Daily Kos - "How to Criticize Obama without being a racist."

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Daily Kos has apparently been having problems with some of their posters. It seems the progressives of the world need guidelines on how to criticize Obama without letting their inherent racism shine through. Not that this will surprise anyone here, except for the idiots who think they are not racist.I pulled the 4 rules that they came up with, and will comment on them after the link.

1. Using racially derogatory terms in reference to President Obama is racist.
2. Criticizing President Obama in terms that reference his race is probably going to be seen as racist.
3. Negative references to President Obama that involve the color black might be perceived as racist even if they have nothing to do with his race.
4. All negative comments about President Obama's personal qualities are highly suspect.

Daily Kos: How to Criticize Obama Without Being a Racist

  1. That is actually so obvious even Tank gets it. The interesting thing is that Kos felt a need to actually say it.
  2. Obvious to anyone with a brain, yet it still needs to be spelled out to the regulars at Kos. Interesting.
  3. This is where I start to have a problem. Why is saying that Bush cast a black cloud over the country fine, but saying the same thing about Obama a racist remark? On top of that, why is the fact that certain posters here constantly mention his race not racist simply because they are, supposedly, supporting him?
  4. Then we hit the wall, we can criticize him, but we cannot talk about him personally. No matter what we say, someone is going to take it as a racist remark if we make it about him. All I can say is, what the fuck?
If we fall the progressive guide to criticizing Obama we cannot actually criticize him, and they think I am a racist.
Daily Kos has apparently been having problems with some of their posters. It seems the progressives of the world need guidelines on how to criticize Obama without letting their inherent racism shine through. Not that this will surprise anyone here, except for the idiots who think they are not racist.I pulled the 4 rules that they came up with, and will comment on them after the link.

1. Using racially derogatory terms in reference to President Obama is racist.
2. Criticizing President Obama in terms that reference his race is probably going to be seen as racist.
3. Negative references to President Obama that involve the color black might be perceived as racist even if they have nothing to do with his race.
4. All negative comments about President Obama's personal qualities are highly suspect.

Daily Kos: How to Criticize Obama Without Being a Racist

  1. That is actually so obvious even Tank gets it. The interesting thing is that Kos felt a need to actually say it.
  2. Obvious to anyone with a brain, yet it still needs to be spelled out to the regulars at Kos. Interesting.
  3. This is where I start to have a problem. Why is saying that Bush cast a black cloud over the country fine, but saying the same thing about Obama a racist remark? On top of that, why is the fact that certain posters here constantly mention his race not racist simply because they are, supposedly, supporting him?
  4. Then we hit the wall, we can criticize him, but we cannot talk about him personally. No matter what we say, someone is going to take it as a racist remark if we make it about him. All I can say is, what the fuck?
If we fall the progressive guide to criticizing Obama we cannot actually criticize him, and they think I am a racist.

Exactly, By expecting everyone to treat him with Kid gloves, Not criticize his Character for Example, They are being Racists themselves. They just don't get it.
Ain't just for Obama, you can't "criticize" any black folks without being racist.
Saying these things about the President is also racist...
“They’re going to try to make you afraid. They’re going to try to make you afraid of me. ‘He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?’"
"He doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."
I hate to say it but....

There is not way to criticize obama without it being considered racist. I sure as hell have not found a way to say anything about him without it coming down to being called a racist.
I hate to say it but....

There is not way to criticize obama without it being considered racist. I sure as hell have not found a way to say anything about him without it coming down to being called a racist.

Just start out by saying "I have lots of black friends, but...."

Works all the time for me :eusa_whistle:
OH, so now you believe something from a leftist website... That's interesting...

Um, I really have never thought one needs to 'believe' guidelines that are trying to be set by a left wing website to assure that one does not offend the president or others who read that site, do you? :confused:
Let's cut to the chase: It's TeaTard racists who caused Daily Kos to set some racially civil guidelines.

Hearing ******, ******, ****** gets old.

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