Cruel: Jussie Smollett Will Be Forced To Share A Jail Cell With His Attacker


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Cruel: Jussie Smollett Will Be Forced To Share A Jail Cell With His Attacker
CHICAGO, IL—People are protesting in the streets today after human rights groups revealed Jussie Smollett will be forced to share a jail cell with his racist attackers.
"This is an outrage!" said Reverend Jesse Jackson. "Not only was Mr. Smollett attacked by hateful racist bigots who want to tear our country apart, but now he has to share a jail cell with them? This is cruel and unusual punishment. This is the kind of thing that happens in our white supremacist country. Send me money!"
Criminal justice watchdogs also revealed that in addition to sharing a cell with his attackers, he will have to share his toothbrush, his bunk bed, and clothes. They expressed worry that this may lead to Jussie Smollet suffering further racist and homophobic attacks from other attackers named Jussie Smollett while in prison.
When asked for comment, Jussie Smollett angrily yelled "This is MAGA country!" before punching himself in the face.

Just imagine Jusse and the two Osundairo brothers he threw under the bus in the same cell. Jusse will never be able to walk straight again. There won't be any need for Bath House rendezvous from here on out.
Cruel: Jussie Smollett Will Be Forced To Share A Jail Cell With His Attacker
CHICAGO, IL—People are protesting in the streets today after human rights groups revealed Jussie Smollett will be forced to share a jail cell with his racist attackers.
"This is an outrage!" said Reverend Jesse Jackson. "Not only was Mr. Smollett attacked by hateful racist bigots who want to tear our country apart, but now he has to share a jail cell with them? This is cruel and unusual punishment. This is the kind of thing that happens in our white supremacist country. Send me money!"
Criminal justice watchdogs also revealed that in addition to sharing a cell with his attackers, he will have to share his toothbrush, his bunk bed, and clothes. They expressed worry that this may lead to Jussie Smollet suffering further racist and homophobic attacks from other attackers named Jussie Smollett while in prison.
When asked for comment, Jussie Smollett angrily yelled "This is MAGA country!" before punching himself in the face.

Just imagine Jusse and the two Osundairo brothers he threw under the bus in the same cell. Jusse will never be able to walk straight again. There won't be any need for Bath House rendezvous from here on out.
So, it will be:

BrokeBlack Mountain: Backing into love?

The horror!
Dude is no better than Manson, who tried to do the same bullshit in starting a race war.
I hope he gets time in jail and gets Bogs as his cellmate.

Doc7505 We'll see if Juicy gets any jail time at all. But if he does, he is certain to be very.... uh.... popular. :abgg2q.jpg:
We will have to leave it up to the judge. But I think this judge will give Juicy something in between. Perhaps 7 years might fit the bill.
If Smollett wasn't such a cheapskate that he hired sub-Saharan African immigrants and refused to buy them some white makeup, his plan may have worked.

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