Cut Spending With An Axe Not A Scalpel

Which Cuts Do You Support - Annual Savings

  • ~$50b, Cut All Foreign Aid Until the Budget is Balanced (no borrowing!!)

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • ~$26b, Cut UN payments in half to 1/3 (no borrowing!! Besides they waste it!)

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • ~$200b, End Federal Subsidies (see link in OP)

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • ~$100b, close Corporate tax loop holes

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • ~$20b, close loop-holes for the wealthy

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • ~$20b, close off-shore tax shelters

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • ~$100b, Bring troops home NOW (cut Defense)

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • ~$100b, Make Social Security Solvent Long-Term

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • ~$200b, Make Medicare/Medicaid Solvent Long-Term

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • ~$200b, cut the size of government (eliminate duplication)

    Votes: 9 90.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
If we need to cut at least $1.5Trillion lets get serious and put up real areas where to cut. Please post your ideas where to save serious money.


Close tax loop-holes for the wealthy

Go after off-shore tax shelters

Bring US troops home now, and let the EU fend for itself

Fix Social Security

Fix Medicare
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I would start with the GAO Report and cut the nearly 350 Billion a year in redundant, repetitive, Wasted spending on our budget they found.
I would say cut everything.Everyone gets hit.All across the board until we get things in order.We cant spend as if we have a trillion dollars coming in to spend.
I also think if we address the problems with the Economy. Like Regulations that are stifling growth, and uncertainty about future Policy. We would see GROWTH, Which would mean more revenue with out more Taxes, and less Deficit to cut.
Close 1/2 of offshore military bases.

make laws with teeth in them for govt fraud in the military and Medicare, etc.

make the minimum fine 200% of the amount defrauded the govt.
Make it more than just a cost of doing business.
Close all military bases outside of US except those in Korea. none in Japan, Germany and Iraq...
Course, you will have a lot of unemployed service men and women....
The Washington clowns can come up with nearly a trillion bucks for stimulus spending virtually overnight, but can only accomplish a trillion in spending cuts over a decade or more. We're friggin' doomed.
Some thoughts on spending and revenue:

Cutting jobs exacerbates an already dim prospect for recovery; those who advocate cutting spending with a chain saw are fools;

Border security can best be enforced by troops now stationed around the world securing our borders. Our military can protect our nation from the influx of terrorists and drug dealers. Obama's response to the Lybian crisis shows our allies will step up and relieve us of policing the world;

Drug abuse and addiction will never go away. Making possession, sales, transportation, etc of drugs a criminal offense is absurd - it is too expensive to enforce such laws, prosecute the perps and pay for their food, health care and lodging in a prison. We need to go in a new direction, the war on drugs is a failure;

Putting Americans back to work should be a priority. The deficit crisis can't be brought under control in one election cycle, and creating more unemployed is insane.

Repatriating dollars horded by business and industry off shore should be a priority; declaring a tax holiday for money returned and invested in our nation makes sense and should be addressed by the Congress immediately;

The tax code need to remain progressive, too much wealth in the hands of too few is a recipe for disaster. That said, tax laws need to be rewritten so that revenue is generated to provide for the greatest good for the greatest number of our citizens. When our citizens have change in their pockets business will thrive; when they do not business fails.

We need to protect our environment, clean air, clean water and a safe food supply should be a priority.

The infrastructure of our nation is old and in need of repair and replacement. Investing in America should be a priority, will create jobs and benefit commerce.

Citizens United v. FEC is both wrong headed law and a greater threat to our Republic than any nation on earth or OBL wannabee.

Some of the money saved by a rational approach to defense spending would be better spend by the State Department.
If we need to cut at least $1.5Trillion lets get serious and put up real areas where to cut. Please post your ideas where to save serious money.


Close tax loop-holes for the wealthy
Tax loopholes seen costing billions annually | Reuters

Go after off-shore tax shelters
President Obama takes aim at tax loopholes, offshore tax shelters - New York Daily News

Bring US troops home now, and let the EU fend for itself
PressTV - War savings dividend for US 'Nation-Building' years away

Fix Social Security
12 Ways to Fix Social Security - Planning to Retire (

Fix Medicare

cut govt is winning :D
If we need to cut at least $1.5Trillion lets get serious and put up real areas where to cut. Please post your ideas where to save serious money.


Close tax loop-holes for the wealthy
Tax loopholes seen costing billions annually | Reuters

Go after off-shore tax shelters
President Obama takes aim at tax loopholes, offshore tax shelters - New York Daily News

Bring US troops home now, and let the EU fend for itself
PressTV - War savings dividend for US 'Nation-Building' years away

Fix Social Security
12 Ways to Fix Social Security - Planning to Retire (

Fix Medicare
Why can’t we fix Medicare — once and for all? - The Washington Post

cut govt is winning :D

Oh goody, emotion 10, reason 1

[No one has every suggested the USMB is the place to be for critical thinkers]
If we need to cut at least $1.5Trillion lets get serious and put up real areas where to cut. Please post your ideas where to save serious money.


Close tax loop-holes for the wealthy
Tax loopholes seen costing billions annually | Reuters

Go after off-shore tax shelters
President Obama takes aim at tax loopholes, offshore tax shelters - New York Daily News

Bring US troops home now, and let the EU fend for itself
PressTV - War savings dividend for US 'Nation-Building' years away

Fix Social Security
12 Ways to Fix Social Security - Planning to Retire (

Fix Medicare
Why can’t we fix Medicare — once and for all? - The Washington Post

cut govt is winning :D

Oh goody, emotion 10, reason 1

[No one has every suggested the USMB is the place to be for critical thinkers]

To observe doesn't need any critical thinking ;)

Here is some critical thinking for you: You are the lamest and shittiest troll I've encountered in weeks.

I hope you give me back the neg rep i just gave you instead of being a pansy :)
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Close all military bases outside of US except those in Korea. none in Japan, Germany and Iraq...
Course, you will have a lot of unemployed service men and women....

I always find it funny when people glibly say 'shut the bases'. Clearly, these people have not thought through the full consequences of that kind of action. Some of us - who have bothered to actually research it - are not quite so quick to make such rash closures.

I'm all for cutting waste in defense - but the major saving on defense would be to control private sector costs for new equipment. Clearly, we need to ensure our troops have the absolute best kit... but defense contractors steal our money with their outrageous wastage and inability to control their costs.
Close all military bases outside of US except those in Korea. none in Japan, Germany and Iraq...
Course, you will have a lot of unemployed service men and women....

I always find it funny when people glibly say 'shut the bases'. Clearly, these people have not thought through the full consequences of that kind of action. Some of us - who have bothered to actually research it - are not quite so quick to make such rash closures.
Sure we do...It would mean that Japan, South Korea, England, Germany and the rest of Europe would have to defend their dirt on their own dime, rather than having the American taxpayer foot the bill.
Cutting spending with an axe instead of a scalpel implies wholesale disregard for what impact those cuts might have. Sounds like a great way to cut your foot off.
We definitely need to re-examine how wrong-headed some of our massive expansion of the federal government agencies in the last 50 years. Where the old Department of Health, Education and Welfare used to be we expanded it to 3 separate cabinet level departments each with their own massive yearly increase (7.5% just to stay at 0% increase). We need to collapse much of what we have expanded. Re-think whether we actually need a whole department doing the task they are doing. Maybe the SBA could be collapsed in the Department of Commerce? The administrative overhead of having separation is unfathomable.

Of course, nothing can be done without addressing the entitlement programs. These need to start having their qualification for payment dates pushed back at a rate of 3 months per year until the retirement age equals the average life expectancy. Then, it should be pegged at that number.
Is $200 billion the best max cut you can come up with?

Republican chicken shit!

I end up with $1-trillion w/o even trying. That was a 5-minute post.

Put a link up with a provable annual budget cost savings if you think you can do better than $200b/yr.

I see the weenies on MSNBC are moaning about the Senate vote tomorrow cutting food aid to starving Somalis.

I hope all the "Blackhawk Down" coxuckers starve.
Close all military bases outside of US except those in Korea. none in Japan, Germany and Iraq...
Course, you will have a lot of unemployed service men and women....

I always find it funny when people glibly say 'shut the bases'. Clearly, these people have not thought through the full consequences of that kind of action. Some of us - who have bothered to actually research it - are not quite so quick to make such rash closures.

I'm all for cutting waste in defense - but the major saving on defense would be to control private sector costs for new equipment. Clearly, we need to ensure our troops have the absolute best kit... but defense contractors steal our money with their outrageous wastage and inability to control their costs.

I agree w/most of your post. Its just the first part...
Here is a list of bases. I defy you to tell me we need this many when we are borrowing 43-cents of every dollar. Wouldn't it be better having more of these guys spending here in the US? (Hint: I have military family members to back-up this opinion, not being glib)
Its all about cutting costs and cost-effectiveness, while keeping the troops properly equipped.
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