Democratic Report Raises 2022 Alarms on Messaging and Voter Outreach


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Democratic Report Raises 2022 Alarms on Messaging and Voter Outreach

“A review of the 2020 election, conducted by several prominent Democratic advocacy groups, has concluded that the party is at risk of losing ground with Black, Hispanic and Asian American voters unless it does a better job presenting an economic agenda and countering Republican efforts to spread misinformation and tie all Democratic candidates to the far-left.”

It’s funny that the Democrats are worried they might lose control of Congress in 2022. After all, with the efforts of Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin, the Democrats are doing all they can to help Moscow Mitch block legislation that would guarantee the Democrats would increase their majority in both chambers in the 2022 Mid-term elections.

It’s been apparent since the negotiations were being held for the Affordable Care Act that the congressional Democrats willingly cave to the Republicans, which is especially true whenever corporate profits are endangered. The Democrats roll over and play dead anytime they get the chance to pass legislation beneficial to the over 300 million average Americans.

The Democrats’ performance in 2021 has, so far, verified this fact. So, for many that voted Democrat in 2020, why should they waste their time going to the polls in 2022? Even when the Democrats are the majority party they permit the corrupt Republicans, led by Moscow Mitch, to call the shots. The only Democrats attempting to help the over 300 million average Americans ARE those on the far-left. In fact, the only members of Congress that truly represent the interests of the over 300 million average Americans ARE the far-left Democrats. All the others in Congress are eagerly kissing the a$$es of America’s 639 billionaires.

As for the Democrats that remain in Congress in 2023, well, they’ll go back to telling the folks back home that, “as the minority party, there is simply nothing we can do to help you. But, when we become the majority again, we’ll be great!” Yeah. Sure.

Given the openly fascist plans of Moscow Mitch and his minions, the remaining congressional Democrats could find themselves standing against a wall to be shot one day in the early months of 2023. But, even if the firing squad is dismissed before the actual executions, the American Democracy will die shortly after the Republicans retake the majority in Congress.

It's not the messaging.....Y'all SUCK!
Well, it is their messaging. Their messaging is America is racist, defund all police, raise taxes, raise the price of gas, raise inflation, kiss China’s ass, and support Hamas terrorists.
I've been listening to this "messaging" shit since the '80s....They never lose because they suck, it's the "messaging"....IOW, they couldn't come up with the line of bullshit that can obfuscate the fact that they suck.
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Democratic Report Raises 2022 Alarms on Messaging and Voter Outreach

“A review of the 2020 election, conducted by several prominent Democratic advocacy groups, has concluded that the party is at risk of losing ground with Black, Hispanic and Asian American voters unless it does a better job presenting an economic agenda and countering Republican efforts to spread misinformation and tie all Democratic candidates to the far-left.”

It’s funny that the Democrats are worried they might lose control of Congress in 2022. After all, with the efforts of Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin, the Democrats are doing all they can to help Moscow Mitch block legislation that would guarantee the Democrats would increase their majority in both chambers in the 2022 Mid-term elections.

It’s been apparent since the negotiations were being held for the Affordable Care Act that the congressional Democrats willingly cave to the Republicans, which is especially true whenever corporate profits are endangered. The Democrats roll over and play dead anytime they get the chance to pass legislation beneficial to the over 300 million average Americans.

The Democrats’ performance in 2021 has, so far, verified this fact. So, for many that voted Democrat in 2020, why should they waste their time going to the polls in 2022? Even when the Democrats are the majority party they permit the corrupt Republicans, led by Moscow Mitch, to call the shots. The only Democrats attempting to help the over 300 million average Americans ARE those on the far-left. In fact, the only members of Congress that truly represent the interests of the over 300 million average Americans ARE the far-left Democrats. All the others in Congress are eagerly kissing the a$$es of America’s 639 billionaires.

As for the Democrats that remain in Congress in 2023, well, they’ll go back to telling the folks back home that, “as the minority party, there is simply nothing we can do to help you. But, when we become the majority again, we’ll be great!” Yeah. Sure.

Given the openly fascist plans of Moscow Mitch and his minions, the remaining congressional Democrats could find themselves standing against a wall to be shot one day in the early months of 2023. But, even if the firing squad is dismissed before the actual executions, the American Democracy will die shortly after the Republicans retake the majority in Congress.


How the hell does Democrats help me?
I thought Democrats won overwhelmingly and the GOP was dead?


Democrats barely won the Senate ( well split it ) and barely held the House and should have lost both in 2020, so 2022 they ( Democrats ) should lose both the House and Senate and 2024 they should lose the Oval Office no matter it is Biden or Harris even if Trump run…
They just need to run Droolin Joe saying "They gonna put Y'all back in chains!! If you don't vote Democrat YOU AIN'T BLACK!!" That will work like a charm like it always has.
If Trump runs for the House in 2022, and then gets elected speaker, can you picture Nancy handing him the gavel?
How sweet would that be, as well as when Trump files articles of impeachment against Joe for abuse of power and open borders, plus selling out the US to Russia and China.
Democratic Report Raises 2022 Alarms on Messaging and Voter Outreach

“A review of the 2020 election, conducted by several prominent Democratic advocacy groups, has concluded that the party is at risk of losing ground with Black, Hispanic and Asian American voters unless it does a better job presenting an economic agenda and countering Republican efforts to spread misinformation and tie all Democratic candidates to the far-left.”

It’s funny that the Democrats are worried they might lose control of Congress in 2022. After all, with the efforts of Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin, the Democrats are doing all they can to help Moscow Mitch block legislation that would guarantee the Democrats would increase their majority in both chambers in the 2022 Mid-term elections.

It’s been apparent since the negotiations were being held for the Affordable Care Act that the congressional Democrats willingly cave to the Republicans, which is especially true whenever corporate profits are endangered. The Democrats roll over and play dead anytime they get the chance to pass legislation beneficial to the over 300 million average Americans.

The Democrats’ performance in 2021 has, so far, verified this fact. So, for many that voted Democrat in 2020, why should they waste their time going to the polls in 2022? Even when the Democrats are the majority party they permit the corrupt Republicans, led by Moscow Mitch, to call the shots. The only Democrats attempting to help the over 300 million average Americans ARE those on the far-left. In fact, the only members of Congress that truly represent the interests of the over 300 million average Americans ARE the far-left Democrats. All the others in Congress are eagerly kissing the a$$es of America’s 639 billionaires.

As for the Democrats that remain in Congress in 2023, well, they’ll go back to telling the folks back home that, “as the minority party, there is simply nothing we can do to help you. But, when we become the majority again, we’ll be great!” Yeah. Sure.

Given the openly fascist plans of Moscow Mitch and his minions, the remaining congressional Democrats could find themselves standing against a wall to be shot one day in the early months of 2023. But, even if the firing squad is dismissed before the actual executions, the American Democracy will die shortly after the Republicans retake the majority in Congress.

The Dems should be concerned. Other than losing the Presidency and the Senate seats in Georgia; the GOP had a pretty good year at the polls in 2020.

I think you can kiss the House goodbye. Inexplicably, they keep on installing Pelosi as the face of their Congressional Delegation. I would love to see what the Democrats record is in elections during her speakerships. I would bet they are down anywhere between 50 and 100 seats.

As for the should be okay...but who knows.
I can't believe it took Democrats this long to realize that destroying the dollar (inflation), making everyone less safe and depriving people of their God given constitutional rights are bad things. These people are way too dumb to be in charge.
Democratic Report Raises 2022 Alarms on Messaging and Voter Outreach

“A review of the 2020 election, conducted by several prominent Democratic advocacy groups, has concluded that the party is at risk of losing ground with Black, Hispanic and Asian American voters unless it does a better job presenting an economic agenda and countering Republican efforts to spread misinformation and tie all Democratic candidates to the far-left.”

It’s funny that the Democrats are worried they might lose control of Congress in 2022. After all, with the efforts of Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin, the Democrats are doing all they can to help Moscow Mitch block legislation that would guarantee the Democrats would increase their majority in both chambers in the 2022 Mid-term elections.

It’s been apparent since the negotiations were being held for the Affordable Care Act that the congressional Democrats willingly cave to the Republicans, which is especially true whenever corporate profits are endangered. The Democrats roll over and play dead anytime they get the chance to pass legislation beneficial to the over 300 million average Americans.

The Democrats’ performance in 2021 has, so far, verified this fact. So, for many that voted Democrat in 2020, why should they waste their time going to the polls in 2022? Even when the Democrats are the majority party they permit the corrupt Republicans, led by Moscow Mitch, to call the shots. The only Democrats attempting to help the over 300 million average Americans ARE those on the far-left. In fact, the only members of Congress that truly represent the interests of the over 300 million average Americans ARE the far-left Democrats. All the others in Congress are eagerly kissing the a$$es of America’s 639 billionaires.

As for the Democrats that remain in Congress in 2023, well, they’ll go back to telling the folks back home that, “as the minority party, there is simply nothing we can do to help you. But, when we become the majority again, we’ll be great!” Yeah. Sure.

Given the openly fascist plans of Moscow Mitch and his minions, the remaining congressional Democrats could find themselves standing against a wall to be shot one day in the early months of 2023. But, even if the firing squad is dismissed before the actual executions, the American Democracy will die shortly after the Republicans retake the majority in Congress.

The bullshit rhetoric about packing the Court is what backed Manchin away from the Dems....I don't know about Sinema.
Democratic Report Raises 2022 Alarms on Messaging and Voter Outreach

“A review of the 2020 election, conducted by several prominent Democratic advocacy groups, has concluded that the party is at risk of losing ground with Black, Hispanic and Asian American voters unless it does a better job presenting an economic agenda and countering Republican efforts to spread misinformation and tie all Democratic candidates to the far-left.”

It’s funny that the Democrats are worried they might lose control of Congress in 2022. After all, with the efforts of Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin, the Democrats are doing all they can to help Moscow Mitch block legislation that would guarantee the Democrats would increase their majority in both chambers in the 2022 Mid-term elections.

It’s been apparent since the negotiations were being held for the Affordable Care Act that the congressional Democrats willingly cave to the Republicans, which is especially true whenever corporate profits are endangered. The Democrats roll over and play dead anytime they get the chance to pass legislation beneficial to the over 300 million average Americans.

The Democrats’ performance in 2021 has, so far, verified this fact. So, for many that voted Democrat in 2020, why should they waste their time going to the polls in 2022? Even when the Democrats are the majority party they permit the corrupt Republicans, led by Moscow Mitch, to call the shots. The only Democrats attempting to help the over 300 million average Americans ARE those on the far-left. In fact, the only members of Congress that truly represent the interests of the over 300 million average Americans ARE the far-left Democrats. All the others in Congress are eagerly kissing the a$$es of America’s 639 billionaires.

As for the Democrats that remain in Congress in 2023, well, they’ll go back to telling the folks back home that, “as the minority party, there is simply nothing we can do to help you. But, when we become the majority again, we’ll be great!” Yeah. Sure.

Given the openly fascist plans of Moscow Mitch and his minions, the remaining congressional Democrats could find themselves standing against a wall to be shot one day in the early months of 2023. But, even if the firing squad is dismissed before the actual executions, the American Democracy will die shortly after the Republicans retake the majority in Congress.

Sounds like we all should not vote for democrats.

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