COVID19 is a PROG's pipedream

Could the Dems have conspired with China and bio-engineered this virus? They all hate Trump, it's very clearly the motive.
Yea blacks are dying more from coronavirus.
Biggest infections are in "liberal cities".
Yea, democrats totally did this to kill blacks and city centers.
Rural conservatives unaffected; yea democrats did it.

the democrats also kill more blacks and hispanics than whites with abortion. and their last standing candidate is an old senile white guy who has been a do-nothing in DC for over 40 years.

democrats are hypocrites, anyone who supports them is brain dead are actually suggesting that Democrats have a pro-choice kill blacks and hispanics?

Second question - are you on heavy drugs son?

a couple of facts for you on dems and abortion

1. Margaret Sanger, founder of planned parenthood, referred to blacks as "human weeds that must be exterminated"

2. the abortion statistics prove that far more black and hispanic babies are aborted than whites.

and finally, the dems have supported abortion (infanticide) up to and shortly after, the moment of birth.

So, no drugs here, sonny boy. but clearly you are suffering from some form of mental illness

clever, but complete inaccurate. Abortion is intentional murder, murder for convenience

opening the economy gradually and sensibly will save millions of lives and allow american workers to keep their homes and feed their kids. No one is suggesting a flip the switch opening. It will be a gradual process where the states and cities that are not experiencing high infection rates will be opened first and then only some types of businesses at first. It will be done smartly and will not risk the lives of millions as your assholiness post claims.
There is a solution for that:
If congress wants to give $500 to pregnant women, thats up to them.

They don't DUH.

No birth, no person. Thats how it works for all official purposes.

really? then why is someone who kills a pregnant woman charged with two counts of murder?

Because no one cares if murderers get charged with more. But no state will ACTUALLY formalize a person without a birth certificate.

So up until the instant of birth there is no person in the womb?

I've said very specifically that when it comes actually officiating a person a birth certificate is required.

The rest is an opinionated gray area on what a is a person make.

I personally can't take seriously any claims to personhood without at least some actual higher brain function.

yea, you don't get a birth certificate until you leave your mother's body. But you cannot answer my questions regarding preemies or 10 seconds after birth "abortions". and your attempt to justify two counts of murder when a pregnant woman is killed falls short of making any sense.

But we will put you in the category of avowed baby killers, can you tell us why you abortionists disproportionately kill minority kids?

I can and I did.

If you would just stop your diarehea of the mouth and just listed to what I'm explaining to you then you'd have no problem understanding my answer.

Actual personhood is a gray area but I consider cerebral cortex function to be it's minimally defining feature.

It happens aorund the end of pregnancy and I support government restricting abortion-on-demand for late stage pregnancies.

"Preemies" you are probably talking about do not have the cerebral cortex function for me to consider persons and I certainly do not agree with the second murder charge....though again, no one is going to take up a political cause to defend murderers. I consider it a mislabeled aggravating circumstance to murder.
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cite won't open., but judging from the title the writer does not understand that wealth does not increase with the market falls then recovers, the gain from the low to the high is not a wealth increase, its merely returning what was lost. but we all understand that liberals lie and mislead because they know that they cannot win when the truth is known.
COVID19 is a PROG's pipedream

Let's see...

Does anyone remembers, or is familiar with 1970 oil crisis? Congress attempted to lower gasoline consumption by mandating a lowered speed limit for vehicles on all highways. That was the reason why they did it, however, when crisis ended those efforts to keep speed limit were quickly changed into national campaign to increase traffic safety through lowered speed limits. Even there was no oil crisis anymore, the national speed limit law remained, because "It's all about saving lives". They kept repeating daily how lower limit saved tens of thousands of lives.

Does anyone remembers Clinton's 1998 campaign against second hand smoking? They used cooked data to apply "smokers tax" on cigarettes to prevent people from buying them. When that didn't help, and when data was proven to be wrong, they expanded their smoking ban to restaurants, public buildings, etc. I am not saying smoking is good, I am saying their reasons for taxes are bullshit. When I asked former Governor Granholm about twice failed effort to use tax to lower cigarette use, her answer was, "but it helped our budget".

Why am I saying this? Well, their agenda is never what they say it is. They always wrap it into something else so it look more acceptable to people. It's much easier to trick people than to tell them the truth, because if people know the truth they will not accept government solutions for resolving the problem. That's why Barry lied about CommieCare. That's why they're lying us about COVID-19. They're using this fabricated crisis to get what they want. Just like with a speed limit saving lives campaign from 40 years ago, they are repeating how wearing masks, and social distancing, and staying at home "save lives".

Stay at home. Don't go outside. Vote by mail. Well, there it is. Real agenda.
Well it's been three months, how we doin' so far?

Who had "BLM protests", riots and dismantle history for June & July?

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