David Petraeus To Plead Guilty To Disclosing Classified Information To Mistress


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
WASHINGTON -- Former military commander and CIA Director David Petraeus agreed Tuesday to plead guilty to one misdemeanor count of removing and retaining classified material, admitting to providing his mistress with that material while he headed the CIA.

The plea deal, revealed in documents filed in federal court in the Western District of North Carolina, means that Petraeus will likely avoid prison time. Federal prosecutors will ask for two years of probation and a $40,000 fine under the terms of the plea agreement.

More: David Petraeus To Plead Guilty In Connection With Disclosing Classified Information To Mistress

Plea deal? One misdemeanor count? That obviously means it was much worse than what he is pleading to. Shame on General Petraeus.
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He served our country so lets cheer Obama destroying his good name and career

anyone surprised. look at the Joe the Plumber

YOU BETTER hope NONE of YOU won't BE next
This is ridiculous, what did he even do? have sex? he should be exonnerated and issued an apology to.

pillow talk whilst doing the nasty-------is always dangerous for persons
who have classified information-------especially for males
He's a traitor.

Eight binders of classified material, including codes and the identities of covert officers. Handed them over to his mistress like something right out of a classic honey trap. What a fucking asshole.

If that was a nobody enlisted man, he'd be looking at decades of hard labor.

But Betrayus will probably get two years of probation. No charges of obstruction of justice, either.
It appears that some people here don't think the rules regarding treason apply to a General with his sights on some 'gina.
lol, compare the RWnuts reaction to this with their hysteria over Sandy Berger, who removed classified information but did NOT show it to anyone.
It appears that some people here don't think the rules regarding treason apply to a General with his sights on some 'gina.

C'mon, he's a military man. He launched a torpedo, what more do you expect him to do?
It appears that some people here don't think the rules regarding treason apply to a General with his sights on some 'gina.

they do in the regular army and navy------in the regular army and navy------Clinton would have been sent to the KLINK

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