Debating Complementary roles in the Bible led to coming out Transgender


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
When I debated online with a new friend I met that way, back in the late 90s, about gender roles in the Bible, I explained it meant the spiritual roles of male and female. All of us have both sides or energies, as we are made in the image of God. Since God as Nature includes both male and female spiritually, so do we. The point is to make peace between these roles, regardless which we play. Some people end up more male dominant, like business leaders in charge, while others female dominant, and it depends on our spirit. Both men and women inherit traits from our mothers and fathers, and by honorimg both sides of our families and spirit, we bring out the best strengths in ourselves and each other, while forgiving and correcting the worst faults and weaknesses. Yes, male and female are created differently by design, and so are individuals where our spiritual process and patterns shape us and our relations. I told my online friend that Christianity was about forgiveness, healing and reconciling. Male and female are made one in harmony, regardless what roles we play or which are dominant. Judging and punishing didn't help with that process. I even mentioned there were gay Christians, and a church nearby in Montrose with LGBT outreach. When the issue came up, why were some people born LGBT, I answered it could be spiritual karma, that the gay Christians cite the Scriptures some eunuchs are made by God in the womb and some by man. I explained that generational conflicts or abuses not forgiven in the past and healed could cause some of these conditions to manifest in future generations until we learn unconditional love. And forgiveness through Christ Jesus as the central symbol of the collective process of breaking the cycle of sin and karmic suffering that is otherwise passed down generationally, as sins of the father revisited on the sons. My friend thought all Christians condemned "cross dressing" and denounced any nonchristian beliefs or groups as wrong. By the time we got past the Christian bashing, my friend felt embraced by the love of God for the first time after letting go of resentment and fear of judgment. I thought the debate would end there. But my friend went even further, and came out Transgender. I couldn't see that coming from across the ocean at a computer screen, reading this. But my friend was in tears of joy, and was able to work with family and friends who were surprised as well as this newfound joy instead of constant unhappiness from repression and resentment that was finally let go after a lifetime of suppression. So coming to accept and love people for their true spiritual nature, forgiving conflicts so we can resolve and heal them, helps all people whether LGBT or traditional heterosexual to make peace inside and out and be ourselves. To be true to ourselves and relationships, regardless of conditions. And help others to do the same.

Link to Yahoo article debating these roles as male dominant being literal only:

Links to Christian spiritual healing:
And testimony on applying generational healing to unwanted sexual attractions or orientation

Link to article on Milo who is going through spiritual healing for reparative therapy:

Link to David Berkowitz, former Son of Sam, now sharing his healing testimony through his online ministry Son of Hope:
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When I debated online with a new friend I met that way, back in the late 90s, about gender roles in the Bible, I explained it meant the spiritual roles of male and female. All of us have both sides or energies, as we are made in the image of God. Since God as Nature includes both male and female spiritually, so do we. The point is to make peace between these roles, regardless which we play. Some people end up more male dominant, like business leaders in charge, while others female dominant, and it depends on our spirit. Both men and women inherit traits from our mothers and fathers, and by honorimg both sides of our families and spirit, we bring out the best strengths in ourselves and each other, while forgiving and correcting the worst faults and weaknesses. Yes, male and female are created differently by design, and so are individuals where our spiritual process and patterns shape us and our relations. I told my online friend that Christianity was about forgiveness, healing and reconciling. Male and female are made one in harmony, regardless what roles we play or which are dominant. Judging and punishing didn't help with that process. I even mentioned there were gay Christians, and a church nearby in Montrose with LGBT outreach. When the issue came up, why were some people born LGBT, I answered it could be spiritual karma, that the gay Christians cite the Scriptures some eunuchs are made by God in the womb and some by man. I explained that generational conflicts or abuses not forgiven in the past and healed could cause some of these conditions to manifest in future generations until we learn unconditional love. And forgiveness through Christ Jesus as the central symbol of the collective process of breaking the cycle of sin and karmic suffering that is otherwise passed down generationally, as sins of the father revisited on the sons. My friend thought all Christians condemned "cross dressing" and denounced any nonchristian beliefs or groups as wrong. By the time we got past the Christian bashing, my friend felt embraced by the love of God for the first time after letting go of resentment and fear of judgment. I thought the debate would end there. But my friend went even further, and came out Transgender. I couldn't see that coming from across the ocean at a computer screen, reading this. But my friend was in tears of joy, and was able to work with family and friends who were surprised as well as this newfound joy instead of constant unhappiness from repression and resentment that was finally let go after a lifetime of suppression. So coming to accept and love people for their true spiritual nature, forgiving conflicts so we can resolve and heal them, helps all people whether LGBT or traditional heterosexual to make peace inside and out and be ourselves. To be true to ourselves and relationships, regardless of conditions. And help others to do the same.

Link to Yahoo article debating these roles as male dominant being literal only:

Links to Christian spiritual healing:
And testimony on applying generational healing to unwanted sexual attractions or orientation

Link to article on Milo who is going through spiritual healing for reparative therapy:

Link to David Berkowitz, former Son of Sam, now sharing his healing testimony through his online ministry Son of Hope:

Sounds like Larsky.
When I debated online with a new friend I met that way, back in the late 90s, about gender roles in the Bible, I explained it meant the spiritual roles of male and female. All of us have both sides or energies, as we are made in the image of God. Since God as Nature includes both male and female spiritually, so do we. The point is to make peace between these roles, regardless which we play. Some people end up more male dominant, like business leaders in charge, while others female dominant, and it depends on our spirit. Both men and women inherit traits from our mothers and fathers, and by honorimg both sides of our families and spirit, we bring out the best strengths in ourselves and each other, while forgiving and correcting the worst faults and weaknesses. Yes, male and female are created differently by design, and so are individuals where our spiritual process and patterns shape us and our relations. I told my online friend that Christianity was about forgiveness, healing and reconciling. Male and female are made one in harmony, regardless what roles we play or which are dominant. Judging and punishing didn't help with that process. I even mentioned there were gay Christians, and a church nearby in Montrose with LGBT outreach. When the issue came up, why were some people born LGBT, I answered it could be spiritual karma, that the gay Christians cite the Scriptures some eunuchs are made by God in the womb and some by man. I explained that generational conflicts or abuses not forgiven in the past and healed could cause some of these conditions to manifest in future generations until we learn unconditional love. And forgiveness through Christ Jesus as the central symbol of the collective process of breaking the cycle of sin and karmic suffering that is otherwise passed down generationally, as sins of the father revisited on the sons. My friend thought all Christians condemned "cross dressing" and denounced any nonchristian beliefs or groups as wrong. By the time we got past the Christian bashing, my friend felt embraced by the love of God for the first time after letting go of resentment and fear of judgment. I thought the debate would end there. But my friend went even further, and came out Transgender. I couldn't see that coming from across the ocean at a computer screen, reading this. But my friend was in tears of joy, and was able to work with family and friends who were surprised as well as this newfound joy instead of constant unhappiness from repression and resentment that was finally let go after a lifetime of suppression. So coming to accept and love people for their true spiritual nature, forgiving conflicts so we can resolve and heal them, helps all people whether LGBT or traditional heterosexual to make peace inside and out and be ourselves. To be true to ourselves and relationships, regardless of conditions. And help others to do the same.

Link to Yahoo article debating these roles as male dominant being literal only:

Links to Christian spiritual healing:
And testimony on applying generational healing to unwanted sexual attractions or orientation

Link to article on Milo who is going through spiritual healing for reparative therapy:

Link to David Berkowitz, former Son of Sam, now sharing his healing testimony through his online ministry Son of Hope:

Sounds like Larsky.
Hey Larsky
We have one vote that I was referring to you. But I didn't join USMB until 2009 and didn't start swapping haikus or posts with you on FZ until maybe the last couple of years.

In the mid 90s when this online conversation and conversion of sorts took place, I barely had email and access to a friend's computer with slow dial up connection.

Now a writer friend says I should share this story of how a friend came out Transgender after debating over the message in Christianity meaning forgiveness and correction vs judgment and punishment.

I can barely summarize my side of the story.

My friend remembers I disagreed with full transition, because I thought more time was needed exploring this new mindset before making permanent changes I recommended waiting on, to make sure full recovery from past conflicts was resolved and none of this was reactionary.

Shall we take a poll, and ask who has had an experience like this? Or who do we think needs to come out as the opposite of how they present themselves online?

I've been told I'm not a progressive Democrat, and need to come out as a Conservative Republican. But again, I'm comfortable with my spiritual role, and need to work with people of all parties, especially Democrats as I was called to collaborate with to reform the party structure and implement reparations including restitution owed to taxpayers for Constitutional corrections.

Any comments Larsky ?
Nobody is 'born LGBT'. I quit reading after that.
Yes and No DudleySmith and Pete7469

Francis MacNutt would totally agree this is NOT genetic, as studies on twins have demonstrated.

But "Spiritually" souls can be incarnated to be attracted to each other.

So while this may not be genetic, there are spiritual conditions going on.

These can be passed down generationally, similar to alcoholic or other addictive tendencies.

Or it can be caused or triggered by "man made" conditions, more commonly sexual abuse, or in some cases occult or cult abuses.

Some of it may be conditioned "in the womb" to cause chemical imbalances that explain why gender association or sexual orientation may develop differently.

The research cited in "Homosexuality: Can it be Healed" shows it is NOT genetic. Identical twins do NOT have 100% matching orientation.

However, it could be from chemical and neurological influences in the womb.

Either way, regardless if caused by nature or nurture, SOME people are able to heal and change their conditions.

If it was solely genetic like race, this couldn't be changed.
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When I debated online with a new friend I met that way, back in the late 90s, about gender roles in the Bible, I explained it meant the spiritual roles of male and female. All of us have both sides or energies, as we are made in the image of God. Since God as Nature includes both male and female spiritually, so do we. The point is to make peace between these roles, regardless which we play. Some people end up more male dominant, like business leaders in charge, while others female dominant, and it depends on our spirit. Both men and women inherit traits from our mothers and fathers, and by honorimg both sides of our families and spirit, we bring out the best strengths in ourselves and each other, while forgiving and correcting the worst faults and weaknesses. Yes, male and female are created differently by design, and so are individuals where our spiritual process and patterns shape us and our relations. I told my online friend that Christianity was about forgiveness, healing and reconciling. Male and female are made one in harmony, regardless what roles we play or which are dominant. Judging and punishing didn't help with that process. I even mentioned there were gay Christians, and a church nearby in Montrose with LGBT outreach. When the issue came up, why were some people born LGBT, I answered it could be spiritual karma, that the gay Christians cite the Scriptures some eunuchs are made by God in the womb and some by man. I explained that generational conflicts or abuses not forgiven in the past and healed could cause some of these conditions to manifest in future generations until we learn unconditional love. And forgiveness through Christ Jesus as the central symbol of the collective process of breaking the cycle of sin and karmic suffering that is otherwise passed down generationally, as sins of the father revisited on the sons. My friend thought all Christians condemned "cross dressing" and denounced any nonchristian beliefs or groups as wrong. By the time we got past the Christian bashing, my friend felt embraced by the love of God for the first time after letting go of resentment and fear of judgment. I thought the debate would end there. But my friend went even further, and came out Transgender. I couldn't see that coming from across the ocean at a computer screen, reading this. But my friend was in tears of joy, and was able to work with family and friends who were surprised as well as this newfound joy instead of constant unhappiness from repression and resentment that was finally let go after a lifetime of suppression. So coming to accept and love people for their true spiritual nature, forgiving conflicts so we can resolve and heal them, helps all people whether LGBT or traditional heterosexual to make peace inside and out and be ourselves. To be true to ourselves and relationships, regardless of conditions. And help others to do the same.

Link to Yahoo article debating these roles as male dominant being literal only:

Links to Christian spiritual healing:
And testimony on applying generational healing to unwanted sexual attractions or orientation

Link to article on Milo who is going through spiritual healing for reparative therapy:

Link to David Berkowitz, former Son of Sam, now sharing his healing testimony through his online ministry Son of Hope:

Sounds like Larsky.
Hey Larsky
We have one vote that I was referring to you. But I didn't join USMB until 2009 and didn't start swapping haikus or posts with you on FZ until maybe the last couple of years.

In the mid 90s when this online conversation and conversion of sorts took place, I barely had email and access to a friend's computer with slow dial up connection.

Now a writer friend says I should share this story of how a friend came out Transgender after debating over the message in Christianity meaning forgiveness and correction vs judgment and punishment.

I can barely summarize my side of the story.

My friend remembers I disagreed with full transition, because I thought more time was needed exploring this new mindset before making permanent changes I recommended waiting on, to make sure full recovery from past conflicts was resolved and none of this was reactionary.

Shall we take a poll, and ask who has had an experience like this? Or who do we think needs to come out as the opposite of how they present themselves online?

I've been told I'm not a progressive Democrat, and need to come out as a Conservative Republican. But again, I'm comfortable with my spiritual role, and need to work with people of all parties, especially Democrats as I was called to collaborate with to reform the party structure and implement reparations including restitution owed to taxpayers for Constitutional corrections.

Any comments Larsky ?
Wow. That's a lot to digest.

Firstly, pay no mind to Larsky's ol' pal Jimmy. He often bleats for my attention.

I don't let anyone tell me what my politics should be. Too many zealots on both sides. I'm tired of it.

Not a big fan of big religion. The body count is too high.

As for ones sexuality, it's a personal choice. As choice comes from the brain, maybe it is physiological?

Anyway I don't really care if there's a "cure". It's not my concern. I'm not going to vilify anyone for being different.

When I debated online with a new friend I met that way, back in the late 90s, about gender roles in the Bible, I explained it meant the spiritual roles of male and female. All of us have both sides or energies, as we are made in the image of God. Since God as Nature includes both male and female spiritually, so do we. The point is to make peace between these roles, regardless which we play. Some people end up more male dominant, like business leaders in charge, while others female dominant, and it depends on our spirit. Both men and women inherit traits from our mothers and fathers, and by honorimg both sides of our families and spirit, we bring out the best strengths in ourselves and each other, while forgiving and correcting the worst faults and weaknesses. Yes, male and female are created differently by design, and so are individuals where our spiritual process and patterns shape us and our relations. I told my online friend that Christianity was about forgiveness, healing and reconciling. Male and female are made one in harmony, regardless what roles we play or which are dominant. Judging and punishing didn't help with that process. I even mentioned there were gay Christians, and a church nearby in Montrose with LGBT outreach. When the issue came up, why were some people born LGBT, I answered it could be spiritual karma, that the gay Christians cite the Scriptures some eunuchs are made by God in the womb and some by man. I explained that generational conflicts or abuses not forgiven in the past and healed could cause some of these conditions to manifest in future generations until we learn unconditional love. And forgiveness through Christ Jesus as the central symbol of the collective process of breaking the cycle of sin and karmic suffering that is otherwise passed down generationally, as sins of the father revisited on the sons. My friend thought all Christians condemned "cross dressing" and denounced any nonchristian beliefs or groups as wrong. By the time we got past the Christian bashing, my friend felt embraced by the love of God for the first time after letting go of resentment and fear of judgment. I thought the debate would end there. But my friend went even further, and came out Transgender. I couldn't see that coming from across the ocean at a computer screen, reading this. But my friend was in tears of joy, and was able to work with family and friends who were surprised as well as this newfound joy instead of constant unhappiness from repression and resentment that was finally let go after a lifetime of suppression. So coming to accept and love people for their true spiritual nature, forgiving conflicts so we can resolve and heal them, helps all people whether LGBT or traditional heterosexual to make peace inside and out and be ourselves. To be true to ourselves and relationships, regardless of conditions. And help others to do the same.

Link to Yahoo article debating these roles as male dominant being literal only:

Links to Christian spiritual healing:
And testimony on applying generational healing to unwanted sexual attractions or orientation

Link to article on Milo who is going through spiritual healing for reparative therapy:

Link to David Berkowitz, former Son of Sam, now sharing his healing testimony through his online ministry Son of Hope:

And the colored girls go, "Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do doo."
When I debated online with a new friend I met that way, back in the late 90s, about gender roles in the Bible, I explained it meant the spiritual roles of male and female. All of us have both sides or energies, as we are made in the image of God. Since God as Nature includes both male and female spiritually, so do we. The point is to make peace between these roles, regardless which we play. Some people end up more male dominant, like business leaders in charge, while others female dominant, and it depends on our spirit. Both men and women inherit traits from our mothers and fathers, and by honorimg both sides of our families and spirit, we bring out the best strengths in ourselves and each other, while forgiving and correcting the worst faults and weaknesses. Yes, male and female are created differently by design, and so are individuals where our spiritual process and patterns shape us and our relations. I told my online friend that Christianity was about forgiveness, healing and reconciling. Male and female are made one in harmony, regardless what roles we play or which are dominant. Judging and punishing didn't help with that process. I even mentioned there were gay Christians, and a church nearby in Montrose with LGBT outreach. When the issue came up, why were some people born LGBT, I answered it could be spiritual karma, that the gay Christians cite the Scriptures some eunuchs are made by God in the womb and some by man. I explained that generational conflicts or abuses not forgiven in the past and healed could cause some of these conditions to manifest in future generations until we learn unconditional love. And forgiveness through Christ Jesus as the central symbol of the collective process of breaking the cycle of sin and karmic suffering that is otherwise passed down generationally, as sins of the father revisited on the sons. My friend thought all Christians condemned "cross dressing" and denounced any nonchristian beliefs or groups as wrong. By the time we got past the Christian bashing, my friend felt embraced by the love of God for the first time after letting go of resentment and fear of judgment. I thought the debate would end there. But my friend went even further, and came out Transgender. I couldn't see that coming from across the ocean at a computer screen, reading this. But my friend was in tears of joy, and was able to work with family and friends who were surprised as well as this newfound joy instead of constant unhappiness from repression and resentment that was finally let go after a lifetime of suppression. So coming to accept and love people for their true spiritual nature, forgiving conflicts so we can resolve and heal them, helps all people whether LGBT or traditional heterosexual to make peace inside and out and be ourselves. To be true to ourselves and relationships, regardless of conditions. And help others to do the same.

Link to Yahoo article debating these roles as male dominant being literal only:

Links to Christian spiritual healing:
And testimony on applying generational healing to unwanted sexual attractions or orientation

Link to article on Milo who is going through spiritual healing for reparative therapy:

Link to David Berkowitz, former Son of Sam, now sharing his healing testimony through his online ministry Son of Hope:

And the colored girls go, "Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do doo."
When I debated online with a new friend I met that way, back in the late 90s, about gender roles in the Bible, I explained it meant the spiritual roles of male and female. All of us have both sides or energies, as we are made in the image of God. Since God as Nature includes both male and female spiritually, so do we. The point is to make peace between these roles, regardless which we play. Some people end up more male dominant, like business leaders in charge, while others female dominant, and it depends on our spirit. Both men and women inherit traits from our mothers and fathers, and by honorimg both sides of our families and spirit, we bring out the best strengths in ourselves and each other, while forgiving and correcting the worst faults and weaknesses. Yes, male and female are created differently by design, and so are individuals where our spiritual process and patterns shape us and our relations. I told my online friend that Christianity was about forgiveness, healing and reconciling. Male and female are made one in harmony, regardless what roles we play or which are dominant. Judging and punishing didn't help with that process. I even mentioned there were gay Christians, and a church nearby in Montrose with LGBT outreach. When the issue came up, why were some people born LGBT, I answered it could be spiritual karma, that the gay Christians cite the Scriptures some eunuchs are made by God in the womb and some by man. I explained that generational conflicts or abuses not forgiven in the past and healed could cause some of these conditions to manifest in future generations until we learn unconditional love. And forgiveness through Christ Jesus as the central symbol of the collective process of breaking the cycle of sin and karmic suffering that is otherwise passed down generationally, as sins of the father revisited on the sons. My friend thought all Christians condemned "cross dressing" and denounced any nonchristian beliefs or groups as wrong. By the time we got past the Christian bashing, my friend felt embraced by the love of God for the first time after letting go of resentment and fear of judgment. I thought the debate would end there. But my friend went even further, and came out Transgender. I couldn't see that coming from across the ocean at a computer screen, reading this. But my friend was in tears of joy, and was able to work with family and friends who were surprised as well as this newfound joy instead of constant unhappiness from repression and resentment that was finally let go after a lifetime of suppression. So coming to accept and love people for their true spiritual nature, forgiving conflicts so we can resolve and heal them, helps all people whether LGBT or traditional heterosexual to make peace inside and out and be ourselves. To be true to ourselves and relationships, regardless of conditions. And help others to do the same.

Link to Yahoo article debating these roles as male dominant being literal only:

Links to Christian spiritual healing:
And testimony on applying generational healing to unwanted sexual attractions or orientation

Link to article on Milo who is going through spiritual healing for reparative therapy:

Link to David Berkowitz, former Son of Sam, now sharing his healing testimony through his online ministry Son of Hope:

And the colored girls go, "Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do doo."

Did you get lost?
When I debated online with a new friend I met that way, back in the late 90s, about gender roles in the Bible, I explained it meant the spiritual roles of male and female. All of us have both sides or energies, as we are made in the image of God. Since God as Nature includes both male and female spiritually, so do we. The point is to make peace between these roles, regardless which we play. Some people end up more male dominant, like business leaders in charge, while others female dominant, and it depends on our spirit. Both men and women inherit traits from our mothers and fathers, and by honorimg both sides of our families and spirit, we bring out the best strengths in ourselves and each other, while forgiving and correcting the worst faults and weaknesses. Yes, male and female are created differently by design, and so are individuals where our spiritual process and patterns shape us and our relations. I told my online friend that Christianity was about forgiveness, healing and reconciling. Male and female are made one in harmony, regardless what roles we play or which are dominant. Judging and punishing didn't help with that process. I even mentioned there were gay Christians, and a church nearby in Montrose with LGBT outreach. When the issue came up, why were some people born LGBT, I answered it could be spiritual karma, that the gay Christians cite the Scriptures some eunuchs are made by God in the womb and some by man. I explained that generational conflicts or abuses not forgiven in the past and healed could cause some of these conditions to manifest in future generations until we learn unconditional love. And forgiveness through Christ Jesus as the central symbol of the collective process of breaking the cycle of sin and karmic suffering that is otherwise passed down generationally, as sins of the father revisited on the sons. My friend thought all Christians condemned "cross dressing" and denounced any nonchristian beliefs or groups as wrong. By the time we got past the Christian bashing, my friend felt embraced by the love of God for the first time after letting go of resentment and fear of judgment. I thought the debate would end there. But my friend went even further, and came out Transgender. I couldn't see that coming from across the ocean at a computer screen, reading this. But my friend was in tears of joy, and was able to work with family and friends who were surprised as well as this newfound joy instead of constant unhappiness from repression and resentment that was finally let go after a lifetime of suppression. So coming to accept and love people for their true spiritual nature, forgiving conflicts so we can resolve and heal them, helps all people whether LGBT or traditional heterosexual to make peace inside and out and be ourselves. To be true to ourselves and relationships, regardless of conditions. And help others to do the same.

Link to Yahoo article debating these roles as male dominant being literal only:

Links to Christian spiritual healing:
And testimony on applying generational healing to unwanted sexual attractions or orientation

Link to article on Milo who is going through spiritual healing for reparative therapy:

Link to David Berkowitz, former Son of Sam, now sharing his healing testimony through his online ministry Son of Hope:

And the colored girls go, "Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do doo."

Did you get lost?

No, I did not. If I did, what would you recommend to right my course?
When I debated online with a new friend I met that way, back in the late 90s, about gender roles in the Bible, I explained it meant the spiritual roles of male and female. All of us have both sides or energies, as we are made in the image of God. Since God as Nature includes both male and female spiritually, so do we. The point is to make peace between these roles, regardless which we play. Some people end up more male dominant, like business leaders in charge, while others female dominant, and it depends on our spirit. Both men and women inherit traits from our mothers and fathers, and by honorimg both sides of our families and spirit, we bring out the best strengths in ourselves and each other, while forgiving and correcting the worst faults and weaknesses. Yes, male and female are created differently by design, and so are individuals where our spiritual process and patterns shape us and our relations. I told my online friend that Christianity was about forgiveness, healing and reconciling. Male and female are made one in harmony, regardless what roles we play or which are dominant. Judging and punishing didn't help with that process. I even mentioned there were gay Christians, and a church nearby in Montrose with LGBT outreach. When the issue came up, why were some people born LGBT, I answered it could be spiritual karma, that the gay Christians cite the Scriptures some eunuchs are made by God in the womb and some by man. I explained that generational conflicts or abuses not forgiven in the past and healed could cause some of these conditions to manifest in future generations until we learn unconditional love. And forgiveness through Christ Jesus as the central symbol of the collective process of breaking the cycle of sin and karmic suffering that is otherwise passed down generationally, as sins of the father revisited on the sons. My friend thought all Christians condemned "cross dressing" and denounced any nonchristian beliefs or groups as wrong. By the time we got past the Christian bashing, my friend felt embraced by the love of God for the first time after letting go of resentment and fear of judgment. I thought the debate would end there. But my friend went even further, and came out Transgender. I couldn't see that coming from across the ocean at a computer screen, reading this. But my friend was in tears of joy, and was able to work with family and friends who were surprised as well as this newfound joy instead of constant unhappiness from repression and resentment that was finally let go after a lifetime of suppression. So coming to accept and love people for their true spiritual nature, forgiving conflicts so we can resolve and heal them, helps all people whether LGBT or traditional heterosexual to make peace inside and out and be ourselves. To be true to ourselves and relationships, regardless of conditions. And help others to do the same.

Link to Yahoo article debating these roles as male dominant being literal only:

Links to Christian spiritual healing:
And testimony on applying generational healing to unwanted sexual attractions or orientation

Link to article on Milo who is going through spiritual healing for reparative therapy:

Link to David Berkowitz, former Son of Sam, now sharing his healing testimony through his online ministry Son of Hope:

And the colored girls go, "Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do doo."

Did you get lost?

No, I did not. If I did, what would you recommend to right my course?

If you did, I would assume you would turn around. That is what people do when they realize they made a wrong turn, correct?
When I debated online with a new friend I met that way, back in the late 90s, about gender roles in the Bible, I explained it meant the spiritual roles of male and female. All of us have both sides or energies, as we are made in the image of God. Since God as Nature includes both male and female spiritually, so do we. The point is to make peace between these roles, regardless which we play. Some people end up more male dominant, like business leaders in charge, while others female dominant, and it depends on our spirit. Both men and women inherit traits from our mothers and fathers, and by honorimg both sides of our families and spirit, we bring out the best strengths in ourselves and each other, while forgiving and correcting the worst faults and weaknesses. Yes, male and female are created differently by design, and so are individuals where our spiritual process and patterns shape us and our relations. I told my online friend that Christianity was about forgiveness, healing and reconciling. Male and female are made one in harmony, regardless what roles we play or which are dominant. Judging and punishing didn't help with that process. I even mentioned there were gay Christians, and a church nearby in Montrose with LGBT outreach. When the issue came up, why were some people born LGBT, I answered it could be spiritual karma, that the gay Christians cite the Scriptures some eunuchs are made by God in the womb and some by man. I explained that generational conflicts or abuses not forgiven in the past and healed could cause some of these conditions to manifest in future generations until we learn unconditional love. And forgiveness through Christ Jesus as the central symbol of the collective process of breaking the cycle of sin and karmic suffering that is otherwise passed down generationally, as sins of the father revisited on the sons. My friend thought all Christians condemned "cross dressing" and denounced any nonchristian beliefs or groups as wrong. By the time we got past the Christian bashing, my friend felt embraced by the love of God for the first time after letting go of resentment and fear of judgment. I thought the debate would end there. But my friend went even further, and came out Transgender. I couldn't see that coming from across the ocean at a computer screen, reading this. But my friend was in tears of joy, and was able to work with family and friends who were surprised as well as this newfound joy instead of constant unhappiness from repression and resentment that was finally let go after a lifetime of suppression. So coming to accept and love people for their true spiritual nature, forgiving conflicts so we can resolve and heal them, helps all people whether LGBT or traditional heterosexual to make peace inside and out and be ourselves. To be true to ourselves and relationships, regardless of conditions. And help others to do the same.

Link to Yahoo article debating these roles as male dominant being literal only:

Links to Christian spiritual healing:
And testimony on applying generational healing to unwanted sexual attractions or orientation

Link to article on Milo who is going through spiritual healing for reparative therapy:

Link to David Berkowitz, former Son of Sam, now sharing his healing testimony through his online ministry Son of Hope:

And the colored girls go, "Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do doo."

Did you get lost?

No, I did not. If I did, what would you recommend to right my course?

If you did, I would assume you would turn around. That is what people do when they realize they made a wrong turn, correct?

Turning around could be too reactionary in many instances.
Sometimes, a slight change in course yields very good results.
When I debated online with a new friend I met that way, back in the late 90s, about gender roles in the Bible, I explained it meant the spiritual roles of male and female. All of us have both sides or energies, as we are made in the image of God. Since God as Nature includes both male and female spiritually, so do we. The point is to make peace between these roles, regardless which we play. Some people end up more male dominant, like business leaders in charge, while others female dominant, and it depends on our spirit. Both men and women inherit traits from our mothers and fathers, and by honorimg both sides of our families and spirit, we bring out the best strengths in ourselves and each other, while forgiving and correcting the worst faults and weaknesses. Yes, male and female are created differently by design, and so are individuals where our spiritual process and patterns shape us and our relations. I told my online friend that Christianity was about forgiveness, healing and reconciling. Male and female are made one in harmony, regardless what roles we play or which are dominant. Judging and punishing didn't help with that process. I even mentioned there were gay Christians, and a church nearby in Montrose with LGBT outreach. When the issue came up, why were some people born LGBT, I answered it could be spiritual karma, that the gay Christians cite the Scriptures some eunuchs are made by God in the womb and some by man. I explained that generational conflicts or abuses not forgiven in the past and healed could cause some of these conditions to manifest in future generations until we learn unconditional love. And forgiveness through Christ Jesus as the central symbol of the collective process of breaking the cycle of sin and karmic suffering that is otherwise passed down generationally, as sins of the father revisited on the sons. My friend thought all Christians condemned "cross dressing" and denounced any nonchristian beliefs or groups as wrong. By the time we got past the Christian bashing, my friend felt embraced by the love of God for the first time after letting go of resentment and fear of judgment. I thought the debate would end there. But my friend went even further, and came out Transgender. I couldn't see that coming from across the ocean at a computer screen, reading this. But my friend was in tears of joy, and was able to work with family and friends who were surprised as well as this newfound joy instead of constant unhappiness from repression and resentment that was finally let go after a lifetime of suppression. So coming to accept and love people for their true spiritual nature, forgiving conflicts so we can resolve and heal them, helps all people whether LGBT or traditional heterosexual to make peace inside and out and be ourselves. To be true to ourselves and relationships, regardless of conditions. And help others to do the same.

Link to Yahoo article debating these roles as male dominant being literal only:

Links to Christian spiritual healing:
And testimony on applying generational healing to unwanted sexual attractions or orientation

Link to article on Milo who is going through spiritual healing for reparative therapy:

Link to David Berkowitz, former Son of Sam, now sharing his healing testimony through his online ministry Son of Hope:

And the colored girls go, "Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do doo."

Did you get lost?

No, I did not. If I did, what would you recommend to right my course?

If you did, I would assume you would turn around. That is what people do when they realize they made a wrong turn, correct?

Turning around could be too reactionary in many instances.
Sometimes, a slight change in course yields very good results.

True. Unless you took a wrong turn. Then the fastest way to get where you are headed would be to turn around.
When I debated online with a new friend I met that way, back in the late 90s, about gender roles in the Bible, I explained it meant the spiritual roles of male and female. All of us have both sides or energies, as we are made in the image of God. Since God as Nature includes both male and female spiritually, so do we. The point is to make peace between these roles, regardless which we play. Some people end up more male dominant, like business leaders in charge, while others female dominant, and it depends on our spirit. Both men and women inherit traits from our mothers and fathers, and by honorimg both sides of our families and spirit, we bring out the best strengths in ourselves and each other, while forgiving and correcting the worst faults and weaknesses. Yes, male and female are created differently by design, and so are individuals where our spiritual process and patterns shape us and our relations. I told my online friend that Christianity was about forgiveness, healing and reconciling. Male and female are made one in harmony, regardless what roles we play or which are dominant. Judging and punishing didn't help with that process. I even mentioned there were gay Christians, and a church nearby in Montrose with LGBT outreach. When the issue came up, why were some people born LGBT, I answered it could be spiritual karma, that the gay Christians cite the Scriptures some eunuchs are made by God in the womb and some by man. I explained that generational conflicts or abuses not forgiven in the past and healed could cause some of these conditions to manifest in future generations until we learn unconditional love. And forgiveness through Christ Jesus as the central symbol of the collective process of breaking the cycle of sin and karmic suffering that is otherwise passed down generationally, as sins of the father revisited on the sons. My friend thought all Christians condemned "cross dressing" and denounced any nonchristian beliefs or groups as wrong. By the time we got past the Christian bashing, my friend felt embraced by the love of God for the first time after letting go of resentment and fear of judgment. I thought the debate would end there. But my friend went even further, and came out Transgender. I couldn't see that coming from across the ocean at a computer screen, reading this. But my friend was in tears of joy, and was able to work with family and friends who were surprised as well as this newfound joy instead of constant unhappiness from repression and resentment that was finally let go after a lifetime of suppression. So coming to accept and love people for their true spiritual nature, forgiving conflicts so we can resolve and heal them, helps all people whether LGBT or traditional heterosexual to make peace inside and out and be ourselves. To be true to ourselves and relationships, regardless of conditions. And help others to do the same.

Link to Yahoo article debating these roles as male dominant being literal only:

Links to Christian spiritual healing:
And testimony on applying generational healing to unwanted sexual attractions or orientation

Link to article on Milo who is going through spiritual healing for reparative therapy:

Link to David Berkowitz, former Son of Sam, now sharing his healing testimony through his online ministry Son of Hope:

And the colored girls go, "Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do doo."

Did you get lost?

No, I did not. If I did, what would you recommend to right my course?

If you did, I would assume you would turn around. That is what people do when they realize they made a wrong turn, correct?

Turning around could be too reactionary in many instances.
Sometimes, a slight change in course yields very good results.

True. Unless you took a wrong turn. Then the fastest way to get where you are headed would be to turn around.


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