Democrat platform


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
This just about sums up this insane treasonous filth!

Dimocrat Platform

Got this in an email.

Democrat platform suggestions for 2020

1. Fred Stevens, a welder, and Joe Frisco, a bartender, neither of whom went to college, will have to pay off the student loans for Eric, an Art History major, and Emma, a Gender Studies major, because they cannot get jobs.(Elizabeth Warren).

2. Yusef Hussein, who killed 23 children by bombing their school, will be allowed to vote from prison. (Bernie Sanders)

3. Grace Thompson, who worked hard for 47 years, must give up her employer furnished medical plan and join the National Health plan. (The whole slate)

4. La’Darius Washington, who has never had a regular job, will receive a monthly income from the federal government to spend as he pleases. (Amy Klobuchar)

5. Billy White, age 16, who has trouble with subject/verb agreement in English class, still has trouble with fractions in math class, and thinks Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court will get to vote. (Kirsten Gillibrand)


Dimocrat Platform | Grouchy Old Cripple
Last edited:
Democrats illegal immigration platform...

Sneak into America...
Obtain services like healthcare and welfare paid for by Americans...
Vote for anti American globalist Democrats who aid abet encourage and provide sanctuary to foreign nationals...
Victimize Americans...
Get deported from America...
This just about sums this insane treasonous filth!

Dimocrat Platform

Got this in an email.

Democrat platform suggestions for 2020

1. Fred Stevens, a welder, and Joe Frisco, a bartender, neither of whom went to college, will have to pay off the student loans for Eric, an Art History major, and Emma, a Gender Studies major, because they cannot get jobs.(Elizabeth Warren).

2. Yusef Hussein, who killed 23 children by bombing their school, will be allowed to vote from prison. (Bernie Sanders)

3. Grace Thompson, who worked hard for 47 years, must give up her employer furnished medical plan and join the National Health plan. (The whole slate)

4. La’Darius Washington, who has never had a regular job, will receive a monthly income from the federal government to spend as he pleases. (Amy Klobuchar)

5. Billy White, age 16, who has trouble with subject/verb agreement in English class, still has trouble with fractions in math class, and thinks Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court will get to vote. (Kirsten Gillibrand)


Dimocrat Platform | Grouchy Old Cripple

It's no surprise to anyone that you get your information from mass forward emails.
  • Thread starter
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  • #4
This just about sums this insane treasonous filth!

Dimocrat Platform

Got this in an email.

Democrat platform suggestions for 2020

1. Fred Stevens, a welder, and Joe Frisco, a bartender, neither of whom went to college, will have to pay off the student loans for Eric, an Art History major, and Emma, a Gender Studies major, because they cannot get jobs.(Elizabeth Warren).

2. Yusef Hussein, who killed 23 children by bombing their school, will be allowed to vote from prison. (Bernie Sanders)

3. Grace Thompson, who worked hard for 47 years, must give up her employer furnished medical plan and join the National Health plan. (The whole slate)

4. La’Darius Washington, who has never had a regular job, will receive a monthly income from the federal government to spend as he pleases. (Amy Klobuchar)

5. Billy White, age 16, who has trouble with subject/verb agreement in English class, still has trouble with fractions in math class, and thinks Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court will get to vote. (Kirsten Gillibrand)


Dimocrat Platform | Grouchy Old Cripple

It's no surprise to anyone that you get your information from mass forward emails.
I didn't get in an email, liar. Truths hurts you cuck fools.
Let the Dems run with that horse shit. No one will vote for their stupid asses except hard core Dems.

Sucks to be them.
This just about sums this insane treasonous filth!

Dimocrat Platform

Got this in an email.

Democrat platform suggestions for 2020

1. Fred Stevens, a welder, and Joe Frisco, a bartender, neither of whom went to college, will have to pay off the student loans for Eric, an Art History major, and Emma, a Gender Studies major, because they cannot get jobs.(Elizabeth Warren).

2. Yusef Hussein, who killed 23 children by bombing their school, will be allowed to vote from prison. (Bernie Sanders)

3. Grace Thompson, who worked hard for 47 years, must give up her employer furnished medical plan and join the National Health plan. (The whole slate)

4. La’Darius Washington, who has never had a regular job, will receive a monthly income from the federal government to spend as he pleases. (Amy Klobuchar)

5. Billy White, age 16, who has trouble with subject/verb agreement in English class, still has trouble with fractions in math class, and thinks Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court will get to vote. (Kirsten Gillibrand)


Dimocrat Platform | Grouchy Old Cripple

It's no surprise to anyone that you get your information from mass forward emails.
I didn't get in an email, liar. Truths hurts you cuck fools.

Your post literally says "Got this in an email."
Once again our brain-dead rino's brings crap to the board and all the rino's fall in line with whatever Putin put on the internet. RINO-trumpies
  • Thread starter
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  • #8
This just about sums this insane treasonous filth!

Dimocrat Platform

Got this in an email.

Democrat platform suggestions for 2020

1. Fred Stevens, a welder, and Joe Frisco, a bartender, neither of whom went to college, will have to pay off the student loans for Eric, an Art History major, and Emma, a Gender Studies major, because they cannot get jobs.(Elizabeth Warren).

2. Yusef Hussein, who killed 23 children by bombing their school, will be allowed to vote from prison. (Bernie Sanders)

3. Grace Thompson, who worked hard for 47 years, must give up her employer furnished medical plan and join the National Health plan. (The whole slate)

4. La’Darius Washington, who has never had a regular job, will receive a monthly income from the federal government to spend as he pleases. (Amy Klobuchar)

5. Billy White, age 16, who has trouble with subject/verb agreement in English class, still has trouble with fractions in math class, and thinks Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court will get to vote. (Kirsten Gillibrand)


Dimocrat Platform | Grouchy Old Cripple

It's no surprise to anyone that you get your information from mass forward emails.
I didn't get in an email, liar. Truths hurts you cuck fools.

Your post literally says "Got this in an email."
The excerpt from the link says that. Stupid lying asshole.
  • Thread starter
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  • #9
Once again our brain-dead rino's brings crap to the board and all the rino's fall in line with whatever Putin put on the internet. RINO-trumpies
If this ^^^ isn't delusional I don't know what is. Poor desperate thing.
Re-interpreting the OP, these are actual democrat policy proposals:
1. Free college, student loans get paid off.
2. Prisoners get to vote, including mass murderers
3. medicare for all, employer based healthcare for none, and hospitals all close
4. Guaranteed income
5. 16 year olds vote

6. New senators and congressmen for DC and Puerto Rico
7. Eliminate the EC and use only the popular vote
8. Open borders
9. Free healthcare for illegals
10. Reparations paid to blacks for slavery
11. Approve the Paris climate change agreement, the US owes billions to poor countries
12. No offshore drilling or pipelines
13. Eliminate ICE and DHS
14. Approve the Green new deal, no cows, no cars, no carbon, etc.
This just about sums this insane treasonous filth!

Dimocrat Platform

Got this in an email.

Democrat platform suggestions for 2020

1. Fred Stevens, a welder, and Joe Frisco, a bartender, neither of whom went to college, will have to pay off the student loans for Eric, an Art History major, and Emma, a Gender Studies major, because they cannot get jobs.(Elizabeth Warren).

2. Yusef Hussein, who killed 23 children by bombing their school, will be allowed to vote from prison. (Bernie Sanders)

3. Grace Thompson, who worked hard for 47 years, must give up her employer furnished medical plan and join the National Health plan. (The whole slate)

4. La’Darius Washington, who has never had a regular job, will receive a monthly income from the federal government to spend as he pleases. (Amy Klobuchar)

5. Billy White, age 16, who has trouble with subject/verb agreement in English class, still has trouble with fractions in math class, and thinks Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court will get to vote. (Kirsten Gillibrand)


Dimocrat Platform | Grouchy Old Cripple

It's no surprise to anyone that you get your information from mass forward emails.
I didn't get in an email, liar. Truths hurts you cuck fools.

Your post literally says "Got this in an email."
The excerpt from the link says that. Stupid lying asshole.

Clearly I'm going to have to draw you a map here.

You got your info from the link.

The link got the info email.

Hence, you get your info email.

How the fuck did you survive this long since birth?
This just about sums this insane treasonous filth!

Dimocrat Platform

Got this in an email.

Democrat platform suggestions for 2020

1. Fred Stevens, a welder, and Joe Frisco, a bartender, neither of whom went to college, will have to pay off the student loans for Eric, an Art History major, and Emma, a Gender Studies major, because they cannot get jobs.(Elizabeth Warren).

2. Yusef Hussein, who killed 23 children by bombing their school, will be allowed to vote from prison. (Bernie Sanders)

3. Grace Thompson, who worked hard for 47 years, must give up her employer furnished medical plan and join the National Health plan. (The whole slate)

4. La’Darius Washington, who has never had a regular job, will receive a monthly income from the federal government to spend as he pleases. (Amy Klobuchar)

5. Billy White, age 16, who has trouble with subject/verb agreement in English class, still has trouble with fractions in math class, and thinks Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court will get to vote. (Kirsten Gillibrand)


Dimocrat Platform | Grouchy Old Cripple

It's no surprise to anyone that you get your information from mass forward emails.
I didn't get in an email, liar. Truths hurts you cuck fools.

Your post literally says "Got this in an email."
The excerpt from the link says that. Stupid lying asshole.

Clearly I'm going to have to draw you a map here.

You got your info from the link.

The link got the info email.

Hence, you get your info email.

How the fuck did you survive this long since birth?
Nothing in the known universe as one of you loon buttstains.
It's no surprise to anyone that you get your information from mass forward emails.
I didn't get in an email, liar. Truths hurts you cuck fools.

Your post literally says "Got this in an email."
The excerpt from the link says that. Stupid lying asshole.

Clearly I'm going to have to draw you a map here.

You got your info from the link.

The link got the info email.

Hence, you get your info email.

How the fuck did you survive this long since birth?
Nothing in the known universe as one of you loon buttstains.

Let's try it again but in English this time.
I didn't get in an email, liar. Truths hurts you cuck fools.

Your post literally says "Got this in an email."
The excerpt from the link says that. Stupid lying asshole.

Clearly I'm going to have to draw you a map here.

You got your info from the link.

The link got the info email.

Hence, you get your info email.

How the fuck did you survive this long since birth?
Nothing in the known universe as one of you loon buttstains.

Let's try it again but in English this time.
othing in the known universe as one of loon you buttstains.
Democratic Platform for 2020

1. Defend and Expand Healthcare
2. Provide affordable Higher Education
3. Repeal the Trump tax cuts on business and billionaires
4. Defend the Environment
5. Trump is an asshole and an embarrassment to our nation
Your post literally says "Got this in an email."
The excerpt from the link says that. Stupid lying asshole.

Clearly I'm going to have to draw you a map here.

You got your info from the link.

The link got the info email.

Hence, you get your info email.

How the fuck did you survive this long since birth?
Nothing in the known universe as one of you loon buttstains.

Let's try it again but in English this time.
othing in the known universe as one of loon you buttstains.

You said the same thing but this time you somehow forgot the first letter of your sentence.

It's as if you said to yourself, "how can I manage to dumb down an already retarded statement?"

And yet, you somehow managed to find a way.

Bravo, sir!
Democratic Platform for 2020

1. Defend and Expand Healthcare
2. Provide affordable Higher Education
3. Repeal the Trump tax cuts on business and billionaires
4. Defend the Environment
5. Trump is an asshole and an embarrassment to our nation
1. I have health care. Excellent health care.
2. I worked for and paid off my college education.
3. I am middle class and appreciated my tax cut.
4. I keep my environment clean.
5. You're an idiot.
Democratic Platform for 2020

1. Defend and Expand Healthcare
2. Provide affordable Higher Education
3. Repeal the Trump tax cuts on business and billionaires
4. Defend the Environment
5. Trump is an asshole and an embarrassment to our nation


"defend healthcare" = defend the money that is VANISHING because of government involvement in healthcare, which has made the cost of healthcare grow astronomically. Medicare fraud is off the charts, and rightwinger loves it

"affordable higher education" = borrow more from China to put really dumb teens into college

"repeal tax cuts" = tax cuts lessen that which Democrats can steal. Hence, they are always bad

"defend the environment" = continue to bilk the taxpayer over Algore's FRAUD while ignoring/misdiagnosing real problems like fresh water shortages caused by HUMAN OVERPOPULATION. Dem solution to planetary overpopulation is to pack the US with immigrants who have 5-15 kids per couple...
Democratic Platform for 2020

1. Defend and Expand Healthcare
2. Provide affordable Higher Education
3. Repeal the Trump tax cuts on business and billionaires
4. Defend the Environment
5. Trump is an asshole and an embarrassment to our nation
1. I have health care. Excellent health care.
2. I worked for and paid off my college education.
3. I am middle class and appreciated my tax cut.
4. I keep my environment clean.
5. You're an idiot.

Good for you

Let’s ask AMERICA what they feel about theses issues

Oh...I forgot

Background Checks and bans on large capacity magazines
The excerpt from the link says that. Stupid lying asshole.

Clearly I'm going to have to draw you a map here.

You got your info from the link.

The link got the info email.

Hence, you get your info email.

How the fuck did you survive this long since birth?
Nothing in the known universe as one of you loon buttstains.

Let's try it again but in English this time.
othing in the known universe as one of loon you buttstains.

You said the same thing but this time you somehow forgot the first letter of your sentence.

It's as if you said to yourself, "how can I manage to dumb down an already retarded statement?"

And yet, you somehow managed to find a way.

Bravo, sir!
I forgot nothing, butcher.

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