Democrat Single Payer Would OUTLAW Citizen's Private Insurance


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
House Democrats' ā€˜Medicare-for-allā€™ bill would largely outlaw private insurance

Bernie Sanders says 'no' to Americans who want to keep private insurance under 'Medicare-for-all'

"House Democrats on Wednesday unveiled their latest ā€œMedicare-for-allā€ bill -- a sweeping overhaul of the nationā€™s health care system that would largely outlaw private insurance as part of what critics call a one-size-fits-all government takeover."

Whatever happened to 'Servants Of The People' and THEM working FOR US?

The SOCIALIST DEMOCRATS have now officially rejected the form of representative government on which our Founding Fathers built this country in favor of the
'Maduro' Method...the kind in which citizens lose their freedom of choice, among others.

('Venezuela', here we come...)

This new Democratic Party take Over Nightmare is the follow-on step to Barry's ACA which, according to Harry Reid, was designed to fail to HERD Americans down the path to this Socialist govt take-over of people's lives / health care.

The Democrats are making Americans feel like they actually have a choice in the matter in whether to go this route or not - like they did with Obamacare - before they ram it down Aneticans' throats, into law against the majority will of the people.


Democrats are actually trying to convince Americans that they are doing this FOR the American people, to help them.

They are trying to ignore the fact that the ACA caused huge cost increases when they promised it would reduce the cost. And now Democrats want to remedy the problem they created by FORCING Americans to accept their Socialist Takeover.

Obama did not go far enough to the Left, did not embraced FORCED Socialist mandates / take-over enough.

No, Unlike Obamacare that monetarily punished Americans with a TAX for non-compliance with the mandate to purchase the product the govt created, this new Socialist move will OUTLAW - MAKE ILLEGAL - any Personal Private health care plan. It will finish what Obana and the ACA started - killing off the personal / private health care industry.

The govt will seize full control of all medical care in the US...whether citizens want it or not. Your freedom of choice, your right to make your own decisions about your personal health care will be stripped away forever!

Welcome to the beginning of 'Make America Venezuela'!

New ā€˜Medicare-for-allā€™ bill would largely outlaw private insurance

"Kamala Harris under fire after calling for abolition of private health care plans: ā€˜Thatā€™s not Americanā€™"

Screw what you want, screw your personal freedoms and your desire to control your own life and make your own decisions about your life.

Just like with the ACA, one morning you are just going to wake up to find out America has changed, the health care system and choices you had when you went to bed are gone, and the government suddenly is in charge of making all the decisions about your least your health care...for starters.

Kamala Harris under fire after calling for abolition of private health care plans: ā€˜Thatā€™s not Americanā€™

"The claim is a significant shift from the famous promise by former President Barack Obama who, in promoting the Affordable Care Act (known to many as ObamaCare) pledged: ā€œIf you like your health care plan, you can keep it.ā€ That promise came back to haunt him when Americans started losing their plans."

Democrats have abandoned Obama's strategy of lying to Americans by telling them I'd you like your plan / doctor you can keep them' in favor of coming right out and declaring 'We are going to strip Americans of their freedom of choice and the ability to make their own life choices and instead are going to make those choices for them.'

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House Democrats' ā€˜Medicare-for-allā€™ bill would largely outlaw private insurance

Bernie Sanders says 'no' to Americans who want to keep private insurance under 'Medicare-for-all'

"House Democrats on Wednesday unveiled their latest ā€œMedicare-for-allā€ bill -- a sweeping overhaul of the nationā€™s health care system that would largely outlaw private insurance as part of what critics call a one-size-fits-all government takeover."

Whatever happened to 'Servants Of The People' and THEM working FOR US?

The SOCIALIST DEMOCRATS have now officially rejected the form of representative government on which our Founding Fathers built this country in favor of the
'Maduro' Method...the kind in which citizens lose their freedom of choice, among others.

('Venezuela', here we come...)

This new Democratic Party take Over Nightmare is the follow-on step to Barry's ACA which, according to Harry Reid, was designed to fail to HERD Americans down the path to this Socialist govt take-over of people's lives / health care.

The Democrats are making Americans feel like they actually have a choice in the matter in whether to go this route or not - like they did with Obamacare - before they ram it down Aneticans' throats, into law against the majority will of the people.


Democrats are actually trying to convince Americans that they are doing this FOR the American people, to help them.

They are trying to ignore the fact that the ACA caused huge cost increases when they promised it would reduce the cost. And now Democrats want to remedy the problem they created by FORCING Americans to accept their Socialist Takeover.

Obama did not go far enough to the Left, did not embraced FORCED Socialist mandates / take-over enough.

No, Unlike Obamacare that monetarily punished Americans with a TAX for non-compliance with the mandate to purchase the product the govt created, this new Socialist move will OUTLAW - MAKE ILLEGAL - any Personal Private health care plan. It will finish what Obana and the ACA started - killing off the personal / private health care industry.

The govt will seize full control of all medical care in the US...whether citizens want it or not. Your freedom of choice, your right to make your own decisions about your personal health care will be stripped away forever!

Welcome to the beginning of 'Make America Venezuela'!

New ā€˜Medicare-for-allā€™ bill would largely outlaw private insurance

I hope they assign me to your death panel
Bad, bad, bad Democrats...bad bad...

The partisan hack snowflake just never stops. Pathetic.
House Democrats' ā€˜Medicare-for-allā€™ bill would largely outlaw private insurance

Bernie Sanders says 'no' to Americans who want to keep private insurance under 'Medicare-for-all'

"House Democrats on Wednesday unveiled their latest ā€œMedicare-for-allā€ bill -- a sweeping overhaul of the nationā€™s health care system that would largely outlaw private insurance as part of what critics call a one-size-fits-all government takeover."

Whatever happened to 'Servants Of The People' and THEM working FOR US?

The SOCIALIST DEMOCRATS have now officially rejected the form of representative government on which our Founding Fathers built this country in favor of the
'Maduro' Method...the kind in which citizens lose their freedom of choice, among others.

('Venezuela', here we come...)

This new Democratic Party take Over Nightmare is the follow-on step to Barry's ACA which, according to Harry Reid, was designed to fail to HERD Americans down the path to this Socialist govt take-over of people's lives / health care.

The Democrats are making Americans feel like they actually have a choice in the matter in whether to go this route or not - like they did with Obamacare - before they ram it down Aneticans' throats, into law against the majority will of the people.


Democrats are actually trying to convince Americans that they are doing this FOR the American people, to help them.

They are trying to ignore the fact that the ACA caused huge cost increases when they promised it would reduce the cost. And now Democrats want to remedy the problem they created by FORCING Americans to accept their Socialist Takeover.

Obama did not go far enough to the Left, did not embraced FORCED Socialist mandates / take-over enough.

No, Unlike Obamacare that monetarily punished Americans with a TAX for non-compliance with the mandate to purchase the product the govt created, this new Socialist move will OUTLAW - MAKE ILLEGAL - any Personal Private health care plan. It will finish what Obana and the ACA started - killing off the personal / private health care industry.

The govt will seize full control of all medical care in the US...whether citizens want it or not. Your freedom of choice, your right to make your own decisions about your personal health care will be stripped away forever!

Welcome to the beginning of 'Make America Venezuela'!

New ā€˜Medicare-for-allā€™ bill would largely outlaw private insurance

I hope they assign me to your death panel
I hear ya. It would be time to put this broken record out of its misery.
I hope they assign me to your death panel
Be careful what you wish for, snowflake. You're talking to a 20+ year Vet. You don't want none of this....unless its through your keyboard.

Without a significant market component, "Medicare for All" is not "Medicare for All".

The Democrats are lying to you on this.

Anyone who doesn't know that is ignorant about how Medicare works. Or lying. Or both.
The Democrats are lying to us again?

I would show you my 'shocked' face, but I no longer have one when it comes to Democrats lying....
House Democrats' ā€˜Medicare-for-allā€™ bill would largely outlaw private insurance

Bernie Sanders says 'no' to Americans who want to keep private insurance under 'Medicare-for-all'

"House Democrats on Wednesday unveiled their latest ā€œMedicare-for-allā€ bill -- a sweeping overhaul of the nationā€™s health care system that would largely outlaw private insurance as part of what critics call a one-size-fits-all government takeover."

Whatever happened to 'Servants Of The People' and THEM working FOR US?

The SOCIALIST DEMOCRATS have now officially rejected the form of representative government on which our Founding Fathers built this country in favor of the
'Maduro' Method...the kind in which citizens lose their freedom of choice, among others.

('Venezuela', here we come...)

This new Democratic Party take Over Nightmare is the follow-on step to Barry's ACA which, according to Harry Reid, was designed to fail to HERD Americans down the path to this Socialist govt take-over of people's lives / health care.

The Democrats are making Americans feel like they actually have a choice in the matter in whether to go this route or not - like they did with Obamacare - before they ram it down Aneticans' throats, into law against the majority will of the people.


Democrats are actually trying to convince Americans that they are doing this FOR the American people, to help them.

They are trying to ignore the fact that the ACA caused huge cost increases when they promised it would reduce the cost. And now Democrats want to remedy the problem they created by FORCING Americans to accept their Socialist Takeover.

Obama did not go far enough to the Left, did not embraced FORCED Socialist mandates / take-over enough.

No, Unlike Obamacare that monetarily punished Americans with a TAX for non-compliance with the mandate to purchase the product the govt created, this new Socialist move will OUTLAW - MAKE ILLEGAL - any Personal Private health care plan. It will finish what Obana and the ACA started - killing off the personal / private health care industry.

The govt will seize full control of all medical care in the US...whether citizens want it or not. Your freedom of choice, your right to make your own decisions about your personal health care will be stripped away forever!

Welcome to the beginning of 'Make America Venezuela'!

New ā€˜Medicare-for-allā€™ bill would largely outlaw private insurance

I would like to do away with private health insurance too....with no single payer to replace it.

pay cash or fucking die.

Costs would go way down.

House Democrats' ā€˜Medicare-for-allā€™ bill would largely outlaw private insurance

Bernie Sanders says 'no' to Americans who want to keep private insurance under 'Medicare-for-all'

"House Democrats on Wednesday unveiled their latest ā€œMedicare-for-allā€ bill -- a sweeping overhaul of the nationā€™s health care system that would largely outlaw private insurance as part of what critics call a one-size-fits-all government takeover."

Whatever happened to 'Servants Of The People' and THEM working FOR US?

The SOCIALIST DEMOCRATS have now officially rejected the form of representative government on which our Founding Fathers built this country in favor of the
'Maduro' Method...the kind in which citizens lose their freedom of choice, among others.

('Venezuela', here we come...)

This new Democratic Party take Over Nightmare is the follow-on step to Barry's ACA which, according to Harry Reid, was designed to fail to HERD Americans down the path to this Socialist govt take-over of people's lives / health care.

The Democrats are making Americans feel like they actually have a choice in the matter in whether to go this route or not - like they did with Obamacare - before they ram it down Aneticans' throats, into law against the majority will of the people.


Democrats are actually trying to convince Americans that they are doing this FOR the American people, to help them.

They are trying to ignore the fact that the ACA caused huge cost increases when they promised it would reduce the cost. And now Democrats want to remedy the problem they created by FORCING Americans to accept their Socialist Takeover.

Obama did not go far enough to the Left, did not embraced FORCED Socialist mandates / take-over enough.

No, Unlike Obamacare that monetarily punished Americans with a TAX for non-compliance with the mandate to purchase the product the govt created, this new Socialist move will OUTLAW - MAKE ILLEGAL - any Personal Private health care plan. It will finish what Obana and the ACA started - killing off the personal / private health care industry.

The govt will seize full control of all medical care in the US...whether citizens want it or not. Your freedom of choice, your right to make your own decisions about your personal health care will be stripped away forever!

Welcome to the beginning of 'Make America Venezuela'!

New ā€˜Medicare-for-allā€™ bill would largely outlaw private insurance

I would like to do away with private health insurance too....with no single payer to replace it.

pay cash or fucking die.

Costs would go way down.

At least that is a personal choice ... Which the Dems want to outlaw.
I thought the mother fuckers were all about the right to choose? They fucking lie a lot donā€™t they?
Hold on to those firearms, boys and girls. The govt took the right to own a gun in Venezuela away, too....
Right, we should turn over the entire healthcare system to a bunch of stupid shit Dem politicians in Washington, brilliant plan. /sarcasm
WE TOLD YOU who these Dem Nazi shit stains were and what they planned to do. Keep your doctor and your plan riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight :icon_rolleyes: Here's the good news, if these dumb asses even try this the Dem party will cease to exist.
Kamala Harris under fire after calling for abolition of private health care plans: ā€˜Thatā€™s not Americanā€™"


remember the horror stories after horror stories of the aca?
While the left was immersed in feel good horse shit ,well this poor person finally got health insurance ,the all hail the messiah obama! ...and the multi billion dollar insurance companies that wrote the bill ...blah blah blah feelzs on TWITer

the working poor and the middle classes got hammered

NOW you want to turn it over to the same people who run the post office ?
OH yeah im no longer a capitalist
they're racists
sign me up !
socialism is the only way To go for a fair and just society .
I also get an emotional support pony? right ? how long is the waiting list for one of those?
how do i get my aspirin ration increased ?

wot? ya wanna see my palms ?

ya know what
fuck the poor and FUCK YOU LADY IM keepin my goddamn insurance

Eviscerate the proletariat
Right, we should turn over the entire healthcare system to a bunch of stupid shit Dem politicians in Washington, brilliant plan. /sarcasm

The same ones who want to spend $93 Trillion for high-speed rail that will replace air travel but can't be made to work from LA to San Fran...based on technology that does not even exist .... While upgrading or rebuilding EVERY building in the US ... While putting 20 million Americans (easy) out of work and dependent on the same tax dollars going to fund what AOC admits we can't afford...

Just f*ing BRILLIANT these people are...
Without a significant market component, "Medicare for All" is not "Medicare for All".

The Democrats are lying to you on this.

Anyone who doesn't know that is ignorant about how Medicare works. Or lying. Or both.

When the general electorate is explained how medicare works, the dems will tumble.

Here's a rough example. Medicare doesn't pay everything 100%.
Medicare is basically catastrophic insurance.
You've got to pay for Medicare 2 (Lowest amount is 135 per month)
Medicare 2 only covers 80%. You've got to pay the other 20%.
Many retired folks carry a secondary insurance to cover that 20%. (If we
do away with that private Insurance, that 20% has to come out of pocket)
Medicare D (Drugs) will cost you around 75 a month. It doesn't pay 100%.

Where is the poor gonna get 210 a month plus 20% to pay for all of that?

This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-I-g-g-e-r-s and the s-p-I-c-s because
they're stupid enough to believe that shit.

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