Critical Race Theory Leads To Incest & Kids Murdering Their Parents


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"A Newsmax commentator raised eyebrows with his suggestion that so-called "critical race theory" would prompt boys to act "Oedipal" fantasies. Republican strategist Dick Morris, who also advised President Bill Clinton before he resigned over a prostitution scandal, told Newsmax that anti-racism lessons in schools may "reinforce the Oedipal notion all kids have of wanting to kill their father and marry their mother.

Dick Morris: "What does this do to a kid, , racially? What does that do to a Black boy whose mother is Black and his father is white? What does he think? ‘My father exploited my mother and that’s how he got successful?’ Does this reinforce the Oedipal notion that all kids have wanting to kill their father and marry their mother?”

I haven't seen this much freaking out over a educational cirriculum since conservatives were freaking out over Common Core -- where conservatives also claimed that Common Core was going to end America as we know it...but Dicky Morris has once again showed us why today's Republican party is beyond parody.....Dicky and his ilk know they can LITERALLY say the most hyperbolic insane delusional shit and know their audience won't question it -- as long as what they say provides them with their fear-based dopamine fix.

So the toe-sucking expert Dicky Morris wants us to believe this made-up critical race theory will cause sons to murder their fathers and have sex with their mothers?? Another insane piece of fear-mongering claims CRT will lead to world war III where hundreds of thousands will be killed by firebombings much like what happened in Dresden and Iwo Jima -- but what they never tell you -- but always remember that the how never matters; just the panic and fear is important...


Critical Race Theory Leads To Incest & Kids Murdering Their Parents​

Yea, how..

CRT has been around for 40 me how it has lead to incest and kids murdering their parents to marry their moms...

I'll wait

Critical Race Theory Leads To Incest & Kids Murdering Their Parents​

Yea, how..

CRT has been around for 40 me how it has lead to incest and kids murdering their parents to marry their moms...

I'll wait
You said it. I was just agreeing. Why you asking me? :dunno:
So you agree with anything someone says like a dumb ass?

With you I do. You are always correct.

"A Newsmax commentator raised eyebrows with his suggestion that so-called "critical race theory" would prompt boys to act "Oedipal" fantasies. Republican strategist Dick Morris, who also advised President Bill Clinton before he resigned over a prostitution scandal, told Newsmax that anti-racism lessons in schools may "reinforce the Oedipal notion all kids have of wanting to kill their father and marry their mother.

Dick Morris: "What does this do to a kid, , racially? What does that do to a Black boy whose mother is Black and his father is white? What does he think? ‘My father exploited my mother and that’s how he got successful?’ Does this reinforce the Oedipal notion that all kids have wanting to kill their father and marry their mother?”

I haven't seen this much freaking out over a educational cirriculum since conservatives were freaking out over Common Core -- where conservatives also claimed that Common Core was going to end America as we know it...but Dicky Morris has once again showed us why today's Republican party is beyond parody.....Dicky and his ilk know they can LITERALLY say the most hyperbolic insane delusional shit and know their audience won't question it -- as long as what they say provides them with their fear-based dopamine fix.

So the toe-sucking expert Dicky Morris wants us to believe this made-up critical race theory will cause sons to murder their fathers and have sex with their mothers?? Another insane piece of fear-mongering claims CRT will lead to world war III where hundreds of thousands will be killed by firebombings much like what happened in Dresden and Iwo Jima -- but what they never tell you -- but always remember that the how never matters; just the panic and fear is important...

And yet despite the highest per student spending, the USA Progressive controlled educational system continues to underperform the rest of the world. Great job Stalinites!
Q. Biffy has 2 apples, he gives his friend Barack 1 apple, how many apples does Biffy now have?

A. 1 billion! Systemic racism kept Biffy from buying an apple farm!

Critical Race Theory Leads To Incest & Kids Murdering Their Parents​

Mission accomplished then

Those that get passed the goalie, that is, those escaping the garbage bins of Planned Parenthood must kill themselves off according to DNC policies.

Critical Race Theory Leads To Incest & Kids Murdering Their Parents​

Mission accomplished then

Those that get passed the goalie, that is, those escaping the garbage bins of Planned Parenthood must kill themselves off according to DNC policies.
In other will just follow up dumb shit with more dumb shit because facts aren't on your side
The entire point of CRT is to make white children so hysterical with loathing that the kill their parents.

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