Damned if gov’t do and damned if gov’t don’t.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

People complain if Government try to help them and complain when Government don’t help them enough. If you want Government out of your lives stop asking government for help. There is job discrimination and there should be a law against it. So damned if Government help and damned if Government don’t. We are were we are because of anti-government sentiment. Government provide more for us for our money than if we had to pay private industry to provide the same. Most of American would not be able to provide basis necessities for their families. That is the reason Government exist in the first place. How quick we forget were we came from in America. “Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.” We have forgot were we came from.

Those people who are anti-Government are the ones who benefit from Government the most. What Government has done far outweighs what it has not done. They “cannot see the forest for the trees.”An anti-discrimination act against employers who discriminate against people who have been unemployed too long is needed. Another law I needed against employers hiring illegal aliens and enforced when they have American applicants.

What does your credit rating have to do with your ability to do a job?

And Government PROVIDES for us?

wow, I wonder where they get all that money to PROVIDE for us..

People complain if Government try to help them and complain when Government don’t help them enough. If you want Government out of your lives stop asking government for help. There is job discrimination and there should be a law against it. So damned if Government help and damned if Government don’t. We are were we are because of anti-government sentiment. Government provide more for us for our money than if we had to pay private industry to provide the same. Most of American would not be able to provide basis necessities for their families. That is the reason Government exist in the first place. How quick we forget were we came from in America. “Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.” We have forgot were we came from.

Those people who are anti-Government are the ones who benefit from Government the most. What Government has done far outweighs what it has not done. They “cannot see the forest for the trees.”An anti-discrimination act against employers who discriminate against people who have been unemployed too long is needed. Another law I needed against employers hiring illegal aliens and enforced when they have American applicants.

What does your credit rating have to do with your ability to do a job?

They provide more for our money.

That simply is a lie, you just wanted your end funded by the Chinese and borrowed money.

Here are those interest numbers again.

Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding

Now explain how 16 trillion in debt gives us more for our money? Please!

People complain if Government try to help them and complain when Government don’t help them enough. If you want Government out of your lives stop asking government for help. There is job discrimination and there should be a law against it. So damned if Government help and damned if Government don’t. We are were we are because of anti-government sentiment. Government provide more for us for our money than if we had to pay private industry to provide the same. Most of American would not be able to provide basis necessities for their families. That is the reason Government exist in the first place. How quick we forget were we came from in America. “Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.” We have forgot were we came from.

Those people who are anti-Government are the ones who benefit from Government the most. What Government has done far outweighs what it has not done. They “cannot see the forest for the trees.”An anti-discrimination act against employers who discriminate against people who have been unemployed too long is needed. Another law I needed against employers hiring illegal aliens and enforced when they have American applicants.

What does your credit rating have to do with your ability to do a job?

Your not talking to me with this one obviously.

All I want from the federal govt is for them to protect me from foreign nations that may be hostile and to protect our country's soverignty.

The do one pretty good and totally fail at the other.

Our govt never gave out handouts and safety nets at the federal level, thats the history that made us great. Then came the social programs and the slow demise of american prosperity and wealth, just like what happened across europe and is still happening. Indeed, failing to learn from history dooms you to repeat it. Further, here is some more history we are reapeating right now by having big federal govt http://www.apatheticvoter.com/Article_DownfallDemocracies.htm

As for your question....your credit rating shows how responsible of an individual you are, if you know not to borrow more than your means and if your responsible enough to ensure that you can repay any debts. There are exceptions to this, such as an unexpected layoff, but even then I have very little sympathy as I save then spend instead of borrow then earn to repay.
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What does your credit rating have to do with your ability to do a job?

A persons credit report is typically a direct reflection of that person. Current economic situation does create abnormalities, but I dont think a whole lot of them.

Credit rating indicates:
Personel responsability
Money managment
How well a person takes care of his self or herself
Likelyhood to steal

From my experiance in the car business I can tell within 65 points what your credit score is by the car you drive and the condition it is in. 9 out of 10 times.
The government is not there to "provide" for us. It is there to handle those things that an individual can't. (not won't, can't)

Liberals don't want big government, we want GOOD government. This is OUR government after all...of the people, for the people.

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