Criminal Illegal Alien Who Avoided Deportation In A Church Has Now Allegedly Killed Father Of Five


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Like letting felons out of prison early, the Left have only one goal - get Americans murdered so they can grab our guns.

An illegal alien with a criminal history was ordered deported from Colorado by an immigration judge last December. In January, he sought refuge in a church and played the sympathy card in the media as if he had an entitlement not to be deported and “separated” from his family. He wasn’t deported. Now, in the ultimate avoidable death, this illegal alien with a long arrest record allegedly killed Sean Buchanan last Friday in a reckless driving crash. Mr. Buchanan is now separated from his wife and five children, permanently, in the grave.

Miguel Ramirez Valiente had the prototypical rap sheet of a criminal alien and a habitual drunk driver, yet he was never deported and was allowed to cycle in and out of the criminal justice system as if he were an American for years. He is a Salvadoran national who has been here illegally for 14 years. Valiente was arrested for reckless endangerment in 2011 and domestic violence in 2016. In 2018, he pleaded guilty to DUI and had his license revoked, according to records obtained by Denver’s Channel 7 news.

According to that local ABC affiliate, “One day before the deadly crash, his probation for that DUI was extended because he had not completed alcohol therapy and community service.” One person who knew him described Valiente as “an alcoholic and an abuser.”

Criminal illegal alien who avoided deportation in a CHURCH has now allegedly killed father of five
The left has buckets of American blood on their hands. They obviously don’t give a flying fuck about about dead Americans and their families but will wail endlessly about illegal immigrants and theirs. For political reasons.
Anybody who has lived in an area with lots of illegals knows their culture doesn't take drunk driving laws seriously.
My local paper had a list of weekly arrests and the number of Hispanic DUIs were always more lengthy than anyone
else's. One more victim of the left's policy of tolerating illegals and their "foibles". One more senseless death.
Another reason to boot the 20 million illegals who are here right the hell out.

I wonder how many American's have to die before our Govt. grows a set of balls??

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