De Blasio and Cuomo fail New York AGAIN. Looters running wild right now.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
De Blasio and Cuomo have failed their city and state. Their pacifist messaging has emboldened the rioters and right now they have taken over the streets of New York AGAIN. They need to resign for the safety of New Yorkers and let real leaders take over.

De Blasio and Cuomo have failed their city and state. Their pacifist messaging has emboldened the rioters and right now they have taken over the streets of New York AGAIN. They need to resign for the safety of New Yorkers and let real leaders take over.

it was found out that Deblasio's daughter was a participant of the rioting in NYC. Do you think the Lame Stream Media would allow Ivanka to do something like this and keep it low key.

It's very clear now, that the DemonRats authorities in Blue States are establishing safe areas for their Antifa thugs.

They are helping these criminals to continue their vandalism!

Think about that!
Cuomo's jock itch got him initiating the curfew a bit too late. What a dumb ass photo-op governor. He sits in his nice security, while stores all over NYC get trashed.
It seems that the last order DiBlasio gave the Police was not to protect themselves with riot gear because it might incite violence. Apparently DeBlasio is being protected by a personal guard of riot clad Police Officers. Meanwhile Andy Cuomo seems to be among the missing.
De Blasio and Cuomo have failed their city and state. Their pacifist messaging has emboldened the rioters and right now they have taken over the streets of New York AGAIN. They need to resign for the safety of New Yorkers and let real leaders take over.

Once again their failures cream out. 34th Street area near Penn Station was hit hard by looters. These are not White Supremacists as the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat would try to make you believe.


An Illinois man who came to Minneapolis to riot over the weekend livestreamed himself handing out explosives, destroying property and appearing to set a Sprint store on fire, according to charges filed in the U.S. District Court of Minnesota on Monday afternoon.
Matthew Lee Rupert, 28, is charged with civil disorder, possession of unregistered explosives and participating in and organizing riots, making him the first to face federal prosecution for allegedly taking part in the fires, looting and other violence that engulfed the Twin Cities since the death of George Floyd in police custody.

New York City Looting, at an UNBELIEVABLY HORRIFIC SCALE Monday Night, As 0 States Have Asked for Assistance from the DOD
Massive looting across New York City and it's five Boroughs and the NYPD virtually absent.
No cops anywhere. People are speeding down the street in SUVs. Total lawlessness…

Multiple Fires at Union Square; NYPD Surrounded

Looters Pillaging Philadelphia’s Kensington Ave./Port Richmond Area

Breaking: Explosion at Philadelphia City Hall; Fires at City Center

The Courthouse in Downtown Nashville on Fire — Reports Indicate Outside Agitators
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De Blasio and Cuomo have failed their city and state. Their pacifist messaging has emboldened the rioters and right now they have taken over the streets of New York AGAIN. They need to resign for the safety of New Yorkers and let real leaders take over.

Once again their failures cream out. 34th Street area near Penn Station was hit hard by looters. These are not White Supremacists as the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat would try to make you believe.


An Illinois man who came to Minneapolis to riot over the weekend livestreamed himself handing out explosives, destroying property and appearing to set a Sprint store on fire, according to charges filed in the U.S. District Court of Minnesota on Monday afternoon.
Matthew Lee Rupert, 28, is charged with civil disorder, possession of unregistered explosives and participating in and organizing riots, making him the first to face federal prosecution for allegedly taking part in the fires, looting and other violence that engulfed the Twin Cities since the death of George Floyd in police custody.

New York City Looting, at an UNBELIEVABLY HORRIFIC SCALE Monday Night, As 0 States Have Asked for Assistance from the DOD
Massive looting across New York City and it's five Boroughs and the NYPD virtually absent.
No cops anywhere. People are speeding down the street in SUVs. Total lawlessness…

Multiple Fires at Union Square; NYPD Surrounded

Looters Pillaging Philadelphia’s Kensington Ave./Port Richmond Area

Breaking: Explosion at Philadelphia City Hall; Fires at City Center

The Courthouse in Downtown Nashville on Fire — Reports Indicate Outside Agitators
As I said way back during the Covid-19 'crisis', New York is too important a state and city to be led by those idiots.
Well, at this point we see that Fredo's Brother and Disgraziato's edict for an 11 o'clock curfew is a big bust. Macy's on 34t street looted and other big tag stores ransacked, police officers attacked and fire to some areas.
Now they claim they start the curfew at 8 PM tomorrow. That won't work either. Until the arrest and incarcerate the looters and perhaps shoot a couple then this won't stop.
These two clowns say that they won't or can't lock these skels up because they might spread the Chinese Virus Covid-19. Bovine Scat..

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