Democrat Governor and Presidential Hopeful Torches Obama.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
Poor Obummer....he's getting hit on all sides. Karma is a bitch. The following is from Former Montana Democrat Governor Brian Schweitzer.

Democratic presidential prospect can’t think of anything positive to say about Obama

By Eric Pfeiffer 18 hours ago Yahoo News

A former Democratic governor who is exploring a possible presidential campaign as the “anti-Hillary,” now says he can’t think of a single nice thing to say about President Barack Obama.

As former Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer explores a possible 2016 campaign for the White House, he has largely targeted his focus on being the “anti-Hillary." That stance certainly makes sense, as any potential rival to Hillary Clinton would face a steep climb against her expected candidacy.

But Schweitzer has recently unveiled a new fold to his potential presidential run, as an anti-Obama candidate.

During an interview with MSNBC’s Benjy Sarlin, Schweitzer deferred when asked to name one positive accomplishment by the Obama administration.

“My mother, God rest her soul, told me 'Brian, if you can’t think of something nice to say about something change the subject,' " Schweitzer said.

• On the issue of Obama's record on civil liberties, Schweitzer said the NSA revelations were “un-effing-believable."

• On the Obama administration's ability to lead: "They just haven’t been very good at running things.”

• On Obamacare: "It will collapse on its own weight."

In fact, Sarlin said Schweitzer would only go so far as to praise Obama for being the first African American president.

As Talking Points Memo pointed out, this is not the first time Schweitzer has had tough words for the president, referring to him as a “ corporatist” last month and saying his administration is “just not good at getting things done.”

Of course, while these comments are being shared across the Internet by conservative outlets, Schweitzer’s jabs are actually being lobbied from a progressive angle.

As Schweitzer told the Weekly Standard, "We can’t afford any more hard right. We had eight years of George Bush. Now we’ve had five years of Obama, [who], I would argue, in many cases has been a corporatist."

But on the other hand, Ezra Klein notes that Schweitzer has a few conservative beliefs as well, expressing skepticism of gun control and supporting the coal industry.

So, is there room for a Democrat to run to the left of Obama in 2016?

In their daily First Read column, MSNBC’s Chuck Todd, Mark Murray and Domenico Montanaro note that Schweitzer already flirted with, then backed away from, a potential Senate run this year.

“American politics is full of surprises,” they write. “But right now, the smart money is on Hillary facing little to no opposition if she runs in 2016.”

Some guy no one outside of Montana has ever heard of before doesn't like Obama.

Yeah, I can see him winning in 2016.

Schweitzer could never get the Democratic nomination. The party has moved too far to the left and is catering to the fringe for someone like him to win.
Exactly how is Obama "leftist" with his indiscriminate assassinations of civilians with remote-controlled death planes? Or his refusal to prosecute bankers for serious crimes? Or his refusal to legalize Cannabis again?

What is so "leftist" about Obama? He's a Democrat? Is that it? He's black? Does that make him "liberal"? What about his policies makes him "liberal" or "progressive"?

Please explain.
Schweitzer could never get the Democratic nomination. The party has moved too far to the left and is catering to the fringe for someone like him to win.


He couldn't win because no one has heard of him. He also comes across as something of a lightweight in the intellect department.

The party could be mainstream center and he wouldn't win. But nice try!
Exactly how is Obama "leftist" with his indiscriminate assassinations of civilians with remote-controlled death planes? Or his refusal to prosecute bankers for serious crimes? Or his refusal to legalize Cannabis again?

What is so "leftist" about Obama? He's a Democrat? Is that it? He's black? Does that make him "liberal"? What about his policies makes him "liberal" or "progressive"?

Please explain.

ObamaCare makes him far left. His state and federal voting records make him far left.

You should go back to his 2007-2008 campaign pledges if you don't think he is leftist. It is only because the economy is in the shitter, which he has no clue how to fix since he's a leftist, that he has been unable to completely out himself and unfurl his inner socialist.
Some guy no one outside of Montana has ever heard of before doesn't like Obama.

Yeah, I can see him winning in 2016.


Yeah...Some Black guy no one outside of Chicago has ever heard of before doesn't like Bush.....

Yeah, I can see him winning in 2008.

Some guy no one outside of Montana has ever heard of before doesn't like Obama.

Yeah, I can see him winning in 2016.


Yeah...Some Black guy no one outside of Chicago has ever heard of before doesn't like Bush.....

Yeah, I can see him winning in 2008.


Really? You think there's a comparison? :lol:

Besides, Obama was well known after 2004. In fact, he was a big player in helping the Dems win the majority in Congress in 2006.
Exactly how is Obama "leftist" with his indiscriminate assassinations of civilians with remote-controlled death planes? Or his refusal to prosecute bankers for serious crimes? Or his refusal to legalize Cannabis again?

What is so "leftist" about Obama? He's a Democrat? Is that it? He's black? Does that make him "liberal"? What about his policies makes him "liberal" or "progressive"?

Please explain.

Obama is a Leftist Authoritarian.

Exactly how is Obama "leftist" with his indiscriminate assassinations of civilians with remote-controlled death planes? Or his refusal to prosecute bankers for serious crimes? Or his refusal to legalize Cannabis again?

What is so "leftist" about Obama? He's a Democrat? Is that it? He's black? Does that make him "liberal"? What about his policies makes him "liberal" or "progressive"?

Please explain.

ObamaCare makes him far left. His state and federal voting records make him far left.

You should go back to his 2007-2008 campaign pledges if you don't think he is leftist. It is only because the economy is in the shitter, which he has no clue how to fix since he's a leftist, that he has been unable to completely out himself and unfurl his inner socialist.

So 95% of the economic recovery money went to the richest 1% because of Obama's leftist liberal Marxist policies? Obamacare was based entirely on Romneycare, a Republican model, so that's proof of his "leftist" policies? Obama slaughters dirt-poor civilians with remote-controlled flying death robots because he's such a Progressive humanitarian? Obama closed Guantanamo because as a Progressive liberal, he knows that it's wrong for a free nation to put people in cages for years without charges, evidence, a trial, or any idea of what to ever do with them?

Which of Obama's campaign pledges has he kept? What makes Obama "leftist"?
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Some guy no one outside of Montana has ever heard of before doesn't like Obama.

Yeah, I can see him winning in 2016.


Yeah...Some Black guy no one outside of Chicago has ever heard of before doesn't like Bush.....

Yeah, I can see him winning in 2008.


Really? You think there's a comparison? :lol:

Besides, Obama was well known after 2004. In fact, he was a big player in helping the Dems win the majority in Congress in 2006.

I do. Information technology is instantaneous these days....It doesn't take very much to get name recognition. One minute you're an ignorant Illinois legislator who votes "present" with startling regularity, the next you're a national figure with Presidential aspirations.

I don't know a thing about this man, but he is a Governor of a state- he has executive experience.....voters like former Governors. Hillary is a divisive figure. Give the Democrat voters a viable alternative and they'll probably take it.....
Obama is a Leftist Authoritarian.


Well, that's scientific proof. Because as we all know, there are only two categories that a person can be in.

Which of Obama's policies have been "collectivist"? 95% of the money made during the economic recovery went to the wealthiest 1% of the population. Is that all part of Obama's Marxist Leftist Authoritarian Kenyan Muslim scheme to destroy America?
In brief; Obama is a "leftist" because he sees the solution to every problem as some sort of government action.

I never heard of this guy from Montana before, but there is a recent precedent: Jimmy Carter. Came out of nowhere and became President.

I am always wrong about sensing the political climate of the country, but there is no question that the American public is sick and tired of Washington and everyone in it. I PRAY that the Dems nominate HRC. She is Exhibit A of what's wrong with the country and the Democrat party in particular.
On the news today they were talking about how loads of Dems running really don't want endorsements from Barry.

Smart move on their part I'd say.
Schweitzer could never get the Democratic nomination. The party has moved too far to the left and is catering to the fringe for someone like him to win.


He couldn't win because no one has heard of him. He also comes across as something of a lightweight in the intellect department.

The party could be mainstream center and he wouldn't win. But nice try!

Who the hell heard of Bill Clinton in 1992?
So 95% of the economic recovery money went to the richest 1% because of Obama's leftist liberal Marxist policies?

That's how it works in every Marxist country. Everyone is poor while the elite aristocracy running the country lives it up. The rich have been getting richer under Obama while the middle class has been taking it up the ass. Ironically, this is what you people always accuse the political right of doing.

Obamacare was based entirely on Romneycare, a Republican model, so that's proof of his "leftist" policies?

That's a half truth. It spawned the idea, but ObamaCare does not work like RomneyCare. In fact, it doesn't work at all.

Obama slaughters dirt-poor civilians with remote-controlled flying death robots because he's such a Progressive humanitarian?

So did FDR, LBJ, and JFK. Are you honestly claiming warmongering isn't a left wing trait as much as it is on the right?

Obama closed Guantanamo because as a Progressive liberal, he knows that it's wrong for a free nation to put people in cages for years without charges, evidence, a trial, or any idea of what to ever do with them?

Really? When did that happen? I guess everyone on planet Earth except you missed that one.

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