de Blasio: The Progressives Have Given me a Mandate to steal, loot and plunder


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
Pre-K Plan Puts Cuomo at Odds With de Blasio on Funding

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo on Tuesday unveiled a budget plan containing a glittering prize for Mayor Bill de Blasio: money for the prekindergarten classes that he had made a centerpiece of his insurgent bid for mayor. But Mr. de Blasio rebuffed that approach on Tuesday when he said that Mr. Cuomo’s counteroffer — $1.5 billion over five years for a statewide program, but no tax surcharge — would not meet his needs

The mayor electrified liberals with his campaign promise to provide prekindergarten classes in New York City by raising taxes on wealthy residents,

A tax on the wealthy, Mr. de Blasio said, “was the No. 1 proposal I put forward in an election that I won with 73 percent of the vote.”


the habit of using organized violence to achieve one’s ends. — gangster, n.
New York can always impeach him. He was elected with the lowest voter turnout in NYC history.
A tax on the wealthy, Mr. de Blasio said, “was the No. 1 proposal I put forward in an election that I won with 73 percent of the vote.”

Yeah, 73% of less than 25% of eligible voters. I bet he feels real good about that massive landsliide win. In fact, with so few vote4rs even turning out, he should veiw it that only about 500,000 out of 8 million agree with his platform.

DeBlasio is a moron.
Ultimately, without at leadt 75% participation in elections, no one should be elected and whatever "job" was supposed to be done should simply be left vacant until enough voters turn up to actually elect someone.

Whats next for NYC? 5 people turn out to vote and elect someone 3 to 2? It's glaring evidence that this entire voting based system is nothing more than an illusion to the tyranny of a minority. Even then, should 75% turn up, you still have the tyranny of the majority.

The system is junk adn should be scrapped entirely.
Here's the funny thing about your rant.

For close to 200 years, this country put Americans into chains and forced them into servitude.

On the opposite end of the pole, this country grabbed land "owned" by native people and gave it away to Europeans. When that wasn't enough..and those Europeans started to fail, this Country subsidized those folks to make sure they succeeded.

That went on for a VERY LONG TIME.

NOW, the ancestors of many of those people who BENEFITTED from all that, have wealth.

And the people who were trampled on, and used to obtain that wealth..never got a piece of the pie.

And you folks go batshit crazy at any attempt at parity.

I guess that's the Christian thing to do.
Cuomo is doing everything he can to enhance business in this election year. He's trying to keep businesses here and growing.

I heard DeBlasio say that it is "only fair" that rich people pay more. The fallacy, of course, is that "fair" is generally reserved for even or equality. DeBlasio is asking "rich" people to pay more because it is "fair". Even though thats not what fair really means.

I wander if this moron would be in favor of retailers asking for income verification so that they can charge more to you since they can see your income.

DeBlahsio is a fool. He's a completely unqualified fool that will continue to piss on everything others have built up in NYC. Especially the idea that this is one city, not two.

He on the otherhand, wants to combat "the tale of two cities" by actually dividing people into groups and then either handing them something, or stealing ti from them to hand to someone else.

he's a walking, talking LOLberal hypocrite. Then again, there really isnt any other kind of LOLberal.
The ignorant SOB will soon learn that the wealthy are more mobile than any other part of the population, they will just leave.

They have short term memories. People had already left in droves for the same reason. Now NY is running ads and offering no taxes for small businesses to come there. They know tax breaks work.

Yea, people will take their money and leave when politicians try to steal even more. Will they ever learn?

I am leery anytime they throw more money at education. After billions, we've seen no measurable improvement in inner city schools. The unions do fine after shoring up benefits and pensions, but not the students. How much of the money from an "education bill" actually helps the students? Very little, apparently.

Throwing money at problems becomes futile when the money isn't spent wisely.
New York can always impeach him. He was elected with the lowest voter turnout in NYC history.

I dont think you can impeach someone for following through on campaign promises. Even if it is terrible governance.
The people of NYC who elected that cretin get what they deserve. No sympathy from me. They had a choice of a pervert, a dyke and a commie. Maybe he was the best of a bad choice?
the people who elected him, all less than 700,000 of over 4 million registered voters, do derserve it. The rest of us simply have no choice in the matter. Hence the failure of such a system and why it will only get worse until guys like DeBlahsio can vote for themselves and have their buddies do it and get elected. Like I said, when will people finally realize how fucked this system is? Do we have to wait until only 5 people vote and then someone is elected fuckin' 3-2?

Talk about tyranny.
A tax on the wealthy, Mr. de Blasio said, “was the No. 1 proposal I put forward in an election that I won with 73 percent of the vote.”

Yeah, 73% of less than 25% of eligible voters. I bet he feels real good about that massive landsliide win. In fact, with so few vote4rs even turning out, he should veiw it that only about 500,000 out of 8 million agree with his platform.

DeBlasio is a moron.

He is the typical socialist demagogue.
The ignorant SOB will soon learn that the wealthy are more mobile than any other part of the population, they will just leave.

They have short term memories. People had already left in droves for the same reason. Now NY is running ads and offering no taxes for small businesses to come there. They know tax breaks work.

Yea, people will take their money and leave when politicians try to steal even more. Will they ever learn?

I am leery anytime they throw more money at education. After billions, we've seen no measurable improvement in inner city schools. The unions do fine after shoring up benefits and pensions, but not the students. How much of the money from an "education bill" actually helps the students? Very little, apparently.

Throwing money at problems becomes futile when the money isn't spent wisely.

Leaving in "droves". :lol:

List of U.S. states and territories by population - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

New York State is the 3rd most populated state in the United States.

It's also number 3 on tax revenue.

Federal tax revenue by state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those commercials you see are there to encourage small businesses.
Comrade Lenin and Comrade Marx took a walk one day. Upon the sidewalk they both spied a quarter. Comrade Lenin shoved Comrade Marx to the side and dove for the coin. Comrade Marx pulled out a dagger and stabs Lennin a dozen times. As he lays dying, Lenin looks up and says "Comrade Marx, I thought it was 'to each according to his needs?'" Marx spits back "The dead have no need, so our objective is served."

Standard Disclaimer: Anyone here think Shallow will actually grasp the point of the tale?
Comrade Lenin and Comrade Marx took a walk one day. Upon the sidewalk they both spied a quarter. Comrade Lenin shoved Comrade Marx to the side and dove for the coin. Comrade Marx pulled out a dagger and stabs Lennin a dozen times. As he lays dying, Lenin looks up and says "Comrade Marx, I thought it was 'to each according to his needs?'" Marx spits back "The dead have no need, so our objective is served."

Standard Disclaimer: Anyone here think Shallow will actually grasp the point of the tale?

That you don't know history?

I dont think you can impeach someone for following through on campaign promises. Even if it is terrible governance.
The people of NYC who elected that cretin get what they deserve. No sympathy from me. They had a choice of a pervert, a dyke and a commie. Maybe he was the best of a bad choice?

DeBlasio is a Communist. This means he is corrupt. All one needs do is dig and find the bribes and kickbacks, then nail him on them.
Here's the funny thing about your rant.

For close to 200 years, this country put Americans into chains and forced them into servitude.

On the opposite end of the pole, this country grabbed land "owned" by native people and gave it away to Europeans. When that wasn't enough..and those Europeans started to fail, this Country subsidized those folks to make sure they succeeded.

That went on for a VERY LONG TIME.

NOW, the ancestors of many of those people who BENEFITTED from all that, have wealth.

And the people who were trampled on, and used to obtain that wealth..never got a piece of the pie.

And you folks go batshit crazy at any attempt at parity.

I guess that's the Christian thing to do.

Actually, no.

This country was founded in the late 18th Century. For 200 years prior, the British were the one putting people in chains
Here's the funny thing about your rant.

For close to 200 years, this country put Americans into chains and forced them into servitude.

On the opposite end of the pole, this country grabbed land "owned" by native people and gave it away to Europeans. When that wasn't enough..and those Europeans started to fail, this Country subsidized those folks to make sure they succeeded.

That went on for a VERY LONG TIME.

NOW, the ancestors of many of those people who BENEFITTED from all that, have wealth.

And the people who were trampled on, and used to obtain that wealth..never got a piece of the pie.

And you folks go batshit crazy at any attempt at parity.

I guess that's the Christian thing to do.

Actually, no.

This country was founded in the late 18th Century. For 200 years prior, the British were the one putting people in chains


So all the British left, eh?

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