part of the "deep state or swamp" you won't do well.
Or, if you always do what government bureaucrats do, you won't do well.
Or if you're a general who thinks you know better than Trump, you won't do well.

Look at Pompeo, Navarro, Lightheizer, Mnuchin, Barr, Carson, Chao, DeVos, all top notch picks and working well with Trump.

The big egos or bad picks are gone:
Sessions, Cohn, Omorosa, Bannon, Spicer, McMaster, Mattis, Kelly, Bolton, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Tillerson

Look at Pompeo, Navarro, Lightheizer, Mnuchin, Barr, Carson, Chao, DeVos, all top notch picks and working well with Trump.

Pompeo is the only guy there with any ability or reputation at all, and it's been utterly destroyed with his role in the Urkanian mess, followed by the "Madison Dinners". Barr will be lucky if he's not in jail when his term is done. He'll most certainly be disbarred for his role in subverting the Justice Department to Trump's will.

Carson is an idiot who has distinguished himself as being an out of touch elitist without the first clue as to what he's doing. He's never run anything bigger than the Pediatric Neurosurgery Unit of a "for-profit" hospital. I know of very few children who need brain surgery, and very few adults who had it as children. It was a very small unit of the hospital.

Just because he lived in public housing as a child, doesn't mean he knows anything about running public housing. I've stayed in dozens of hotels and resorts, but I don't have the first clue about how to manage them. That's not my area of expertise. At the very least, I'd like to have someone in charge with a background in construction and maintenance of large residential projects, because the federal housing stock is in very bad condition, from generations of tax cuts and neglect.

DeVos is a swamp creature of the highest order - having bribed her way into cabinet with $1 million in donations to prominent Republicans prior to her confirmation. Her family's business directly profits from charter and home schooling, so she has a HUGE conflict of interest in undermining public education in the USA. Not to mention that she's dumber than a sack of hammers and defines the term "white privilege".

Lighthizer is getting picked clean in your trade negotiations, and Navarro was the laughing stock of the California Democratic Party, considered too radically leftist for California Democrats. His policies have been a disaster, but then that also seems to be a requirement for hiring.
Very simple to understand the cabinet problem.
If your ego is bigger than Trump's you won't do well.
Or, if you are a globalist, you won't do well.
Or, if you are part of the "deep state or swamp" you won't do well.
Or, if you always do what government bureaucrats do, you won't do well.
Or if you're a general who thinks you know better than Trump, you won't do well.

Look at Pompeo, Navarro, Lightheizer, Mnuchin, Barr, Carson, Chao, DeVos, all top notch picks and working well with Trump.

The big egos or bad picks are gone:
Sessions, Cohn, Omorosa, Bannon, Spicer, McMaster, Mattis, Kelly, Bolton, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Tillerson

Look at Pompeo, Navarro, Lightheizer, Mnuchin, Barr, Carson, Chao, DeVos, all top notch picks and working well with Trump.

Pompeo is the only guy there with any ability or reputation at all, and it's been utterly destroyed with his role in the Urkanian mess, followed by the "Madison Dinners". Barr will be lucky if he's not in jail when his term is done. He'll most certainly be disbarred for his role in subverting the Justice Department to Trump's will.

Carson is an idiot who has distinguished himself as being an out of touch elitist without the first clue as to what he's doing. He's never run anything bigger than the Pediatric Neurosurgery Unit of a "for-profit" hospital. I know of very few children who need brain surgery, and very few adults who had it as children. It was a very small unit of the hospital.

Just because he lived in public housing as a child, doesn't mean he knows anything about running public housing. I've stayed in dozens of hotels and resorts, but I don't have the first clue about how to manage them. That's not my area of expertise. At the very least, I'd like to have someone in charge with a background in construction and maintenance of large residential projects, because the federal housing stock is in very bad condition, from generations of tax cuts and neglect.

DeVos is a swamp creature of the highest order - having bribed her way into cabinet with $1 million in donations to prominent Republicans prior to her confirmation. Her family's business directly profits from charter and home schooling, so she has a HUGE conflict of interest in undermining public education in the USA. Not to mention that she's dumber than a sack of hammers and defines the term "white privilege".

Lighthizer is getting picked clean in your trade negotiations, and Navarro was the laughing stock of the California Democratic Party, considered too radically leftist for California Democrats. His policies have been a disaster, but then that also seems to be a requirement for hiring.
1. Pompeo could be the GOP nominee in 2024, so his reputation is fine, hope the democrats put up Biden's VP pick in 2024. We'll see who wins.

2. Barr is a Godsend. Just watch what happens when the indictments start for "Operation Crossdress Hurricane"

3. Ben Carson is a brain surgeon, its obvious that you are not. You just post lies with no proof.

4. DeVos is also doing great. Charter schools are the answer to the public school mess. Google "13 Baltimore schools have zero students proficient in math".

5. Lightheizer and Navarro are doing a great job with trade deals. The US economy was doing way better under Trump than under Obama, so you can lie all you want. The new tariffs are working well. Just wait until they put tariffs on imported cars. (Biden is bought and paid for by China)
Very simple to understand the cabinet problem.
If your ego is bigger than Trump's you won't do well.
Or, if you are a globalist, you won't do well.
Or, if you are part of the "deep state or swamp" you won't do well.
Or, if you always do what government bureaucrats do, you won't do well.
Or if you're a general who thinks you know better than Trump, you won't do well.

Look at Pompeo, Navarro, Lightheizer, Mnuchin, Barr, Carson, Chao, DeVos, all top notch picks and working well with Trump.

The big egos or bad picks are gone:
Sessions, Cohn, Omorosa, Bannon, Spicer, McMaster, Mattis, Kelly, Bolton, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Tillerson

Look at Pompeo, Navarro, Lightheizer, Mnuchin, Barr, Carson, Chao, DeVos, all top notch picks and working well with Trump.

Pompeo is the only guy there with any ability or reputation at all, and it's been utterly destroyed with his role in the Urkanian mess, followed by the "Madison Dinners". Barr will be lucky if he's not in jail when his term is done. He'll most certainly be disbarred for his role in subverting the Justice Department to Trump's will.

Carson is an idiot who has distinguished himself as being an out of touch elitist without the first clue as to what he's doing. He's never run anything bigger than the Pediatric Neurosurgery Unit of a "for-profit" hospital. I know of very few children who need brain surgery, and very few adults who had it as children. It was a very small unit of the hospital.

Just because he lived in public housing as a child, doesn't mean he knows anything about running public housing. I've stayed in dozens of hotels and resorts, but I don't have the first clue about how to manage them. That's not my area of expertise. At the very least, I'd like to have someone in charge with a background in construction and maintenance of large residential projects, because the federal housing stock is in very bad condition, from generations of tax cuts and neglect.

DeVos is a swamp creature of the highest order - having bribed her way into cabinet with $1 million in donations to prominent Republicans prior to her confirmation. Her family's business directly profits from charter and home schooling, so she has a HUGE conflict of interest in undermining public education in the USA. Not to mention that she's dumber than a sack of hammers and defines the term "white privilege".

Lighthizer is getting picked clean in your trade negotiations, and Navarro was the laughing stock of the California Democratic Party, considered too radically leftist for California Democrats. His policies have been a disaster, but then that also seems to be a requirement for hiring.
1. Pompeo could be the GOP nominee in 2024, so his reputation is fine, hope the democrats put up Biden's VP pick in 2024. We'll see who wins.

2. Barr is a Godsend. Just watch what happens when the indictments start for "Operation Crossdress Hurricane"

3. Ben Carson is a brain surgeon, its obvious that you are not. You just post lies with no proof.

4. DeVos is also doing great. Charter schools are the answer to the public school mess. Google "13 Baltimore schools have zero students proficient in math".

5. Lightheizer and Navarro are doing a great job with trade deals. The US economy was doing way better under Trump than under Obama, so you can lie all you want. The new tariffs are working well. Just wait until they put tariffs on imported cars. (Biden is bought and paid for by China)

1. Pompeo is more likely to be in jail, than running for President. Aiding and abetting Trump in the "drug deals" which form the heart of what passes for Trump's foreign policy, is going to take him down, just as being point man for Trump's dismantling of the Russian sanctions, took down Flynn.

2. Barr will be disbarred:

3. Do you know any brain surgeons? I do. I know a surgeon who literally wrote the training manuals for obstetrical surgery. Brilliant man. Useless manager. Ran the obstetrically surgery unit of a major Toronto Hospital. Spent every dollar he made and forgot to set aside anything to pay his taxes. Had to be bailed out annually by his banker, for prolifigate spending, as befits a man of his station. Knew nothing about financial management, or managing his practice. His office manager all that. Except she didn't. She simply followed the great man's orders.

The more limited your field, and the more focused you are in becoming the best in your field, the less time and attention you devote to anything else outside of what will make you the best in your field. Ben Carson comes across as that kind of man. Listening to his speeches he comes across as the typical "mad scientist" type. Utterly incompetent to deal with a really troubled agency.

There's really not a whole lot of accomplishment there. There's a lot of "Announced" programs, all of which give money to corporations not to people. All of the government programs give money to corporations to solve a homeless problem that should not exist.

Carson might have made an excellent surgeon general, a field he has both knowledge and experience with. Like everyone else in the Trump Administration, he doesn't have a clue how to do the job he's been given.

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