Dear A&E, congratulations, you just committed suicide


Nov 4, 2013
Dear A&E,

I read that you are indefinitely suspending Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty after he quoted the Bible and said that the homosexual act is sinful. I get it, guys. I do. You punished the Christian guy for being a Christian because you got some angry emails from a bunch of whiny gay activists who lack the spine and maturity to deal with the fact that there are still people out there who have the guts to articulate opinions that they find disagreeable. In so doing, you’ve kowtowed to a pushy minority of vocal bullies who don’t even watch your channel, while alienating the fan base of the one show that keeps your entire network afloat.

Makes sense.

You’ve got standards, after all. You wouldn’t want to be associated with tasteless and inappropriate things. The people on Duck Dynasty can’t be allowed to run around being all Christian-like. It might ruin the reputation of the network whose other shows include Hoarders and Intervention — programs that invite viewers to gawk at drug addicts and the mentally ill for their own amusement.

Read here: Dear A&E, congratulations, you just committed suicide | The Matt Walsh Blog
Just a temporary setback for liberals. Soon there will be national taxpayer funded pre school where liberals will start indoctrination of kids even at younger ages. In the future, there will be no differing viewpoints, there will be no respect for free speech, and they will also be indoctrinated to think anything gun related (especially the second amendment) is bad and you get punished for even mentioning it. They will be indoctrinated to believe it's normal for girls to have penises. They will comply or they will be punished.

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