Creepy Andrew Weissmann Slips Up and Inadvertently Shares that the Feds are Spying on Whoever They Want and Sharing Results within the DOJ


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Creepy Andrew Weissmann Slips Up and Inadvertently Shares that the Feds are Spying on Whoever They Want and Sharing Results within the DOJ​

9 Jul 021 ~~ By Joe Hoft

Crooked Andrew Weissmann was on far-left MSNBC to discuss the NSA’s spying of Tucker Carlson.

Weissmann oversaw and ran the sham Mueller investigation that harassed President Trump for his entire term. It’s likely he’s involved in the recent BS indictments of the Trump Organization and its CFO.
Weissmann participated in numerous illegal actions while attempting to put a crime together on President Trump. Weissmann was in on the Trump – Russia BS sham in mid-2016. He obviously knew it was made up from the start. He knew this the entire time he attacked the President using the taxpayers’ money and he didn’t give a damn what the people in American thought about the sham. He was after Trump.
The sham was created by Hillary in response to the emails that her campaign knew were coming out in 2016. Hillary had been involved in the sale of 25% of the US’s uranium to Russia. In return, the Clinton Foundation received millions.
During their corrupt investigation text messages between two crooks on the Mueller gang, Strzok and Page, were found which showed the Mueller gang’s hatred of President Trump. In response to this, Weissmann and his colleagues wiped clean over 31 phones and claimed this was a mistake in all cases at the same time. This was a criminal act by all who participated but nothing was done. What were they hiding?

Sundance at the Conservative Treehouse, reported yesterday on a recent Weissman interview at MSNBC. Sundance notes that the NSA has no oversight. Something that was created by the Obama regime. Along with this, the data collected by the NSA, which many people claim was collected illegally on Americans, is supposedly segregated from the rest of the DOJ. However, Weissmann slips up and shares that in essence, this data, is shared with the rest of the DOJ:
As the current story is told a whistleblower in the intelligence community told Tucker Carlson his communication was intercepted by the NSA. By the NSA originating standard, the same standard they claim to uphold publicly, the NSA has a foreign intelligence mission; and their data collection is supposed to be in a silo related to foreign intelligence gathering. If an American is picked up ‘incidentally‘ by the NSA collection, that information is supposed to remain inside that silo.​
However, as you watch this MSNBC segment, notice how casually Andrew Weissmann says that Tucker Carlson should have gone to the DOJ (Main Justice) with any concerns about his communication being intercepted by the NSA. Listen carefully to how Weissmann frames what Carlson “should have done” (prompted):​

Eric Snowden told us this already and it was just confirmed !
The Patriot Act must condemned and removed or found Unconstitutional and expunged from our laws and the FBI disbanded and the traitors punished !
Weismann is just another Deep State Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Bolshevik helping pave the way for the Communism. After preaching peace to justify the West laying down its arms to the globalist NWO,
American communists cloaked as Democrat politicians are a composite of communists proper and useful idiots who are not familiar with the founding writings of communism by Moses Hess.
Unfortunately, George Orwell warned us.........We failed to take heed.
Orwell had a sharp eye, he saw historical trends that remained imperceptible to most people. Both "1984", "Animal Farm" and Alinsky "Rules For Radicals" are based on the real life events of the Bolshevik Revolution and Red terror.
Weismann and Mueller both should have been disbarred and imprisoned for what they did to Senator Stevens, Enron, and Steven Hatfill. No surprise this crooked SOB is pulling this kind of stunt.

Creepy Andrew Weissmann Slips Up and Inadvertently Shares that the Feds are Spying on Whoever They Want and Sharing Results within the DOJ​

9 Jul 021 ~~ By Joe Hoft

Crooked Andrew Weissmann was on far-left MSNBC to discuss the NSA’s spying of Tucker Carlson.

Weissmann oversaw and ran the sham Mueller investigation that harassed President Trump for his entire term. It’s likely he’s involved in the recent BS indictments of the Trump Organization and its CFO.
Weissmann participated in numerous illegal actions while attempting to put a crime together on President Trump. Weissmann was in on the Trump – Russia BS sham in mid-2016. He obviously knew it was made up from the start. He knew this the entire time he attacked the President using the taxpayers’ money and he didn’t give a damn what the people in American thought about the sham. He was after Trump.
The sham was created by Hillary in response to the emails that her campaign knew were coming out in 2016. Hillary had been involved in the sale of 25% of the US’s uranium to Russia. In return, the Clinton Foundation received millions.
During their corrupt investigation text messages between two crooks on the Mueller gang, Strzok and Page, were found which showed the Mueller gang’s hatred of President Trump. In response to this, Weissmann and his colleagues wiped clean over 31 phones and claimed this was a mistake in all cases at the same time. This was a criminal act by all who participated but nothing was done. What were they hiding?

Sundance at the Conservative Treehouse, reported yesterday on a recent Weissman interview at MSNBC. Sundance notes that the NSA has no oversight. Something that was created by the Obama regime. Along with this, the data collected by the NSA, which many people claim was collected illegally on Americans, is supposedly segregated from the rest of the DOJ. However, Weissmann slips up and shares that in essence, this data, is shared with the rest of the DOJ:
As the current story is told a whistleblower in the intelligence community told Tucker Carlson his communication was intercepted by the NSA. By the NSA originating standard, the same standard they claim to uphold publicly, the NSA has a foreign intelligence mission; and their data collection is supposed to be in a silo related to foreign intelligence gathering. If an American is picked up ‘incidentally‘ by the NSA collection, that information is supposed to remain inside that silo.​
However, as you watch this MSNBC segment, notice how casually Andrew Weissmann says that Tucker Carlson should have gone to the DOJ (Main Justice) with any concerns about his communication being intercepted by the NSA. Listen carefully to how Weissmann frames what Carlson “should have done” (prompted):​


Eric Snowden told us this already and it was just confirmed !
The Patriot Act must condemned and removed or found Unconstitutional and expunged from our laws and the FBI disbanded and the traitors punished !
Weismann is just another Deep State Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Bolshevik helping pave the way for the Communism. After preaching peace to justify the West laying down its arms to the globalist NWO,
American communists cloaked as Democrat politicians are a composite of communists proper and useful idiots who are not familiar with the founding writings of communism by Moses Hess.
Unfortunately, George Orwell warned us.........We failed to take heed.
Orwell had a sharp eye, he saw historical trends that remained imperceptible to most people. Both "1984", "Animal Farm" and Alinsky "Rules For Radicals" are based on the real life events of the Bolshevik Revolution and Red terror.

I guess tucker didn't know this has been going on since the 20's as well as you.

Good read:

The problem is the Deep State has the goods on all the congressmen and senators. That keeps everybody nicely in line.

Creepy Andrew Weissmann Slips Up and Inadvertently Shares that the Feds are Spying on Whoever They Want and Sharing Results within the DOJ​

9 Jul 021 ~~ By Joe Hoft

Crooked Andrew Weissmann was on far-left MSNBC to discuss the NSA’s spying of Tucker Carlson.

Weissmann oversaw and ran the sham Mueller investigation that harassed President Trump for his entire term. It’s likely he’s involved in the recent BS indictments of the Trump Organization and its CFO.
Weissmann participated in numerous illegal actions while attempting to put a crime together on President Trump. Weissmann was in on the Trump – Russia BS sham in mid-2016. He obviously knew it was made up from the start. He knew this the entire time he attacked the President using the taxpayers’ money and he didn’t give a damn what the people in American thought about the sham. He was after Trump.
The sham was created by Hillary in response to the emails that her campaign knew were coming out in 2016. Hillary had been involved in the sale of 25% of the US’s uranium to Russia. In return, the Clinton Foundation received millions.
During their corrupt investigation text messages between two crooks on the Mueller gang, Strzok and Page, were found which showed the Mueller gang’s hatred of President Trump. In response to this, Weissmann and his colleagues wiped clean over 31 phones and claimed this was a mistake in all cases at the same time. This was a criminal act by all who participated but nothing was done. What were they hiding?

Sundance at the Conservative Treehouse, reported yesterday on a recent Weissman interview at MSNBC. Sundance notes that the NSA has no oversight. Something that was created by the Obama regime. Along with this, the data collected by the NSA, which many people claim was collected illegally on Americans, is supposedly segregated from the rest of the DOJ. However, Weissmann slips up and shares that in essence, this data, is shared with the rest of the DOJ:
As the current story is told a whistleblower in the intelligence community told Tucker Carlson his communication was intercepted by the NSA. By the NSA originating standard, the same standard they claim to uphold publicly, the NSA has a foreign intelligence mission; and their data collection is supposed to be in a silo related to foreign intelligence gathering. If an American is picked up ‘incidentally‘ by the NSA collection, that information is supposed to remain inside that silo.​
However, as you watch this MSNBC segment, notice how casually Andrew Weissmann says that Tucker Carlson should have gone to the DOJ (Main Justice) with any concerns about his communication being intercepted by the NSA. Listen carefully to how Weissmann frames what Carlson “should have done” (prompted):​


Eric Snowden told us this already and it was just confirmed !
The Patriot Act must condemned and removed or found Unconstitutional and expunged from our laws and the FBI disbanded and the traitors punished !
Weismann is just another Deep State Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Bolshevik helping pave the way for the Communism. After preaching peace to justify the West laying down its arms to the globalist NWO,
American communists cloaked as Democrat politicians are a composite of communists proper and useful idiots who are not familiar with the founding writings of communism by Moses Hess.
Unfortunately, George Orwell warned us.........We failed to take heed.
Orwell had a sharp eye, he saw historical trends that remained imperceptible to most people. Both "1984", "Animal Farm" and Alinsky "Rules For Radicals" are based on the real life events of the Bolshevik Revolution and Red terror.

I guess tucker didn't know this has been going on since the 20's as well as you.

Good read:

When it comes to surveillance of citizenry, J. Edgar was a piker... Obama set the new standard for spying on Americans.

Anyone who thinks this shit hasn't been going on for years has their head lodged up their ass. Of course, the Republicans helped make all of this possible so they are in no position to complain.
Using our own government agencies as political weapons is banana republic stuff.
The epic irony of the idiot Democrats is that they keep accusing Trump of undermining our democracy*.
But it is the Democrat who are destroying our democracy* with their illegal abuses of power.

These people are totally unhinged brainwashed crackpot fanatics.

Creepy Andrew Weissmann Slips Up and Inadvertently Shares that the Feds are Spying on Whoever They Want and Sharing Results within the DOJ​

9 Jul 021 ~~ By Joe Hoft

Crooked Andrew Weissmann was on far-left MSNBC to discuss the NSA’s spying of Tucker Carlson.

Weissmann oversaw and ran the sham Mueller investigation that harassed President Trump for his entire term. It’s likely he’s involved in the recent BS indictments of the Trump Organization and its CFO.
Weissmann participated in numerous illegal actions while attempting to put a crime together on President Trump. Weissmann was in on the Trump – Russia BS sham in mid-2016. He obviously knew it was made up from the start. He knew this the entire time he attacked the President using the taxpayers’ money and he didn’t give a damn what the people in American thought about the sham. He was after Trump.
The sham was created by Hillary in response to the emails that her campaign knew were coming out in 2016. Hillary had been involved in the sale of 25% of the US’s uranium to Russia. In return, the Clinton Foundation received millions.
During their corrupt investigation text messages between two crooks on the Mueller gang, Strzok and Page, were found which showed the Mueller gang’s hatred of President Trump. In response to this, Weissmann and his colleagues wiped clean over 31 phones and claimed this was a mistake in all cases at the same time. This was a criminal act by all who participated but nothing was done. What were they hiding?

Sundance at the Conservative Treehouse, reported yesterday on a recent Weissman interview at MSNBC. Sundance notes that the NSA has no oversight. Something that was created by the Obama regime. Along with this, the data collected by the NSA, which many people claim was collected illegally on Americans, is supposedly segregated from the rest of the DOJ. However, Weissmann slips up and shares that in essence, this data, is shared with the rest of the DOJ:
As the current story is told a whistleblower in the intelligence community told Tucker Carlson his communication was intercepted by the NSA. By the NSA originating standard, the same standard they claim to uphold publicly, the NSA has a foreign intelligence mission; and their data collection is supposed to be in a silo related to foreign intelligence gathering. If an American is picked up ‘incidentally‘ by the NSA collection, that information is supposed to remain inside that silo.​
However, as you watch this MSNBC segment, notice how casually Andrew Weissmann says that Tucker Carlson should have gone to the DOJ (Main Justice) with any concerns about his communication being intercepted by the NSA. Listen carefully to how Weissmann frames what Carlson “should have done” (prompted):​


Eric Snowden told us this already and it was just confirmed !
The Patriot Act must condemned and removed or found Unconstitutional and expunged from our laws and the FBI disbanded and the traitors punished !
Weismann is just another Deep State Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Bolshevik helping pave the way for the Communism. After preaching peace to justify the West laying down its arms to the globalist NWO,
American communists cloaked as Democrat politicians are a composite of communists proper and useful idiots who are not familiar with the founding writings of communism by Moses Hess.
Unfortunately, George Orwell warned us.........We failed to take heed.
Orwell had a sharp eye, he saw historical trends that remained imperceptible to most people. Both "1984", "Animal Farm" and Alinsky "Rules For Radicals" are based on the real life events of the Bolshevik Revolution and Red terror.

I guess tucker didn't know this has been going on since the 20's as well as you.

Good read:

When it comes to surveillance of citizenry, J. Edgar was a piker... Obama set the new standard for spying on Americans.


I guess my post went right over your head. It was to mean it all started back then I never said it did not accelerate over they years with different Presidents. You, have a problem with not understanding it was both sides, yes pubs and dems who accelerated spying on you and I.

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