Darwinism & Creationism should be banned in school!


VIP Member
Sep 30, 2009
My opinion is that nor Evolution nor Creation should be taught in classroom! because:

Science has to explain/describe cellular division, chemical reaction, observation...it's not the task of science to explain WHO RUN biological process .

Evolution and Creation are both metaphysical hypothesis that should spared from teachings.

Evolution think that CHANCE run the biological process, and life has emerged by accident!!
Creation think INTELLIGENT FORCE should be behind the existence and complex biological process of species.

Science has the task to answer why? and how? chemical elements are reacting in cell and organism...it should not ask: WHO do it? because it's metaphisical subject.

After Graduation, students would get the choice to be evolutionists (think that chance and NS behind biologic process) or creationist (think that an intelligent power run this complex process).

many countries have cancelled darwinism in schools, because it will indoctrinate children instead teaching them the necessary.

Darwinism/creationism is a Byzantine debate that should be limited in think tank and religious forums.
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My opinion is that nor Evolution nor Creation should be taught in classroom! because:

Science has to explain/describe cellular division, chemical reaction, observation...it's not the task of science to explain WHO RUN biological process .

Science doesn't explain who runs the biological process. You don't know much about the science of biology if you believe this is what science is telling us.

Darwinism/creationism is a Byzantine debate that should be limited in think tank and religious forums.

You know what is a really Byzantine debate? Debating whether or not Jews are bad. That's what brain-dead uneducated fucked-up morons do.
Darwinism/creationism is a Byzantine debate that should be limited in think tank and religious forums.

science is interested in the what... not the why. religion isn't a scientific inquiry, nutbar.

but feel free to provide a credible link to those countries have 'canceled darwinism in schools'... except for in madrassas, of course.

luckily your opinion is as meaningful as my left pinkie toe.
FFS - how can something which is able to be observed be metaphysical? That's all I have to say.

how you may observe that life emerged by accident, and ONLY chance and NS guide biologic process.

morever, can you explain what's the importance to teach children that a cell is formed by chance or created by god?? absolutely nothing!

We may be good doctor despite denying evolution and we may be bad doctor- biologist even if we believe on evolution.

Darwinism/creationism are just two doctrines, not science!
poor anti semite nutbar... metaphysical specifically means it ISN't physical.

try learning and applying definitions:

relating to metaphysics: relating to the philosophical study of the nature of being and beings or a philosophical system resulting from such study
speculative: based on speculative reasoning and unexamined assumptions that have not been logically examined or confirmed by observation
abstract: extremely abstract or theoretical
"metaphysical subjects removed from everyday life"
incorporeal: without material form or substance
"the metaphysical realm of pure thought"
supernatural: originating not in the physical world but somewhere outside it
"a metaphysical explanation of beauty and goodness"

define metaphysical - Bing DICTIONARY
FFS - how can something which is able to be observed be metaphysical? That's all I have to say.

how you may observe that life emerged by accident, and ONLY chance and NS guide biologic process.

morever, can you explain what's the importance to teach children that a cell is formed by chance or created by god?? absolutely nothing!

We may be good doctor despite denying evolution and we may be bad doctor- biologist even if we believe on evolution.

Darwinism/creationism are just two doctrines, not science!

I don't know what your issue here is. You refer to Darwinism, but ignor what Darwin actually wrote. This is nonsensical.

Evolution holds that changes and similarities occur within species and do so as adjustments to conditions prevailing around the species.

Do you deny that extinctions have occurred? Do you deny that genetic traits are passed from one generation to the next? Do you deny that there is predictability in forcasting the traits of the next generation based on the traits of the previous generation?

If two black people procreate, their child will probably be black. The same is true for two Asians, two whites or two Indians. If you plant a seed of corn, you will probably grow a plant that bears corn if the conditions are right. There are no other options. It will be quite similar to the previous generation. Not exact, but very similar.

HOWEVER, if the nutrients and climate prevailing are not absolutely consistant, the children will be taller or smaller, the corn will be more or less prone to grow more or ears. After many, many generations, the members of succeeding generations who survive will be those that have stronger immune systems or greater ability to survive drought or famine or warm or cold as the prevailing conditions might be.

Your position seems to be that an intelligent Creator would create both a world and the population of flora and fauna BUT make the world a changing one and the inhabitants incapable of change.

If He could not forcast the problem with this combination, He is not wise. If He could forcast the problem, but he proceeded, He is cruel.

In your belief system, is your God stupid or cruel?
Darwinism/creationism is a Byzantine debate that should be limited in think tank and religious forums.

science is interested in the what... not the why. religion isn't a scientific inquiry, nutbar.

but feel free to provide a credible link to those countries have 'canceled darwinism in schools'... except for in madrassas, of course.

luckily your opinion is as meaningful as my left pinkie toe.

Romania are from the latest countries to remove darwinist doctrine in schools

MINA Breaking News - Romania removes theory of evolution from school curriculum
Darwinism (in whatever form) is not in fact a scientific theory, but a pseudo-metaphysical hypothesis decked out in scientific garb.
In reality the theory derives its support not from empirical data or logical deductions of a scientific kind but from the circumstance that it happens to be the only doctrine of biological origins that can be conceived within the constricted Weltanschauung to which a majority of scientists no doubt subscribe."

Wolfgang Smith,
Professor of Mathematics, Oregon State University, "The Universe Is Ultimately to Be Explained in Terms"
Darwinism/creationism is a Byzantine debate that should be limited in think tank and religious forums.

science is interested in the what... not the why. religion isn't a scientific inquiry, nutbar.

but feel free to provide a credible link to those countries have 'canceled darwinism in schools'... except for in madrassas, of course.

luckily your opinion is as meaningful as my left pinkie toe.

Romania are from the latest countries to remove darwinist doctrine in schools

MINA Breaking News - Romania removes theory of evolution from school curriculum

from your link:

Meanwhile, religious studies classes continue to tell Romanian children that God made the world in seven days.

You know what is a really Byzantine debate? Debating whether or not Jews are bad. That's what brain-dead uneducated fucked-up morons do.
Byzantine debate, is any debate without scientific or beneficial interest; like the famous debate about "angels genders".

Explain, what is the scientific interest to spend money and publish entire papers to make hypothesis that man is descended from a f*king ape or birds may be dinosaurs and complexed organs like eyes had appeared just by chance without any other force?!
you would cure cancer or win Nobel prize..??,
it's totally useless except indoctrinate more young students.

What's the interest to teach children in classroom that God created cell and guid the genetics...etc? creationism is also absurd and aim to indoctrinate children.

Pasteur was famous scientist despite he refuted evolution and was secular person when he worked at Lab.

Dude you dont even know what to call the science do you?

Its evolution.

It is science and is not even comparable to religion.

Why dont you ask us not to teach geology or archeology?

Why stop there lets not teach microbiology or palentology?

You will not be listened to by any person who has learned anything about any of these fields because your lack of education in the matter is so very blatent.

Now go to a local college and go study every one of these fields and come back to us and explain how all of these fields are wrong and compare to any religious doctrine.
FFS - how can something which is able to be observed be metaphysical? That's all I have to say.

how you may observe that life emerged by accident, and ONLY chance and NS guide biologic process.

morever, can you explain what's the importance to teach children that a cell is formed by chance or created by god?? absolutely nothing!

We may be good doctor despite denying evolution and we may be bad doctor- biologist even if we believe on evolution.

Darwinism/creationism are just two doctrines, not science!

Life couldn't have emerged by accident you say?


Then where did your GOD come from?
FFS - how can something which is able to be observed be metaphysical? That's all I have to say.

how you may observe that life emerged by accident, and ONLY chance and NS guide biologic process.

morever, can you explain what's the importance to teach children that a cell is formed by chance or created by god?? absolutely nothing!

We may be good doctor despite denying evolution and we may be bad doctor- biologist even if we believe on evolution.

Darwinism/creationism are just two doctrines, not science!

Life couldn't have emerged by accident you say?


Then where did your GOD come from?

the god of evolutionists is "chance" and "dice game", the god of creationists is "the bible God"!
both are doctrines that can't be proved. evolutionnists spent their entire career to create life in labs without result;

Eisnstein said it clearly "We never may prove that he doesn't exist"

Evolution is not natural science, According to Gallup poll 45% of scientists reject evolution as only Chance guide the biologic process.
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science is interested in the what... not the why. religion isn't a scientific inquiry, nutbar.

but feel free to provide a credible link to those countries have 'canceled darwinism in schools'... except for in madrassas, of course.

luckily your opinion is as meaningful as my left pinkie toe.

Romania are from the latest countries to remove darwinist doctrine in schools

MINA Breaking News - Romania removes theory of evolution from school curriculum

from your link:

Meanwhile, religious studies classes continue to tell Romanian children that God made the world in seven days.

if it's true, it's idiot...but I doubt.

Anyway even in conservative countries like Iran or Saudi Arabia, biology is taught as secular program; nor evolution nor creationism is taught.
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how you may observe that life emerged by accident, and ONLY chance and NS guide biologic process.

morever, can you explain what's the importance to teach children that a cell is formed by chance or created by god?? absolutely nothing!

We may be good doctor despite denying evolution and we may be bad doctor- biologist even if we believe on evolution.

Darwinism/creationism are just two doctrines, not science!

Life couldn't have emerged by accident you say?


Then where did your GOD come from?

the god of evolutionists is "chance" and "dice game", the god of creationists is "the bible God"!
both are doctrines that can't be proved. evolutionnists spent their entire career to create life in labs without result;

Eisnstein said it clearly "We never may prove that he doesn't exist"

Evolution is not natural science, According to Gallup poll 45% of scientists reject evolution as only Chance guide the biologic process.

Well...either the universe is the product of intelligent design or it's the product of things beyond our ability to fully comprehend.

But to deny the scientific evidence that suggest that the myths of our vaious religions is sheer invention, by doing something like catgorically rejecting that evidence, is sheer folly.
This is exactly the kind of nonsense I expect from the "we want our country back" crowd.

Here is the main difference between teaching "magical creation" and "scientific evolution".

Magical creation - Gawd did it. There, that's it. You've learned it all. That's every bit of knowledge, research and study discovered and available.

Now, let's give equal weight to evolution. That means years of study, thousands of textbooks, research and data. Because "evolution" is the foundation science of biology, botany and physiology. "Magical creation" is the foundation of "church".

Since it's so easy to teach "magical creation", we'll just leave that to the parents. The other stuff they can learn in school.
This is exactly the kind of nonsense I expect from the "we want our country back" crowd.
Here is the main difference between teaching "magical creation" and "scientific evolution".

Magical creation - Gawd did it. There, that's it. You've learned it all. That's every bit of knowledge, research and study discovered and available.

Now, let's give equal weight to evolution. That means years of study, thousands of textbooks, research and data. Because "evolution" is the foundation science of biology, botany and physiology. "Magical creation" is the foundation of "church".

Since it's so easy to teach "magical creation", we'll just leave that to the parents. The other stuff they can learn in school.

When I say, "I want my country back", I mean from the morons who are lying to us on a daily basis and pandering to the misinformed, creating and expanding rifts between social and economic groups, and claiming that increased spending is reduced spending.

The "My Country" statement is just that we were told if we worked hard and didn't do stupid things, we could make a good living and, like our forefathers, create a better future for our children.

By contrast, we are now being told that there will never be enough work to employ our population, there will always be a chronically disfunctional segment of society and we will need to support them in their disfunction while looking forward to unending days of national decline in a world rising above us.

We are now told that our country will never be Number 1 and we will never be the best. In fact, we are told, we never were the best in the first place. We have always been oppressers and thieves and bullies. Our motives have always been dark and our methods have always been devious. Our founders were hypocrites, our history is lies and our future is forfeit due to the sins of our past. We are, in short, evil and somewhat perverted both as individuals and as a society.

I reject this notion. I reject the foundation of this notion. I reject the people who hold it forth and I reject the spirit of defeatism that inspires it.

I am an American. Damn it!

Americans are innovative, creative, problem solving, competitive, proud, adventurous and successful. We do things that nobody can do. Things that nobody ever thought could be done. We defeat despotism, build the Panama Canal and land on the Moon.

Americans do not surrender and do not retreat from their mission which is simply to be the beacon of freedom for the rest of the world shining brightly with the wealth and vigor that comes from hard work, hard choices and rock hard determination.

I look around me and I see people filled with hope that are told daily by their leaders that their dreams are empty, their hopes are baseless and their future is bleak. They look to leaders for hope and are told that America has let them down and that individual effort is wasted because the problems are too big. They are told that there is no use in working because the fight is already over and they have lost.

I don't like a country that has abandoned hope. I don't like a country comprised of collectives instead of individuals. I don't like a country where the leaders are lying manipulators who govern through fear and hate instead of hope and love.

I like a country where a person can work and make a difference. I like a country where the future is bright. I like a country that does those things that are hard because only we can do them. I like MY country!

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This is exactly the kind of nonsense I expect from the "we want our country back" crowd.
Here is the main difference between teaching "magical creation" and "scientific evolution".

Magical creation - Gawd did it. There, that's it. You've learned it all. That's every bit of knowledge, research and study discovered and available.

Now, let's give equal weight to evolution. That means years of study, thousands of textbooks, research and data. Because "evolution" is the foundation science of biology, botany and physiology. "Magical creation" is the foundation of "church".

Since it's so easy to teach "magical creation", we'll just leave that to the parents. The other stuff they can learn in school.

When I say, "I want my country back", I mean from the morons who are lying to us on a daily basis and pandering to the misinformed, creating and expanding rifts between social and economic groups, and claiming that increased spending is reduced spending.

The "My Country" statement is just that we were told if we worked hard and didn't do stupid things, we could make a good living and, like our forefathers, create a better furute for our children.

By contrast, we are now being told that there will never be enough work to employ our population, there will always be a chronically disfunctional segment of society and we will need to support them in their disfunction while looking forward to unending days of national decline in a world rising above us.

We are now told that our country will never be Number 1 and we will never be the best. In fact, we are told, we never were the best in the first place. We have always been oppressers and thieves and bullies. Our motives have always been dark and our methods have always been devious. Our founders were hypocrites, our history is lies and our future is forfeit due to the sins of our past. We are, in short, evil and somewhat perverted both as individuals and as a society.

I reject this notion. I reject the foundation of this notion. I reject the people who hold it forth and I reject the spirit of defeatism that inspires it.

I am an American. Damn it!

Americans are innovative, creative, problem solving, competitive, proud, adventurous and successful. We do things that nobody can do. Things that nobody ever thought could be done. We defeat despotism, build the Panama Canal and land on the Moon.

Americans do not surrender and do not retreat from their mission which is simply to be the beacon of freedom for the rest of the world shining brightly with the wealth and vigor that comes from hard work, hard choices and rock hard determination.

I look around me and I see people filled with hope that are told daily by their leaders that their dreams are empty, their hopes are baseless and their future is bleak. They look to leaders for hope and are told that America has let them down and that individual effort is wasted because the problems are too big. They are told that there is no use in working because the fight is already over and they have lost.

I don't like a country that has abandoned hope. I don't like a country comprised of collectives instead of individuals. I don't like a country where the leaders are lying manipulators who govern through fear and hate instead of hope and love.

I like a country where a person can work and make a difference. I like a country where the future is bright. I like a country that does those things that are hard because only we can do them. I like MY country!


Yeah because Obama told you all this this with his "Yes we can" ideas huh?

The funny thing is you are buying a pant Load of lies to pretend the left is saying any of the CRAP you claim it is saying.
My opinion is that nor Evolution nor Creation should be taught in classroom! because:

Science has to explain/describe cellular division, chemical reaction, observation...it's not the task of science to explain WHO RUN biological process .

Evolution and Creation are both metaphysical hypothesis that should spared from teachings.

Evolution think that CHANCE run the biological process, and life has emerged by accident!!
Creation think INTELLIGENT FORCE should be behind the existence and complex biological process of species.

Science has the task to answer why? and how? chemical elements are reacting in cell and organism...it should not ask: WHO do it? because it's metaphisical subject.

After Graduation, students would get the choice to be evolutionists (think that chance and NS behind biologic process) or creationist (think that an intelligent power run this complex process).

many countries have cancelled darwinism in schools, because it will indoctrinate children instead teaching them the necessary.

Darwinism/creationism is a Byzantine debate that should be limited in think tank and religious forums.

Luckily for you, we don't teach "Darwinism" or creationism in school.

The folly behind you anti-evolution jackasses is that you think that science has to nail the "why" down. Science is largely unconcerned with the "why" (unless it pertains to something that fits within the scope of the natural sciences and more concerned with the "how".

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