Debate between reabhloideach and tinydancer


Oct 19, 2012
Debate between reabhloideach and tinydancer
Dates held March 3, 2013 –March 10, 2013
Issue: Islam and WWII
  • Opening statements: Both reabhloideach and tinydancer were clear about what they wanted to discuss and set forth various points in which to have that discussion.
  • The beginning arguments were addressed in a clear and orderly fashion with debate worthy points and narrowing of issues that allowed the listener to appreciate the value and nuance of each argument.
  • Tinydancer had well researched her material and set forth her points patiently in a well thought out fashion. In response, reabhloideach asked very good questions and made various points of his own.
  • Tinydancer concluded with some very strong points as this debate has now been closed there is no more time to offer a rebuttal.
  • reabhloideach conceded the debate twice and thereafter did not make a closing argument.
As such tinydancer is the winner.

It was a very close debate with both participants prepared and enthusiast about discussing their respective points.

Thank you reabhloideach and tinydancer for allowing me to participate in your debate and thank you USMB administrators and Moderators as well.
I liked the objectivity of the analysis which gave a clear picture a debate was orderly with two good debaters contributing.

Good job, Connery!

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