*Darwin Was An Idiot*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. But truly he was.
2. He looked around and thought, "Hey how did all this happen?"
3. Then he said to himself, "All this happened by natural selection, new forms of life shot up from old forms, and new species were created, all by themselves"
4. In other words, *Creation created itself*
5. Damn he was dumb!:eusa_hand:

I read that, 99% of ALL species on the planet that EVER existed has gone extinct. Was that god's holy hand ? Providence? God hates mortal beings and smites us for no reason? What IS that about?
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OMG what a MORON,Darwin (one of the Greatest Human Minds) is being subjected to analysis by this Cretin.You need to educate your mind sonny jim.....I wonder where Darwin would have placed you:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:..amonst the Dinosaurs methinks. theliq:cool:
Sorry bout that,

1. But truly he was.
2. He looked around and thought, "Hey how did all this happen?"
3. Then he said to himself, "All this happened by natural selection, new forms of life shot up from old forms, and new species were created, all by themselves"
4. In other words, *Creation created itself*
5. Damn he was dumb!:eusa_hand:

Sorry bout that,

1. But truly he was.
2. He looked around and thought, "Hey how did all this happen?"
3. Then he said to himself, "All this happened by natural selection, new forms of life shot up from old forms, and new species were created, all by themselves"
4. In other words, *Creation created itself*
5. Damn he was dumb!

You're a fucking idiot.
Sorry bout that,

1. But truly he was.
2. He looked around and thought, "Hey how did all this happen?"
3. Then he said to himself, "All this happened by natural selection, new forms of life shot up from old forms, and new species were created, all by themselves"
4. In other words, *Creation created itself*
5. Damn he was dumb!

You're a fucking idiot.

couldn't have said it better myself.
Sorry bout that,

1. Darwin, that is, he looked at the fossil record, seeing there were no modern animals in it, then made claim that *creation recreated itself, during the extinction process it would seem, so just at the right time when the Dinos died off the Dinos through natural selection spawned off all the animals we see now.
2. Does anyone here feel that they are smart enough to see a small problem with that?
3. *Stupid Fuckchops*! :lol:

Do you have any direct quotes or references, or do you really expect people to respond to your half-wit interpretations of things you clearly don't understand?
Sorry bout that,

Do you have any direct quotes or references, or do you really expect people to respond to your half-wit interpretations of things you clearly don't understand?

1. No not really, but *all* I gotta do is look at the evidence, and the evidence shows that Darwin made claims that everything we see now, came from everything we see in the fossil record, which there being huge gaps from a Dino, to what we see in the fossil record, and what walks the planet right now, so *all* I have to do to destroy all the *evolutionistas ideals* and beliefs about how all creation came about is to just point my finger at the obvious impossibilities of Darwins theory on evolution, which is quite impossible, you have to be a *Stupid Fuckchop* to believe in it, in my opinion, and I need no links to do it either.:eek:
2. DO YOU, remember how I looked at the evidence on the JFK shooting, where 7forever was blowing all that smoke about how the driver did it, and just by looking at the evidence *the film* I solved the whole thing?
3. I have a talent for figuring things out by looking at the evidence.
4. No one else saw that the reflection in the front seat was actually the passengers hair and forehead, and not a gun, but I saw it.
5. This is just another, *CASE CLOSED* brought to you by *CWN*.

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:lol: self delusion is a disease. get help. you are not smarter than charles darwin. you're a measley internet troll.
Sorry bout that,

:lol: self delusion is a disease. get help. you are not smarter than charles darwin. you're a measley internet troll.

1. So you think I'm wrong?
2. *Prove it*!
3. I just *Proved* I'm right.
4. With my argument.

Sorry bout that,

Do you have any direct quotes or references, or do you really expect people to respond to your half-wit interpretations of things you clearly don't understand?

1. No not really

Then shut the fuck up you stupid, stupid son of a bitch.

1. Do YOU know who you are talking too?:eusa_hand:
2. I suppose YOU do not.:eusa_hand:
3. I know I just ruined your whole *Stupid Fuckchopped* education.:eusa_hand:
4. But when your *CWN* like I am, thats what happens all the time, get used to it, I say.:eusa_hand:

Sorry bout that,

:lol: self delusion is a disease. get help. you are not smarter than charles darwin. you're a measley internet troll.

1. So you think I'm wrong?
2. *Prove it*!
3. I just *Proved* I'm right.
4. With my argument.


You didn't prove anything. You argued against the conclusion Darwin didn't come to, and you argued against the tactics he didn't use to not come to the conclusion you said he came to.

Anyone with an education can see the stupidity, it's "CWN" who needs an education before he makes threads where he makes an absolute fool of himself.

IF, You *proved* something, what you *proved* is that you can make an imaginary case based on imaginary facts and claim imaginary victory, all the while oblivious to how fucking dumb it really is.

Congratulations, you're like two levels above ear biters and people at band camp.
Sorry bout that,

:lol: self delusion is a disease. get help. you are not smarter than charles darwin. you're a measley internet troll.

1. So you think I'm wrong?
2. *Prove it*!
3. I just *Proved* I'm right.
4. With my argument.


You didn't prove anything. You argued against the conclusion Darwin didn't come to, and you argued against the tactics he didn't use to not come to the conclusion you said he came to.

Anyone with an education can see the stupidity, it's "CWN" who needs an education before he makes threads where he makes an absolute fool of himself.

IF, You *proved* something, what you *proved* is that you can make an imaginary case based on imaginary facts and claim imaginary victory, all the while oblivious to how fucking dumb it really is.

Congratulations, you're like two levels above ear biters and people at band camp.

Surely he's not that good! :eusa_eh:
Sorry bout that,

:lol: self delusion is a disease. get help. you are not smarter than charles darwin. you're a measley internet troll.

1. So you think I'm wrong?
2. *Prove it*!
3. I just *Proved* I'm right.
4. With my argument.

You didn't prove anything but that you don't understand what Darwin wrote and that you have 0 to back up your bullshit. STFU you idiot.
I'm 99% sure that SirJamesofTexas is an idiot, but what if I'm wrong and for 4 years he has been playing a brilliant game?
I find it nearly impossible for any human to be so self absorbed, so idiotic, so masochistic, so stupid and still manage to find his way back here day after day.

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