Dead Superpower Walking


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Dead Superpower Walking

The War on Terror began with men plunging to their deaths from the highest floors of skyscrapers hit by airplanes; it ended with men plunging to their deaths from the undercarriage of a US airplane taking off from what's left of "Hamid Karzai International Airport" (the signs will be coming down even as you read this).
America is a global laughingstock right now, but that's no reason not to give Chairman Xi and Putin and every up-country village headman in Helmand a few more yuks. Step forward, State Department spokeswanker Ned Price:
State Department calls for Taliban to include women in its government

Steyn, as usual, nails it.
Steyn brings out a noteworthy point about Joey Xi and the PMS/DSA Democrats and their gun confiscation for America as follows:
"I don't know what appliances they sell at Ruhani & Son over at 237b Sword of the Infidel Slayer Street, but evidently they're enough to take out the global superpower. On social media, the wags are having great sport with Joe Biden's recent taunt that no American needs an AR-15, because, if you want to defeat the mighty US government, you're gonna need fighter jets and nukes.
Well, the Taliban just took out Joe as Leader of the Free World with no nukes, no F-15s, just a big bunch of AR-15s".
I have to admit that there was and equal amount to AK 47's that were also used for those that don't know the difference between an AR-15 and AK47.
Here's a question to ponder. “Do you think there’s any chance of getting Taliban commanders to teach at West Point? It might be a nice change of pace for cadets to learn from someone who actually won a war.”
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Americans haven't had the resolve to do what it takes to win a war against an intransigent enemy since the 2nd World War.

Everyone in the world knows that regardless what America says, they will quickly tire and grow impatient with an overseas war and we won't do what is necessary to win one.

The civilized culture of which we are so rightly proud will always stop us from taking any war to its conclusion.

Everyone from the North Koreans to the Taliban know ... if they are willing to play the long game, they will win in the end.

The bad things is, although everyone knows this is true, Americans still refuse to grasp it. We still pretend that our military might can solve any global problem.

Dead Superpower Walking​

The War on Terror began with men plunging to their deaths from the highest floors of skyscrapers hit by airplanes; it ended with men plunging to their deaths from the undercarriage of a US airplane taking off from what's left of "Hamid Karzai International Airport" (the signs will be coming down even as you read this).
America is a global laughingstock right now, but that's no reason not to give Chairman Xi and Putin and every up-country village headman in Helmand a few more yuks. Step forward, State Department spokeswanker Ned Price:
State Department calls for Taliban to include women in its government

Steyn, as usual, nails it.
Steyn brings out a noteworthy point about Joey Xi and the PMS/DSA Democrats and their gun confiscation for America as follows:
"I don't know what appliances they sell at Ruhani & Son over at 237b Sword of the Infidel Slayer Street, but evidently they're enough to take out the global superpower. On social media, the wags are having great sport with Joe Biden's recent taunt that no American needs an AR-15, because, if you want to defeat the mighty US government, you're gonna need fighter jets and nukes.
Well, the Taliban just took out Joe as Leader of the Free World with no nukes, no F-15s, just a big bunch of AR-15s".
I have to admit that there was and equal amount to AK 47's that were also used for those that don't know the difference between an AR-15 and AK47.
Here's a question to ponder. “Do you think there’s any chance of getting Taliban commanders to teach at West Point? It might be a nice change of pace for cadets to learn from someone who actually won a war.”
Pesky bookmarks
I don't often disagree with Mark Steyn but I fought for this Country in the Marines when he was sipping cocktails in Australia. I am offended by the phrase "Dead Superpower Walking" as if America has been sentenced to death simply because we managed to elect a senior citizen who ain't got a clue. The greatest Military in te world could have wiped out those towel heads in Afghanistan in a week with conventional weapons but democrats wouldn't allow it.
When feelings became king and started governing all public action and reaction; this stumbling former Giant was inevitable

Dead Superpower Walking

The War on Terror began with men plunging to their deaths from the highest floors of skyscrapers hit by airplanes; it ended with men plunging to their deaths from the undercarriage of a US airplane taking off from what's left of "Hamid Karzai International Airport" (the signs will be coming down even as you read this).
America is a global laughingstock right now, but that's no reason not to give Chairman Xi and Putin and every up-country village headman in Helmand a few more yuks. Step forward, State Department spokeswanker Ned Price:
State Department calls for Taliban to include women in its government

Steyn, as usual, nails it.
Steyn brings out a noteworthy point about Joey Xi and the PMS/DSA Democrats and their gun confiscation for America as follows:
"I don't know what appliances they sell at Ruhani & Son over at 237b Sword of the Infidel Slayer Street, but evidently they're enough to take out the global superpower. On social media, the wags are having great sport with Joe Biden's recent taunt that no American needs an AR-15, because, if you want to defeat the mighty US government, you're gonna need fighter jets and nukes.
Well, the Taliban just took out Joe as Leader of the Free World with no nukes, no F-15s, just a big bunch of AR-15s".
I have to admit that there was and equal amount to AK 47's that were also used for those that don't know the difference between an AR-15 and AK47.
Here's a question to ponder. “Do you think there’s any chance of getting Taliban commanders to teach at West Point? It might be a nice change of pace for cadets to learn from someone who actually won a war.”
The final neo con globo homo war against terror has one more war to fight ....

Guess what former country and Guess who the terrorist are ....


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