Dem Campaign Cmte Wants To Silence Ann Coulter


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
The DCCC hard at work...rehashing old shit...And for them to say she speaks for the Republican party is total BS....
Some of the latter comments are pretty funny...And then you have the hateful ones, worse than anything Coulter has said...Idiots

November 16th, 2006

From the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee:

Demand House Republicans Denounce Ann Coulter’s Hate-Speech Petition

We, the Undersigned, endorse the following petition:

Target: Republican Members in the United States Congress
Sponsor: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee [sic]

As Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL), chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, said on the House floor recently, we are blessed with many freedoms, and among those is the right to freely speak our minds. While Freedom of Speech is one of the principles that makes our country great, it also means we have to endure hate filled rhetoric, like what was recently used by Ann Coulter.

In her new book, the princess of the Right slanders the 9/11 widows, writing: "These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by grief parodies. I have never seen people enjoying their husband’s death so much."

Ann Coulter has the right to speak of hate, but we also have a right to know whether our politicians stand by these hate filled comments.And right now there’s a deafening silence from the Republican side, and their silence is allowing her to be their spokesperson.
Join the DCCC in telling Republicans to denounce Ann Coulter’s hate speech - Ask the House Republicans is Ann Coulter speaking for you?

Below is commentary from the site where I saw this...

Lest we forget, Rahm Emanuel, who has been calling for the censoring of Ann Coulter for months, is the right hand man (literally) of Nancy Pelosi:

He is Nancy Boy #1.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is probably the single most powerful group on Capitol Hill at the moment, having just gotten so many Democrats elected to the House.

They are feeling their oats so much they let the mask slip.

Is this really what the country voted for last Tuesday?
Not even a week after the election and the assault on the First Amendment has already begun.
If you think they will stop with Ann, you are seriously mistaken.

Nevermind the fact that Ann was completely right on the issue
Ann is right on about every issue. I've never once heard a liberal dispute any of Ann's ideas, issues, or any of the facts she states. All they ever do is attack her personally.

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