Dan Quayle beat Al Gore in the 92 VP debate


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Quayle and Gore both came out swinging.

But Quayle got in the best zinger: "Relax Al. Inhale."
Quayle more than held his own with Gore.

And if hadn't been for that guy from Texas with the big ears (forget his name) - that was allowed into the 92 prez debates (gummed up the works) - George HW Bush probably would have been re-elected.
Good theatre. Wish I had taped it.

Quayle was a diff person from the "deer-in-the-headlights" person who went up against lloyd Bentson in the 88 VP debate.

And Gore is a great debator - give credit where credit is due. Probably a better debator than Bentson.
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I think Quayle was intimidated by Bentsons age in the 1988 VP debate.

What was he - about75???????????
I'd rather not catch a venereal disease. Ban is almost as bad as aids!
Oct 2012 join dates.


Oct 2012 join dates.



The dude was made by a wacked out conservative on this forum who hates Lakhota.

But which one?
Quayle was always underrated in my opinion.

Not the dope he was made out to be.
"Your No Jack Kennedy" 1988 by Lloyd Bentson

"Relax Al - inhale" by Dan Quayle in 1992

Which was the best zinger ??????????????????
The libst ried to direspect Qualyles Indiana Natioinal Guard service.
Good theatre. Wish I had taped it.

Quayle was a diff person from the "deer-in-the-headlights" person who went up against lloyd Bentson in the 88 VP debate.

And Gore is a great debator - give credit where credit is due. Probably a better debator than Bentson.
it was quite even debate looking back and quaye was much improved from poor peformance he produced in 1988. But in end had little impact on the election. Most rembered for stockwell memory classic quote of who am i and why am i here.

in the end 1992 election had lot in common to this. High unemployment and president struggling to win reelection. Key moment in that election was town hall debate. Bush snr looking at his watch was massive error and cost him votes.

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