Debunking the Scandavian Socialism Myth: Denmark, Norway, and Sweden


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
A few months ago, the Heartland Institute published an excellent policy brief titled Debunking the Scandinavian Socialism Myth: An Evaluation of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. The study takes a close look at the economic policies of these nations and shows that they are not examples of successful socialism. The paper proves that Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have succeeded precisely because they have ditched numerous socialist policies and have replaced them with free-market, pro-business policies.


In recent years, self-identified “democratic socialists” such as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) have touted socialism as the solution for all of America’s economic and social problems. Although they have not articulated exactly what democratic socialism entails, they have on countless occasions pointed to Denmark, Norway, and Sweden as thriving “socialist” paradises— despite the fact an abundance of evidence shows these countries absolutely are not socialist utopias.

For example, during a 60 Minutes interview in 2019, host Anderson Cooper asked Ocasio-Cortez, “When people hear the word socialism, they think Soviet Union, Cuba, Venezuela. Is that what you have in mind?”

“Of course not,” Ocasio-Cortez replied. “What we have in mind—and what of my—and my policies most closely resemble are what we see in the U.K., in Norway, in Finland, in Sweden.”

Based on Ocasio-Cortez’s comments (and similar remarks from other democratic socialists), many have assumed Denmark, Norway, and Sweden are thriving Marxist socialist paradises and that Scandinavians are much better off than Americans because of their countries’ socialist policies. However, both these assumptions are false. The relatively high standard of living enjoyed by the citizens of these countries is a direct result of the free-market elements of their economies, not high taxes or expansive social welfare programs. This reality is particularly problematic for socialists such as Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez, who view capitalism as “irredeemable”. . . .
Instead of attacking socialism you people should concentrate on saving capitalism from itself. No one just says "let's be socialist". Socialism rises where capitalism fails to serve the needs of society.
Regardless...those countries are successful and far more socialist than we are
Pretty amazing, how so many people don't understand that the size, scope and cost of government exist on a continuum.

Unable to see that, the Right is making it much easier for the REAL socialists to gain in popularity here.

All of this, at a time in which socialist policies (aggressive government spending increases, aggressive NY Fed intervention) are playing a key role in the very economy that Trumpsters love to brag about.

This just isn't very smart. It's not being UNDER-informed, it's being MAL-informed, and it's willful ignorance.
Instead of attacking socialism you people should concentrate on saving capitalism from itself. No one just says "let's be socialist". Socialism rises where capitalism fails to serve the needs of society.
Close. Socialism rises where the will of the people has been overtaken by an authoritarian government.
Instead of attacking socialism you people should concentrate on saving capitalism from itself. No one just says "let's be socialist". Socialism rises where capitalism fails to serve the needs of society.

Socialism or Communism came to power because of the corrupt government that ran the country but it never truly saved those countries and in fact made life harder in them...

So as you complain about capitalism the fact is the true reason why Socialism that Cortez want is because of a broken government that cater to the few but not the mass but when you get Cortez type of government you replace the rich private citizen with the elite politicians...

So let be clear Socialism or Communism is not the answer either and no matter how much Bernie and Cortez lie they do not want Finland model but more like the USSR former model to run this country with...

Sanders is a Communist no matter how much he denies it and his past reflects it!
Before the invasion of turd world shit, Denmark, Norway and Sweden would do just fine no matter what. Intelligent, good looking people as they were before the turd world invasion did not seek the government to give them free shit.
Instead of attacking socialism you people should concentrate on saving capitalism from itself. No one just says "let's be socialist". Socialism rises where capitalism fails to serve the needs of society.
Close. Socialism rises where the will of the people has been overtaken by an authoritarian government.
History is full of authoritarians who didn't do shit for the people. Take a look at our social programs. They exist entirely because there is no way to make a profit off people who have no money.
History is full of authoritarians who didn't do shit for the people. Take a look at our social programs. They exist entirely because there is no way to make a profit off people who have no money.

What the f@ck? Social programs in the USA exist because low IQ folks are too lazy to work.
History is full of authoritarians who didn't do shit for the people. Take a look at our social programs. They exist entirely because there is no way to make a profit off people who have no money.

What the f@ck? Social programs in the USA exist because low IQ folks are too lazy to work.
Damn them lazy assholes on SS and Medicare, they should all just get out of their wheelchairs and get a fucking job.
Those countries didn't really have socialism . It was more like shared government services in a homogeneous society. That may work on a small scale if everybody contributes and if the government officials can be trusted to equally distribute the benefits to the people that earned them.

However, that kind of shit would never work in a large non homogeneous country like the US with a large greedy welfare population and stupid and corrupt leaders beholding to special interest groups.

If any country thinks their stupid socialism is working all we have to do is send them a few million of our welfare queens and see how long that last.

Of course some of these idiot Eurotrash socialist countries are importing their own Muslim welfare queens so they will find out for themselves.
History is full of authoritarians who didn't do shit for the people. Take a look at our social programs. They exist entirely because there is no way to make a profit off people who have no money.

What the f@ck? Social programs in the USA exist because low IQ folks are too lazy to work.
Damn them lazy assholes on SS and Medicare, they should all just get out of their wheelchairs and get a fucking job.
Well - you should.
A few months ago, the Heartland Institute published an excellent policy brief titled Debunking the Scandinavian Socialism Myth: An Evaluation of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. The study takes a close look at the economic policies of these nations and shows that they are not examples of successful socialism. The paper proves that Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have succeeded precisely because they have ditched numerous socialist policies and have replaced them with free-market, pro-business policies.


In recent years, self-identified “democratic socialists” such as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) have touted socialism as the solution for all of America’s economic and social problems. Although they have not articulated exactly what democratic socialism entails, they have on countless occasions pointed to Denmark, Norway, and Sweden as thriving “socialist” paradises— despite the fact an abundance of evidence shows these countries absolutely are not socialist utopias.

For example, during a 60 Minutes interview in 2019, host Anderson Cooper asked Ocasio-Cortez, “When people hear the word socialism, they think Soviet Union, Cuba, Venezuela. Is that what you have in mind?”

“Of course not,” Ocasio-Cortez replied. “What we have in mind—and what of my—and my policies most closely resemble are what we see in the U.K., in Norway, in Finland, in Sweden.”

Based on Ocasio-Cortez’s comments (and similar remarks from other democratic socialists), many have assumed Denmark, Norway, and Sweden are thriving Marxist socialist paradises and that Scandinavians are much better off than Americans because of their countries’ socialist policies. However, both these assumptions are false. The relatively high standard of living enjoyed by the citizens of these countries is a direct result of the free-market elements of their economies, not high taxes or expansive social welfare programs. This reality is particularly problematic for socialists such as Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez, who view capitalism as “irredeemable”. . . .
Socialism controls the means of production, wages and prices. None of those countries do that. What they do is help people with costs of healthcare, education, housing, retirement.

Capitalism doesn’t do that
Social programs in the USA exist because low IQ folks are too lazy to work.
Trumpism, 2020.
Are you an idiot?
Nope. Just observant.
Nah - you're an idiot.
Another element of Trumpism 2020 is not just Mr. Snouter and his comments, but people like you who enable the worst behaviors of people like that.

In fact, you may be worse. By refusing to hold Mr. Snouter accountable for his words, you signal to others like him that you'll do the same for them, too.

It's just what you are. That's what you choose to do.
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