Democratic Party Still The Party Of LBJ - Policies And Imposed Rules Erased Successes Experienced Under Prior Administration


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity thes days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. “I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years” as he confided with two like-minded governors on Air Force One regarding his underlying intentions for the “Great Society” programs.

President Trump delivered the lowest unemployment rates for Blacks, Latinos, Asians, women, young adults, in US history. millions of blacks escaped unemployment, welfare, food stamps, shedding dependency on the government / Democrat hand-outs / the Democrats' policies of 'economic slavery'.

Democrats used COVID-19 and lockdowns to strip Americans of their Constitutional and civil rights to destroy / eliminate 50% of all minority-owned small businesses, forcing millions of minorities back onto the DNC 'plantation' and under once again Democrat policies of 'economic slavery', making them once again depemdemt on the Democrats ' Govt hand-outs/

"Nearly half of Black small businesses had been wiped out by the end of April as the pandemic ravaged minority communities disproportionately, according to a report from the New York Fed.

Black-owned businesses were more than twice as likely to shutter as their white counterparts, the report found.

"Nationally representative data on small businesses indicate that the number of active business owners fell by 22% from February to April 2020—the largest drop on record," the report said."

"Black businesses experienced the most acute decline, with a 41% drop. Latinx business owners fell by 32% and Asian business owners dropped by 26%."

America’s Small Business Owners Have Been Horribly Abused During These Riots and Lockdowns.​

America’s small businesses, the backbone of its economy, have been ravaged by the COVID-19 lockdowns.

A recent survey by Main Street America found that 7.5 million small businesses in America are at risk of closing their doors for good. A more recent survey showed that even with federal loans, close to half of all small business owners say they’ll have to shut down for good.

The toll has already been severe. In New York alone, stay-at-home orders have forced the permanent closure of more than 100,000 small businesses.

"Small businesses are taking a real beating," Gov. Andrew Cuomo said, adding that minority-owned businesses were the most at-risk. "They are 90 percent of New York's businesses and they're facing the toughest challenges.”

Some might argue these closures are regrettable but ultimately acceptable losses in a necessary war against a uniquely deadly virus; but there are problems with this theory.

For starters, there’s no evidence lockdowns even helped tame the virus.

“There is still not a shred of real proof that the planet’s reckless stay-at-home experiment made any difference,” one Daily Telegraph columnist recently pointed out.
"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity thes days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. “I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years” as he confided with two like-minded governors on Air Force One regarding his underlying intentions for the “Great Society” programs.

President Trump delivered the lowest unemployment rates for Blacks, Latinos, Asians, women, young adults, in US history. millions of blacks escaped unemployment, welfare, food stamps, shedding dependency on the government / Democrat hand-outs / the Democrats' policies of 'economic slavery'.

Democrats used COVID-19 and lockdowns to strip Americans of their Constitutional and civil rights to destroy / eliminate 50% of all minority-owned small businesses, forcing millions of minorities back onto the DNC 'plantation' and under once again Democrat policies of 'economic slavery', making them once again depemdemt on the Democrats ' Govt hand-outs/

"Nearly half of Black small businesses had been wiped out by the end of April as the pandemic ravaged minority communities disproportionately, according to a report from the New York Fed.

Black-owned businesses were more than twice as likely to shutter as their white counterparts, the report found.

"Nationally representative data on small businesses indicate that the number of active business owners fell by 22% from February to April 2020—the largest drop on record," the report said."

"Black businesses experienced the most acute decline, with a 41% drop. Latinx business owners fell by 32% and Asian business owners dropped by 26%."

America’s Small Business Owners Have Been Horribly Abused During These Riots and Lockdowns.​

America’s small businesses, the backbone of its economy, have been ravaged by the COVID-19 lockdowns.

A recent survey by Main Street America found that 7.5 million small businesses in America are at risk of closing their doors for good. A more recent survey showed that even with federal loans, close to half of all small business owners say they’ll have to shut down for good.

The toll has already been severe. In New York alone, stay-at-home orders have forced the permanent closure of more than 100,000 small businesses.

"Small businesses are taking a real beating," Gov. Andrew Cuomo said, adding that minority-owned businesses were the most at-risk. "They are 90 percent of New York's businesses and they're facing the toughest challenges.”

Some might argue these closures are regrettable but ultimately acceptable losses in a necessary war against a uniquely deadly virus; but there are problems with this theory.

For starters, there’s no evidence lockdowns even helped tame the virus.

“There is still not a shred of real proof that the planet’s reckless stay-at-home experiment made any difference,” one Daily Telegraph columnist recently pointed out.
He never said the N word. I have proof
"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity thes days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. “I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years” as he confided with two like-minded governors on Air Force One regarding his underlying intentions for the “Great Society” programs.

President Trump delivered the lowest unemployment rates for Blacks, Latinos, Asians, women, young adults, in US history. millions of blacks escaped unemployment, welfare, food stamps, shedding dependency on the government / Democrat hand-outs / the Democrats' policies of 'economic slavery'.

Democrats used COVID-19 and lockdowns to strip Americans of their Constitutional and civil rights to destroy / eliminate 50% of all minority-owned small businesses, forcing millions of minorities back onto the DNC 'plantation' and under once again Democrat policies of 'economic slavery', making them once again depemdemt on the Democrats ' Govt hand-outs/

"Nearly half of Black small businesses had been wiped out by the end of April as the pandemic ravaged minority communities disproportionately, according to a report from the New York Fed.

Black-owned businesses were more than twice as likely to shutter as their white counterparts, the report found.

"Nationally representative data on small businesses indicate that the number of active business owners fell by 22% from February to April 2020—the largest drop on record," the report said."

"Black businesses experienced the most acute decline, with a 41% drop. Latinx business owners fell by 32% and Asian business owners dropped by 26%."

America’s Small Business Owners Have Been Horribly Abused During These Riots and Lockdowns.​

America’s small businesses, the backbone of its economy, have been ravaged by the COVID-19 lockdowns.

A recent survey by Main Street America found that 7.5 million small businesses in America are at risk of closing their doors for good. A more recent survey showed that even with federal loans, close to half of all small business owners say they’ll have to shut down for good.

The toll has already been severe. In New York alone, stay-at-home orders have forced the permanent closure of more than 100,000 small businesses.

"Small businesses are taking a real beating," Gov. Andrew Cuomo said, adding that minority-owned businesses were the most at-risk. "They are 90 percent of New York's businesses and they're facing the toughest challenges.”

Some might argue these closures are regrettable but ultimately acceptable losses in a necessary war against a uniquely deadly virus; but there are problems with this theory.

For starters, there’s no evidence lockdowns even helped tame the virus.

“There is still not a shred of real proof that the planet’s reckless stay-at-home experiment made any difference,” one Daily Telegraph columnist recently pointed out.

What a crock. What successes? Coal mining jobs or fixing healthcare?
"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity thes days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. “I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years” as he confided with two like-minded governors on Air Force One regarding his underlying intentions for the “Great Society” programs.

President Trump delivered the lowest unemployment rates for Blacks, Latinos, Asians, women, young adults, in US history. millions of blacks escaped unemployment, welfare, food stamps, shedding dependency on the government / Democrat hand-outs / the Democrats' policies of 'economic slavery'.

Democrats used COVID-19 and lockdowns to strip Americans of their Constitutional and civil rights to destroy / eliminate 50% of all minority-owned small businesses, forcing millions of minorities back onto the DNC 'plantation' and under once again Democrat policies of 'economic slavery', making them once again depemdemt on the Democrats ' Govt hand-outs/

"Nearly half of Black small businesses had been wiped out by the end of April as the pandemic ravaged minority communities disproportionately, according to a report from the New York Fed.

Black-owned businesses were more than twice as likely to shutter as their white counterparts, the report found.

"Nationally representative data on small businesses indicate that the number of active business owners fell by 22% from February to April 2020—the largest drop on record," the report said."

"Black businesses experienced the most acute decline, with a 41% drop. Latinx business owners fell by 32% and Asian business owners dropped by 26%."

America’s Small Business Owners Have Been Horribly Abused During These Riots and Lockdowns.​

America’s small businesses, the backbone of its economy, have been ravaged by the COVID-19 lockdowns.

A recent survey by Main Street America found that 7.5 million small businesses in America are at risk of closing their doors for good. A more recent survey showed that even with federal loans, close to half of all small business owners say they’ll have to shut down for good.

The toll has already been severe. In New York alone, stay-at-home orders have forced the permanent closure of more than 100,000 small businesses.

"Small businesses are taking a real beating," Gov. Andrew Cuomo said, adding that minority-owned businesses were the most at-risk. "They are 90 percent of New York's businesses and they're facing the toughest challenges.”

Some might argue these closures are regrettable but ultimately acceptable losses in a necessary war against a uniquely deadly virus; but there are problems with this theory.

For starters, there’s no evidence lockdowns even helped tame the virus.

“There is still not a shred of real proof that the planet’s reckless stay-at-home experiment made any difference,” one Daily Telegraph columnist recently pointed out.
He never said the N word. I have proof

According to the 2 Democrats who were on AF1 with him during this conversation he said it....but that does not even matter. LBJ's rant / plan was racist - 'give them something but not enough to matter'.... This has been the Democrats' plan for decades, one they have carried out for decades.

The Definition of 'Insanity' is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome each time. Joe & Democrats still hold LBJ's beliefs and his plan.

Democrats wiped out nearly 50% of minority-owned businesses through their economic weaponizing of COVID-19 to oppress Americans and to wipe out their successes.

Democrats depend on a class of American voters dependent on Democrat handouts. Democrats can not survive without voters dependent on them just to survive.

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