Dem Shelia Jackson Lee wants to rename welfare "transitional living fund".


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The moron thinks giving it a new name will solve the welfare problem. And the new name is not even accurate since welfare is not transitional. Most of the bums make a career out of it.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee: Change the Word 'Welfare' to 'Transitional Living Fund' | CNS News

January 8, 2014 - 10:49 AM

( - In a brief speech on the House floor Wednesday, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) hailed the war on poverty, endorsed government welfare programs, and said the "safety net has to be something for all of us."

"Maybe the word welfare should be changed to something of, 'a transitional living fund.' For that is what it is -- for people to be able to live," she said.

Jackson Lee hailed the Earned Income Credit, food and nutrition programs, jobs training and education programs, Medicaid, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act as "huge safety nets -- not handouts, but safety nets, she said.

- See more at: Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee: Change the Word 'Welfare' to 'Transitional Living Fund' | CNS News
A transitional living fund for all of us, eh? So, we're all going to transition to lives of government dependency? Is that what that means?
But of course, Democrats are for fooling the people in this country

Just like they changed globull warming to, climate change

their base will eat it up
Sheila actually thinks a lot of folks have been transitioning out of the handout state. I guess that makes sense for someone who thinks American astronauts have walked the surface of Mars.

There is no end to liberal lunacy.
How are conservatives so ignorant on transitional living fund laws?

The bill's primary requirements and effects included the following:

Ending welfare as an entitlement program;
Requiring recipients to begin working after two years of receiving benefits;
Placing a lifetime limit of five years on benefits paid by federal funds;
Aiming to encourage two-parent families and discouraging out-of-wedlock births;
Enhancing enforcement of child support; and
Requires state professional and occupational licenses be withheld from illegal immigrants.


States are required to meet standards or be fined.
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they don't do facts

Most people on welfare will not get the education or the opportunity to transition to another life style, so why change the name to one so obviously non-relevant?
But of course, Democrats are for fooling the people in this country

Just like they changed globull warming to, climate change

But that backfired on them. Everyone realized instantly that climate change covers everything. They made fools of themselves.
Fact is that a welfare state is never mentioned in the federal constitution so by the tenth amendment it is wholly a state issue and states need to make that point.
Afterall, it's from the same moronic bunch that brought us:

kinetic military action
man-caused disaster
undocumented immigrants or/ displaced foreign travelers
global climate disruption
The moron thinks giving it a new name will solve the welfare problem. And the new name is not even accurate since welfare is not transitional. Most of the bums make a career out of it.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee: Change the Word 'Welfare' to 'Transitional Living Fund' | CNS News

January 8, 2014 - 10:49 AM

( - In a brief speech on the House floor Wednesday, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) hailed the war on poverty, endorsed government welfare programs, and said the "safety net has to be something for all of us."

"Maybe the word welfare should be changed to something of, 'a transitional living fund.' For that is what it is -- for people to be able to live," she said.

Jackson Lee hailed the Earned Income Credit, food and nutrition programs, jobs training and education programs, Medicaid, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act as "huge safety nets -- not handouts, but safety nets, she said.

- See more at: Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee: Change the Word 'Welfare' to 'Transitional Living Fund' | CNS News

Just type in her name on YouTube and let the comedy commence! She is by far the most ignorant person in the halls of congress.

Sheila Jackson Lee - Discover the Networks

"Today we have two Vietnams, side by side, North and South, exchanging and working. We may not agree with all that North Vietnam is doing, but they are living in peace. I would look for a better human rights record for North Vietnam, but they are living side by side."

“The Fifth Amendment speaks specifically to denying someone their life and liberty without due process. That is what H.R. 2 does and I rise in opposition to it. And I rise in opposition because it is important that we preserve lives and we recognize that 40 million-plus are uninsured. Can you tell me what’s more unconstitutional than taking away from the people of America their Fifth Amendment rights, their Fourteenth Amendment rights, and the right to equal protection under the law?”

"All those who wore [Klansman] sheets a long time ago have now lifted them off and started wearing [applause], uh, clothing, uh, with a name, say, I am part of the Tea Party. Don’t you be fooled. [voices: "That's right.", applause] Those who used to wear sheets are now being able to walk down the aisle and speak as a patriot because you will not speak loudly about the lack of integrity of this movement."

"During a 2005 visit to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, Lee asked a guide whether the Mars Pathfinder had taken a photograph of the flag planted on Mars by Neil Armstrong in 1969. (Armstrong's 1969 mission, of course, was to the Moon, not Mars.)"
I hope the Democrats keep voting her back to office...
She is a gem!
I love when she comes out with the crazy shit.

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