Dem Rep Brendan Boyle: “We’re either going to have to get this all done together, or it’s going to be none,”


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Don't count on it.

By hook, or by crook, the Global Government will get it's way.

. . . OTH, on the other side of the spectrum?

Democrat Strategist Declares His Party Will Suffer “Blowout Defeat” in 2022​

". . . Comparing where Biden is with where Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were at the same time in their administrations “suggests,” wrote Schoen, “that Democrats could suffer even more substantial losses in 2022 than the party did in 1994 and 2010.”

In 1994, with Clinton’s disapproval rate at 42%, Democrats lost 52 House seats and eight Senate seats.

In 2010, with Obama’s disapproval rate at 41%, Democrats lost 64 House seats and six Senate seats.

According to the latest poll from Civiqs, taken from Biden’s inauguration in January through September 13 and capturing responses from more than 100,000 registered voters, Biden’s national disapproval rate is 50% and climbing.

Drilling down into the data from the Civiqs poll Schoen laments that in five key swing states – Georgia, Florida, Arizona, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania – registered voters disapprove of Biden’s job performance by ten full percentage points or more. In reliably Democratic Michigan and Wisconsin voters there disapprove of Biden’s performance by margins of 7 and 8 points, respectively.

He concludes that “the current outlook for Democrats is grim – and it could be even worse,” adding:

If the Biden administration continues to push unnecessarily big government spending initiatives and tax increases, along with weak immigration policies and an incoherent foreign policy strategy, Democrats could suffer the most substantial midterm loss of any party in recent history.

Schoen’s analysis confirms what The New American wrote a week ago, that Biden’s falling approval numbers are putting Congress into play for Republicans next November.

But The New American asked: will it make any difference? Will those campaigning on Trump’s platform of “Make America Great Again” keep their promises and begin the long, arduous path to restoring the Republic? "
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Don't count on it.

By hook, or by crook, the Global Government will get it's way.

. . . OTH, on the other side of the spectrum?

Democrat Strategist Declares His Party Will Suffer “Blowout Defeat” in 2022​

". . . Comparing where Biden is with where Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were at the same time in their administrations “suggests,” wrote Schoen, “that Democrats could suffer even more substantial losses in 2022 than the party did in 1994 and 2010.”

In 1994, with Clinton’s disapproval rate at 42%, Democrats lost 52 House seats and eight Senate seats.

In 2010, with Obama’s disapproval rate at 41%, Democrats lost 64 House seats and six Senate seats.

According to the latest poll from Civiqs, taken from Biden’s inauguration in January through September 13 and capturing responses from more than 100,000 registered voters, Biden’s national disapproval rate is 50% and climbing.

Drilling down into the data from the Civiqs poll Schoen laments that in five key swing states – Georgia, Florida, Arizona, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania – registered voters disapprove of Biden’s job performance by ten full percentage points or more. In reliably Democratic Michigan and Wisconsin voters there disapprove of Biden’s performance by margins of 7 and 8 points, respectively.

He concludes that “the current outlook for Democrats is grim – and it could be even worse,” adding:

Schoen’s analysis confirms what The New American wrote a week ago, that Biden’s falling approval numbers are putting Congress into play for Republicans next November.

But The New American asked: will it make any difference? Will those campaigning on Trump’s platform of “Make America Great Again” keep their promises and begin the long, arduous path to restoring the Republic? "
Sounds right on paper. But when democrats ramp up the fear and lock the country down around voting time, they perfected cheating elections on the national scale. The rigged machines need to be given to some other country that the CIA wants to control . Until these issues are fixed, why my even bother to vote.
Don't count on it.

By hook, or by crook, the Global Government will get it's way.

. . . OTH, on the other side of the spectrum?

Democrat Strategist Declares His Party Will Suffer “Blowout Defeat” in 2022​

". . . Comparing where Biden is with where Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were at the same time in their administrations “suggests,” wrote Schoen, “that Democrats could suffer even more substantial losses in 2022 than the party did in 1994 and 2010.”

In 1994, with Clinton’s disapproval rate at 42%, Democrats lost 52 House seats and eight Senate seats.

In 2010, with Obama’s disapproval rate at 41%, Democrats lost 64 House seats and six Senate seats.

According to the latest poll from Civiqs, taken from Biden’s inauguration in January through September 13 and capturing responses from more than 100,000 registered voters, Biden’s national disapproval rate is 50% and climbing.

Drilling down into the data from the Civiqs poll Schoen laments that in five key swing states – Georgia, Florida, Arizona, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania – registered voters disapprove of Biden’s job performance by ten full percentage points or more. In reliably Democratic Michigan and Wisconsin voters there disapprove of Biden’s performance by margins of 7 and 8 points, respectively.

He concludes that “the current outlook for Democrats is grim – and it could be even worse,” adding:

Schoen’s analysis confirms what The New American wrote a week ago, that Biden’s falling approval numbers are putting Congress into play for Republicans next November.

But The New American asked: will it make any difference? Will those campaigning on Trump’s platform of “Make America Great Again” keep their promises and begin the long, arduous path to restoring the Republic? "
They are crashing america------By 2022 the feds will be forced to raise interest rates, and then the shit is really going to hit the ceiling. They are taking what they can now, and going to leave scape goats---Biden and the republicans that take over.
Sounds right on paper. But when democrats ramp up the fear and lock the country down around voting time, they perfected cheating elections on the national scale. The rigged machines need to be given to some other country that the CIA wants to control . Until these issues are fixed, why my even bother to vote.
I'd agree with most of that . . . except the Shadow Government and the deep state use the parties as tools.

If, in four years, they decide they want to install Trump, as a way to get the entire world to attack the US and provoke WWIII, and the majority of the nation votes against him, but they install Trump anyway. . I have a feeling that most of the folks that are outraged about the corrupt voting today, won't give shit.

I have always been about the integrity of the system, even when these same forces used the Diebold machines to do the same to Kerry in 2004.

And the folks today that think it is all bullshit? Will rue the day. Everyone doesn't understand that both the parties, and politicians, as well as the public, are being manipulated for goals that the far more important to global interests, which they have always had. History may not repeat, but it certainly does have an echo.
the Democrat Party will implode on itself

The problem with the progressives causing no deal, even the bipartisan infrastructure deal, to pass is two fold: 1) we really needed the infrasturcture more than the bs gop taxcut in 2016 to grow the econ, and 2) if the dems not only can't deliver even that while also making the border open on Haiti, Trump very well may be elected again. Somebody has to show that the majority of Americans can still elect a govt.

And neither McConnell nor Red Bernie have any interest in that.
They are crashing america------By 2022 the feds will be forced to raise interest rates, and then the shit is really going to hit the ceiling. They are taking what they can now, and going to leave scape goats---Biden and the republicans that take over.
I believe you are right.

We will be left with the illusion of two choices, global government, or WWIII.

Overthrowing the system, and disintegration of our civic foundations to get back to what our core values, and the basic principals of the Constitutions, will not appeal to the masses.
Too much fear, for too long has made the public too weak.

And. . . the though I am against the goals of the technocrats, and professional bureaucrats, their observations, regarding the devolution of republics into pure democracies, seem to be accurate?

Who knows? :dunno:

The Truth About Tytler
by Loren Collins

" . . .Tytler's name resurfaces almost 3 years later, from a much more notable speaker. On March 5, 1964, a taped speech of Ronald Reagan was played for the crowd at a Barry Goldwater rally in Manchester, New Hampshire. The quote was printed on the first page of the next day's Manchester Union Leader, under the article title "Roar Approval of Barry." The article states that Reagan attributed the quote to "Fraser Tydler." Reagan used the quote again on June 8, 1965, at a testimonial dinner for Rep. John M. Ashbrook in Granville, Ohio:

"Perhaps what he had in mind was what Prof. Alexander Frazer Tytler has written, that a democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largesse out of the public treasury. From that moment on the majority, he said, always vote for the candidate promising the most benefits from the treasury with the result that democracy always collpases over a loose fiscal policy, always to be followed by a dictatorship. Unfortunately, we can't argue with the professor because when he wrote that we were still colonials of Great Britain and he was explaining what had destroyed the Athenian Republic more than 2000 years before."


". . . Prentis reportedly had stock speeches in which he regularly recycled material, and such is true of this quote. For instance, he delivered the passage again in a speech to the Newcomen Society of England on October 4, 1946 in Montreal (Bulwarks of Freedom, p. 11), albeit with some changes. "The ancient systole and diastole of history has repeated itself in country after country:" he wrote, following this with a sequence that has two more stages than he cited in 1943, and one stage renamed. To wit:

Bondage to Spiritual Faith;
Spiritual Faith to Courage;
Courage to Liberty;
Liberty to Abundance;
Abundance to Selfishness;
Selfishness to Apathy;

Apathy to Dependency;

Dependency to Bondage
Bondage to Spiritual Faith;
Spiritual Faith to Courage;
Courage to Freedom;
Freedom to Abundance;
Abundance to Selfishness;
Selfishness to Complacency;
Complacency to Apathy;
Apathy to Fear;
Fear to Dependency;
Dependency to Bondage

The change is significant to Prentis, as seen in his words that follow: "In the United States we stand today at the complacency-apathy stage." Prentis used this cycle in several other speeches he delivered, including one delivered on June 5, 1951. . . ."


" . . .In his 1983 book It's Your Choice, Warren T. Hackett quoted Arnold Toynbee as saying the following:

"The release of initiative and enterprise made possible by self-government ultimately generates disintegrating forces from within. Again and again, after freedom brings opportunity and some degree of plenty, the competent become selfish, luxury-loving and complacent; the incompetent and unfortunate grow envious and covetous; and all three groups turn aside from the hard road of freedom to worship the golden calf of economic security. The historical cycle seems to be: from bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to apathy; from apathy to dependency; and from dependency back to bondage once more."

Interestingly, Hackett apparently said that Toynbee was elaborating on the statement of "Alexander Tyler." This is the earliest instance I have found of that misspelling, which has since become so commonplace that I suspect attributions to "Tyler" rival those to "Tytler." Yet most of this is word-for-word the same as the language used by Henning W. Prentis in 1943, who made no reference to Tytler or Toynbee. . . . "

Of course, that was back in the 1950's when we were at the "Apathy," stage.

It would seem we are far from apathy and well into the Fear stage, from which we seem to be seguing into the Dependency stage.

And if we don't? I predict a war or massive economic collapse to nudge it along.

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