*Death Knell: Biden Speaks*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. From a historical viewpoint, Biden is the very worst speaker to ascend to Vice President.
2. He is a gaff a minute, type of person, and I don't think its age that is propelling him, this dude is just stupid folks.
3. Now compare him to Obama, well its a toss up which ones more stupid.
4. Obama does seem to say less gaffs, but he is an empty suit, has no grounding amount of common sense that keeps him real.
5. Biden has common sense, but is just plain stupid, and allows his mouth to run unchecked.
6. Which can be funny as hell! :badgrin:
7. Okay lets get back to Bidens opposition, Paul Ryan, this guys sharp as a tack folks, he will make mince meat of Biden, chop chop,...chunk him in the pot and put him on simmer.:badgrin:

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Biden is one of the most unashamed friends of the working class to hold office in recent times, your Eddie Munster prick will attack him and look like the prick he is.
Sorry bout that,

Biden is one of the most unashamed friends of the working class to hold office in recent times, your Eddie Munster prick will attack him and look like the prick he is.

1. I am sure Paul will use kid gloves on the ol geezer.
2. Lets be honest now, Biden does say some dumb shit.:eusa_boohoo:
3. I mean, super duper stupid shit, just recently, he said, something like, "The middle class has been buried the last four years", so which political party is he working for anyways?????:badgrin:
4. Talk about a gift to the Romney camp, thats *HUGE*!!!!
5. Paul has to go at him on this, its just too fucking easy!!!!
6. He had better say something, just to show America he really really wants the job!!!!
7. McCain would of passed and just changed his diaper, what a sissy politician.
8. Anyway Paul will have to use this, to show us he is listening, and he is hearing what the opposition is saying, and if they foul up, make em *PAY*!!!!!

Biden is one of the most unashamed friends of the working class to hold office in recent times, your Eddie Munster prick will attack him and look like the prick he is.

Slow Joe will try to lay traps for Ryan, he'll be wasting his time, Ryan is too quick on his feet. But it will be fun to watch.
Sorry bout that,

1. The tone set by Romney is *HARD BALL*.
2. I am sure Ryan will do the same.
3. For the good of the Country, he will.

Sorry bout that,

1. The tone set by Romney is *HARD BALL*.
2. I am sure Ryan will do the same.
3. For the good of the Country, he will.


That's what the dems expect, I got a feeling Ryan will be laid back until the appropriate times and then hit good ole slow Joe with a zinger or two to knock him off his game plan. Like I said before it will be fun to watch however it shakes out.
I'll bet the Dems wish Joe didn't have to debate anyone at all.

OL'Foot in Mouth Joe is the last person I'd want debating anyone if I were Barry and his team.

Should be good for comedy relief if nothing else. Ryan is way more ont he ball that OL'Joe is.
The odds are a one..two punch for Romney/Ryan over Obama/Biden...

Lets all hope the Romney/Ryan momentum continues for the American people.....:thup:

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