Democrat Law Professor (Turley) Calls on Pelosi to Resign!!!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
George Washington University Law professor and self described Democrat Jonathan Turley is calling for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to resign if she can't maintain the dignity of her position.

"While many will celebrate her trolling of the president, she tore up something far more important than a speech. Pelosi has shredded decades of tradition, decorum, and civility that the nation could use now more than ever. The House speaker is more than a political partisan, particularly when carrying out functions such as the State of the Union address. A president appears in the House as a guest of both chambers of Congress. The House speaker represents not her party or herself but the entirety of the chamber. At that moment, she must transcend her own political ambitions and loyalties," Turley writes at The Hill. "If Trump made the State of the Union look like Oprah, then Pelosi made it look like Jerry Springer."

In his piece, Turley chides the Speaker for failing to use proper titles while introducing President Trump and called her decision to rip up the text of his speech "revolting." Pelosi justified her behavior by saying it was the "courteous thing to do."

"Pelosi has demolished decades of tradition with this poorly considered moment. Of course, many will celebrate her conduct and be thrilled by the insult to Trump. However, even those of us who disagree with his policies should consider what Pelosi destroyed in her moment of rage. She shredded the pretense of governing with civility and dignity in the House. Notably, she did not wait to rip up her copy of the speech until after she left the House floor. Pelosi wanted to do it at the end of the speech, in front of the camera, with the president still in the chamber," he continued.

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comduct that warrants her removal.

she planned it all along. we have the video of her practicing and doing the microtears during the speech.
George Washington University Law professor and self described Democrat Jonathan Turley is calling for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to resign if she can't maintain the dignity of her position.

"While many will celebrate her trolling of the president, she tore up something far more important than a speech. Pelosi has shredded decades of tradition, decorum, and civility that the nation could use now more than ever. The House speaker is more than a political partisan, particularly when carrying out functions such as the State of the Union address. A president appears in the House as a guest of both chambers of Congress. The House speaker represents not her party or herself but the entirety of the chamber. At that moment, she must transcend her own political ambitions and loyalties," Turley writes at The Hill. "If Trump made the State of the Union look like Oprah, then Pelosi made it look like Jerry Springer."

In his piece, Turley chides the Speaker for failing to use proper titles while introducing President Trump and called her decision to rip up the text of his speech "revolting." Pelosi justified her behavior by saying it was the "courteous thing to do."

"Pelosi has demolished decades of tradition with this poorly considered moment. Of course, many will celebrate her conduct and be thrilled by the insult to Trump. However, even those of us who disagree with his policies should consider what Pelosi destroyed in her moment of rage. She shredded the pretense of governing with civility and dignity in the House. Notably, she did not wait to rip up her copy of the speech until after she left the House floor. Pelosi wanted to do it at the end of the speech, in front of the camera, with the president still in the chamber," he continued.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


comduct that warrants her removal.

she planned it all along. we have the video of her practicing and doing the microtears during the speech.

"Pelosi justified her behavior by saying it was the "courteous thing to do."

That is white hot bitter hatred. Seething hatred.

Far too much hate to see clearly.

Far too much hate to carry out her duties professionally.

Far too much hate that it will blind her, and the Democrats, to making the many mistakes that will ultimately lead to their shocking losses again this fall.

Trump is that big bully to them that always got the pretty girls, always was captain of the team, always was the teacher's pet, always was the star pupil, always cheated, always kicked sand in their face, always stole their test answers, and always got away with it!

And when they tattled on him, it somehow backfired they got the blame! :lmao:

They just really really HATE Donald. I'm sure they've discussed shooting him and which one will take the blame. Maybe they can get to the White House chef and food taster. :laughing0301:
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Jonathan Turley to Nancy the Ripper: Apologize or resign

“The facial expressions and head shaking is a new low for the House. “

The State of the Union address delivered by President Trump Tuesday night was like no other I’ve seen. Most of all, the messages it delivered were effective. The Democrats in attendance resorted to behavior indicating they now realize the future may not be so bright for them on Election Night 2020. Speaker Pelosi led them over the cliff.

Liberal Professor Jonathan Turley had a few things to say about Pelosi’s behavior throughout the address as he presented a lesson in etiquette for the Speaker. He explains there are traditions and decorum and we expect the Speaker of the House to behave as a grown-up, even if she doesn’t like what the president is saying. The continual head shaking and muttering to herself gave the impression that she is mentally unbalanced.

Turley noted that by ripping up the document, Pelosi was reduced to acting like a troll.

Speaker Pelosi sets the tone for her party and in that, she failed miserably. I noticed that she kept looking off to the side where the Democrats sat. She kept an eye on them all as applause broke out for the president’s words. She wanted to make sure they toed the line and didn’t give him any support. The Democrats sat stone-faced and didn’t clap for anything except for a couple of times. They did clap when Trump mentioned the demise of Al-Baghdadi and Soleimani. They took a pass on applauding the successes of the economy, such as low unemployment, record employment of women and minorities, low-interest rates, rising homeownership and so on. They didn’t applaud when Trump announced a scholarship opportunity for a young black girl in a neighborhood with a failing public school. Her life will improve and her single mom will rest easier knowing her child is getting a better education. Democrats didn’t clap for less illegal immigration or increased security at the border. Democrats didn’t bother to clap for Rush Limbaugh as he was awarded the Medal of Freedom by Trump and when Melania placed it on him. Pelosi kept them all under control.

The Democrats were allowed to applaud when a family reunion occurred. As a military wife and mom to two young children was acknowledged, she received a surprise – her husband walked out and joined his family. It was an amazing moment that even the Democrats couldn’t ignore. Sadly, the lukewarm reception from them for the 100-year-old Tuskegee airman and his young great-grandson was also a part of the evening’s event. He had been promoted by the president and Trump presented him with the appropriate military decoration earlier on Tuesday.
Some are saying Pelosi committed a felony by destroying a government document. Will Dems impeach her for committing a felony? Ouch! lol
More and more it's clear that the modern democrat Party needs to move offshore to a country more to their liking. They've nothing in common with America
Her antics are an effort to appease her base and garner their support. She knows the Ds failed miserably. She’s just trying to save face as the election approaches.
Some are saying Pelosi committed a felony by destroying a government document. Will Dems impeach her for committing a felony? Ouch! lol

Some are idiots as well. Don't parrot what they say or it makes you an idiot as well
Her antics are an effort to appease her base and garner their support. She knows the Ds failed miserably. She’s just trying to save face as the election approaches.

Seems her antics were to take the spotlight off Trump and his speech and make herself the story.

And it worked to perfection.
Seems as though she’s an idiot with no self control. I’ve never heard her say anything remotely intelligent.

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If the people of Nancy Pelosi district believe she had done something wrong then let them elect her out of office just like I believe if the American people disagree with Trump actions with the Ukraine or how he has run the Oval office then let them elect him out of office.

Do I agree with Pelosi nonsense?

Noticed I did use that big word nonsense so it tell you I disagree with her course of actions and with her inviting the President to give his speech and why?

It was for political show and nothing more.

Two grown adults that should lead by example have shown not only our nation but world we as Americans have fallen into a childish and moronic way of conducting ourselves...

I do believe Pelosi should be sanctioned for her stupidity but requesting she step down, aside or be forcefully removed is never the answer...
George Washington University Law professor and self described Democrat Jonathan Turley is calling for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to resign if she can't maintain the dignity of her position.
The fish stinks from the head. If Trump can't maintain the dignity of his office, don't be surprised that others throw it back in his face.
Her antics are an effort to appease her base and garner their support. She knows the Ds failed miserably. She’s just trying to save face as the election approaches.
Do you really think she has a base at this point? I think this whole impeachment fiasco put her on the slippery slope to nowheresville.
Some are saying Pelosi committed a felony by destroying a government document. Will Dems impeach her for committing a felony? Ouch! lol

Please ring up the FBI with your crime... That laughing you hear is normal...

Personally I think when he didn't shake her hand, she should have given a second option to do it. If he still doesn't kick him out... Invite is rescinded...

Pelosi can say quite simply, the President of US refuses to shake the hand of the speaker, that is the state of the union and it is weak...
George Washington University Law professor and self described Democrat Jonathan Turley is calling for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to resign if she can't maintain the dignity of her position.
The fish stinks from the head. If Trump can't maintain the dignity of his office, don't be surprised that others throw it back in his face.

Hmmm, Pelosi is the leader of the House and the Legislative, Executive and Judicial are all equal, so the buck can stop with her and she had the choice to either be a leader with dignity or lower herself to his level...

She failed and yet you will excuse her but let say Boehner had done that to Obama, boy the left would have gone insane...

The criticism against Pelosi is warranted but I still believe she should not be forced from office unless the voters of her district deem she should leave...
If the people of Nancy Pelosi district believe she had done something wrong then let them elect her out of office just like I believe if the American people disagree with Trump actions with the Ukraine or how he has run the Oval office then let them elect him out of office.

People in Democrat districts are not smart enough to stop voting Democrat. Trust me, I live in the Cleveland area and see it election after election.

While we lose population all the time, violent crime increasing, the police force decreasing, the Mayor's family involved in crimes where they never see punishment, people elect this guy over and over again. It's not just here, it's anywhere Democrats have no chance at ever being voted out. No matter how bad things are or how bad they get, the voters would never consider putting anybody else into leadership but another corrupt Democrat.
Her antics are an effort to appease her base and garner their support. She knows the Ds failed miserably. She’s just trying to save face as the election approaches.

I think she's just old and cranky. January jobs report was incredible. The economy is doing fantastic. They couldn't convince Republicans to stall their little impeachment show to keep Sander's and Warren benched thus giving Joe the run of the country for his nomination. To add insult to injury, Barr and Durham are looking into the actions of the last administration.

Everything they do turns to crap. The Russian hoax failed, the attempt to stop Kavanaugh failed, the impeachment failed, their caucus failed, their pick for presidential nomination is currently failing, and Trump's likelihood of reelection has never been stronger.

More and more it's clear that the modern democrat Party needs to move offshore to a country more to their liking. They've nothing in common with America

They don't need to move. They want a place where nobody has guns except the government. Nobody has money except the government. Free healthcare. Government decides on what you can and can't eat. A place where you work only if you feel like it. A place where nobody is allowed to smoke a cigarette. A place where everybody is equal and has the same political views as you do.

They don't need to move because we have places like that right here in the USA. We call them prisons, and there are plenty of Democrats in them right now.
George Washington University Law professor and self described Democrat Jonathan Turley is calling for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to resign if she can't maintain the dignity of her position.
The fish stinks from the head. If Trump can't maintain the dignity of his office, don't be surprised that others throw it back in his face.

So you believe in “he started it first.” My kids believed that, then they turned six.

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