Creepy Canada won't release name of company that had 61 covid-19 cases. Why not?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
A company had 61 cases and the government won't release the company name. There have been rumours online, some of them related to a particularly large importer of products from China. Huh, I wonder why the creepy silence? This is causing potentially more risk to everyone.

Even during a pandemic Canada treats it's citizens like subjects, not citizens with rights and obligations to one another.

The public knew about a COVID-19 outbreak at Maple Lodge Farms. So how is it that a Mississauga business, where 61 employees have been infected, has not been identified?

The public knew about a COVID-19 outbreak at Maple Lodge Farms. So how is it that a Mississauga business, where 61 employees have been infected, has not been identified?

In May, 25 employees at the Maple Lodge Farms poultry processing plant in Brampton acquired COVID-19, leading to a death and high-profile public awareness.

In the past few days, much more muted news broke of an even larger outbreak in Peel Region in which 61 employees of a Mississauga business acquired COVID-19.

The name and location — and all other details — about the business at the centre of the outbreak remain a well-kept secret.

“I think we owe the public complete transparency,” said Patrick Brown, mayor of Brampton, where the majority of the 61 cases are based. “I struggle with the explanation that we should have different thresholds on what we disclose.”

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