CPAC News: Trump to announce he's won the 2024 election!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Speaking of Spineless McTurtle and his promise to support the insurrectionist Capitol Sacking wannabe dictator, I saw a couple of funny comments this morning.

1. The GOP civil war is officially over. It lasted about as long as one Scaramucci (10 days ;-)
2. CPAC should have met at Area 51 in Roswell because of the number of conspiracy theories we're about to hear. It's like the Armitage Family from Get Out meets the Addam's Family, and they all show up at a Daughters of the Confederacy reunion!


ORLANDO (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump will use his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference this weekend to announce that he has won the 2024 Presidential election.​
According to leaked text from his cpac speech, Trump will claim that he won the 2024 election in a landslide and “everybody knows it.”​
Trump will further state that any attempt to allege that the year 2024 has not arrived yet and is, in fact, not scheduled to occur until three years from now is “a rigged hoax.”​
“This should never be allowed to happen in our country,” he will assert.​
Asked whether he would support Trump’s contention that the year 2024 is not three years away, Mitch McConnell, the Senate Minority Leader, said, “If he said that? Of course!”​


Oh this is great. Lefties all across the country are terrified of future President Trump.
Yup. Shaking in my boots of the guy. Please nominate him again.

And just so you know, things in Texas could even turn fully blue in 2024 with 4 more years of voting trends going the way they are. Kids will be turning 18 and wanting to go vote. Minorities continue to gain % of the population in our state.
Oh this is great. Lefties all across the country are terrified of future President Trump.
Yup. Shaking in my boots of the guy. Please nominate him again.

And just so you know, things in Texas could even turn fully blue in 2024 with 4 more years of voting trends going the way they are. Kids will be turning 18 and wanting to go vote. Minorities continue to gain % of the population in our state.
Rock The Vote has never had an impact.
CNN used their App to in 2016 to Rock The Vote and it failed.
Oh this is great. Lefties all across the country are terrified of future President Trump.
Yup. Shaking in my boots of the guy. Please nominate him again.

And just so you know, things in Texas could even turn fully blue in 2024 with 4 more years of voting trends going the way they are. Kids will be turning 18 and wanting to go vote. Minorities continue to gain % of the population in our state.
Yea the ten+ years I lived in Texas that’s all I heard, Texas was turning blue. Still hasn’t happened.

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